Algorithmic Decision-Making with Stakeholder Participation
Vijay Keswani
The development of trustworthy systems for applications of machine learning and
artificial intelligence faces a variety of challenges. These challenges range from the
investigation of methods to effectively detect algorithmic biases to methodological
and practical hurdles encountered when incorporating notions of representation,
equality, and domain expertise in automated decisions. Such questions make the
task of building reliable automated decision-making frameworks quite complex;
nevertheless, addressing them in a comprehensive manner is an important step
toward building automated tools whose impact is equitable. This dissertation fo-
cuses on tackling such practical issues faced during the implementation of auto-
mated decision-making frameworks. It contributes to the growing literature on
algorithmic fairness and human-computer interaction by suggesting methods to
develop frameworks that account for algorithmic biases and that encourage stake-
holder participation in a principled manner.
I start with the problem of representation bias audit, i.e., determining how well
a given data collection represents the underlying population demographics. For
data collection from real-world sources, individual-level demographics are often
unavailable, noisy, or restricted for automated usage. Employing user-specified
representative examples, this dissertation proposes a cost-effective algorithm to
approximate the representation disparity of any unlabeled data collection using
the given examples. By eliciting examples from the users, this method incorporates
the users’ notions of diversity and informs them of the extent to which the given
data collection under or over-represents socially-salient groups. User-defined rep-
resentative examples are further used to improve the diversity of automatically-
generated summaries for text and image data collections, ensuring that the gener-
ated summaries appropriately represent all relevant groups.
The latter part of the dissertation studies the paradigm of human-in-the-loop
deferral learning. In this setting, the decision-making framework is trained to ei-
ther make an accurate prediction or defer to a domain expert in cases where the
algorithm has low confidence in its inference. Our work proposes methods for
training a deferral framework when multiple domain experts are available to as-
sist with decision-making. Using appropriate statistical fairness mechanisms, the
framework ensures that the final decisions maintain performance parity across de-
mographic groups.
By focusing on stakeholder participation, in the forms of user feedback incorpo-
ration or domain expert participation, this dissertation advances methods to build
trustworthy decision-making systems which can be readily deployed in practice.
Algorithmic Decision-Making with Stakeholder Participation
A Dissertation
Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School
Yale University
in Candidacy for the Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
Vijay Keswani
Dissertation Director: L. Elisa Celis
May 2023
Copyright © 2023 by Vijay Keswani
All rights reserved.
Acknowledgements v
1 Introduction 1
2 Background 10
2.1 Study of Stereotypes, Biases, and Their Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2 Automated Decision-Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3 Social Biases in Automated Decision-Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.4 AlgorithmicFairness ............................ 18
3 Auditing for Diversity Using Representative Examples 23
3.1 RelatedWork ................................ 26
3.2 Notations................................... 28
3.3 ModelandAlgorithm ........................... 29
3.4 Empirical Evaluation Using Random Control Sets . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.5 AdaptiveControlSets ........................... 42
3.6 Empirical Evaluation using Adaptive Control Sets . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.7 Discussion, Limitations, and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4 Implicit Diversity in Image Summarization 53
4.1 RelatedWork ................................ 60
4.2 ModelandAlgorithms........................... 64
4.3 Datasets ................................... 71
4.4 Empirical Setup and Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.5 Discussion, Limitations and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5 Dialect Diversity in Text Summarization on Twitter 99
5.1 RelatedWork ................................102
5.2 Dialect Diversity of Standard Summarization Approaches . . . . . . 105
5.3 Model to Mitigate Dialect Bias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
5.4 Empirical Analysis of Our Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
5.5 Discussion, Limitations, and Future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
6 Towards Unbiased and Accurate Deferral to Multiple Experts 124
6.1 RelatedWork ................................127
6.2 ModelandAlgorithms...........................129
6.3 Synthetic Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
6.4 Simulations Using a Real-world Offensive Language Dataset . . . . . 155
6.5 Discussion, Limitations, and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
7 Conclusion 163
A Appendices 210
A.1 Appendix for Chapter 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
A.2 Appendix for Chapter 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
A.3 Appendix for Chapter 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
A.4 Appendix for Chapter 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
To Elisa Celis, who has been the best advisor I could have asked for. Your pas-
sion for the subject of data ethics and your engagement with this field beyond
computer and data sciences have been deeply inspiring. You taught me the im-
portance of clarity and curiosity in creating meaningful research and encouraged
me to explore topics beyond my comfort zone. Even when this led to me pursuing
unconventional projects, you still always supported me and worked with me to
refine my ideas. I am truly grateful for the faith you have shown in me.
To Nisheeth K. Vishnoi, who has been a mentor and a guide to me throughout
my Ph.D. Working with you helped me understand the importance of rigor and
perseverance in research. You have always emphasized the significance of asking
the right questions, developing a better theoretical understanding of my research,
and communicating my work in a clear and concise manner. Your lessons have
been paramount in my research.
To Matthew Lease and Krishnaram Kenthapadi, thank you for being my men-
tors and collaborators. I appreciate your patience, encouragement to continuously
pursue difficult research problems, and advice whenever I needed it. It has been a
privilege working with you both over the last few years.
Thank you to Jas Sekhon and Matthew Lease for being the readers of this dis-
sertation and to Karen Kavanaugh, Jay Emerson, and Andrew Barron for all the
administrative and academic help.
To Chinmayi Arun at the Information Society Project and Demar Lewis and
Chloe Sariego at the Institute of Social and Policy Studies, thank you for having me
as a fellow at your institutes. Being a part of these communities helped me develop
a better appreciation for the complexity that comes along with questions of ethics
and I am grateful to these institutes and the affiliated scholars for providing me
with opportunities to grow beyond the field of data science.
To my fellow Ph.D. colleagues, Colleen, Anay, Curtis, Alex, Shinpei, Megan,
and Sky, who kept me academically afloat, helped me troubleshoot my problems,
proofread this thesis, gave me amazing feedback on my research and writing, and
always patiently listened to my rants about research and beyond. I consider myself
incredibly lucky to have colleagues and friends as supportive as you.
To Stacey, Sarah, Doug, Halley, Topaz, Garth, Prabaha, Vasudha, Kabish, Ak-
shay, and Fiona, friends and housemates whose company kept me sane through
difficult days. My time in New Haven has been lovely, enriching, and full of pleas-
ant surprises thanks to all of you and I will cherish the moments we spent together.
Last but not the least, I thank my family for their neverending love and humor. I
am sure my decisions don’t always make sense to you but I will forever be grateful
for your endless support. I am who I am thanks to all of you.
Chapter 1
A rational decision-making process incorporates a variety of values and prefer-
ences of the decision-maker. Using information from prior decisions, evaluation
of counterfactuals, and ranking available actions by priority, decision-making in-
volves a complex mechanism that we, as humans, execute habitually. Our deci-
sions express our personal and social preferences and embody the values we deem
important. Yet, our decision-making processes are not perfect and we all face mo-
ments where our decisions are incorrect. These failures can stem from inadequate
prior information, lack of experience, or from other internal and external factors.
Considering the impossibility of any one human possessing all the knowledge and
experience in the world, we rely on each other to make correct decisions. We defer,
we ask for help, and we learn from others to improve our decision-making. We de-
velop automated tools like computers to assist our decision-making by using them
for routine tasks like arithmetic computations or by employing them for complex
tasks that involve advanced algorithmic systems like map navigation.
A crucial aspect of any decision-making process that involves two or more par-
ties is trust. The exercise of trust building involves beliefs of shared values and
interests among the decision-makers and facilitates the acceptance of one party’s
decision by the other. With the involvement of automated tools in our decision-
making process, the question of trust comes up time and again. Do we trust au-
tomated tools to make decisions that embody our values? Do we trust automated tools
to account for our preferences in an objective manner? Do we trust automated tools to
make decisions in a way that would be the most beneficial to us? We trust other humans
to assist our decisions when they have demonstrated, through intent and action,
that they share similar interests as us. Can we place the same trust in automated tools
that we didn’t develop and in algorithms that we didn’t design which are, nevertheless,
parts of our daily lives? This dissertation explores this question by investigating the
decisions made by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) tools
through the perspectives of users and stakeholders. I demonstrate how flawed al-
gorithmic mechanisms can lead to harmful automated decisions and design meth-
ods to counter algorithmic harms, whenever possible, through a judicious process
by which stakeholders are a part of the algorithmic decision-making process.
The availability of large datasets, massive computing power, and progress in
machine learning methods has led to a surge in the use of automated decision-
making frameworks in a variety of domains. Technological and monetary invest-
ments have facilitated significant improvements in the performance of algorithmic
tools and a number of applications of these tools lie in fields that make decisions
affecting humans and society in general. They are employed in numerous criti-
cal applications, including healthcare [152,286,302], advertising [245,257], online
search and recommendation feeds [40,180], lending [231,324], content modera-
tion [80,220,313], recruitment [106], criminal risk assessment [1,89,128,233], and
policing [134,149]. All these applications involve actively processing information
related to people and making decisions that affect society at an individual and in-
stitutional level. The impact of such automated frameworks in shaping our current
and future socio-technical landscape cannot be understated.
A technical taxonomy of applications of artificial intelligence involves consid-
ering different kinds of learning methodologies involved in the applications. In
this context, two popular learning approaches that cover a large number of appli-
cations are unsupervised and supervised learning1. Unsupervised learning corre-
sponds to processing large amounts of unlabelled data to extract useful structural
and semantic information about the data [48,82]. For instance, the task of clus-
tering or ranking a large set of images to generate a small subset of representative
images (e.g., ranking in search engines or recommendation feeds) is a prominent
use case of unsupervised learning. Supervised learning, on the other hand, is used
to develop labeling or prediction algorithms that can predict task-relevant out-
comes for given data points [47,140]. Supervised learning techniques are used
to train decision-making frameworks on outcome-labeled datasets, with the goal
of accurately predicting the outcomes for future data. For example, past human
hiring decisions can be used to train an automated recruitment pipeline that then
makes hiring decisions for future applicants. Both learning paradigms are widely
employed in a variety of domains. Unsupervised learning tools, such as recom-
mendation and search, fulfill important informational gaps between data and the
underlying population structure and are now an integral part of our interaction
with the digital world. Similarly, supervised learning algorithms, such as classifi-
cation and regression, are trained to simulate past decisions and deployed to assist
future decision-making.
Trust in these automated tools is usually established by testing them on real-
world scenarios and quantifying their performance using statistical measures. While
some errors are expected (as in the case of even human decision-making), we nev-
1There are other learning paradigms as well, including reinforcement learning and a spectrum
of semi-supervised learning methods that combine techniques from supervised and unsupervised
learning. For this thesis, the focus on supervised and unsupervised learning arises from the interest
in specific applications where algorithmic harms are commonly encountered. See Section 2.2 for
further discussion.
ertheless demand these automated tools to demonstrate that their decisions align
with the users’ preferences. For instance, search engines sometimes return results
that do not provide us with the information we are looking for. Random errors
might be excusable if they occur infrequently and the overall decision accuracy
is sufficiently high; however, systemic errors that reflect problematic decision-
making patterns reveal deeper issues with the use of automation. Investigating
the pattern of decisions made by certain automated tools indeed paints a grim pic-
ture: real-world algorithmic decisions often encode problematic social biases and
disparately favor some demographic groups over others. Furthermore, this dispar-
ity mirrors the divide in our society as algorithms employed in real-world practice
exhibit and even propagate societal inequalities and negative stereotypes against
groups that have been historically disadvantaged. In the case of unsupervised
learning, real-world applications of summarization or retrieval algorithms have
been shown to exhibit gender and racial biases, leading to a stereotypically-biased
representation of underlying populations [166,232]. Similarly, supervised algo-
rithms deployed in practice often have disparate performance for different demo-
graphic groups, such as in the settings of criminal recidivism [1,64,94,182], pre-
dictive policing [103,149,259,272], recruitment [78,264], and healthcare [92,235].
Clearly, the presence of these biases undermines the trust we can place in the deci-
sions of automated tools. Correspondingly, it is important to study methods that
can (a) evaluate the biases in automated tools, and (b) if possible, modify these
tools so that they do not inherit and propagate social biases of the data or the de-
velopers. Chapter 2 presents an overview of the research on social biases, popular
techniques for automated decision-making, and prior studies demonstrating social
biases in automated decisions.
Addressing social biases in algorithmic tools requires overcoming many differ-
ent kinds of challenges. From a practical viewpoint, the definition of what one
considers to be unbiased or fair is highly context-dependent and relies crucially
on the stakeholders involved in the design of the framework. From a technical
viewpoint, ensuring that the output of an algorithm is fair with respect to socially
salient attributes, such as gender, race, skintone, or dialect, often requires incor-
porating additional constraints or posthoc adjustments into the learning process,
making the task of learning the final framework quite complex [173]. These prac-
tical and technical challenges manifest themselves in different ways in different
applications, making the process of bias mitigation a highly involved exercise that
requires the participation of both users and designers of the framework to con-
verge to an accurate and equitable decision-making framework. This dissertation
discusses both challenges using the methodological frameworks of popular ap-
plications of AI, such as Google Image Search, Twitter recommendation feeds, and
human-AI teams for content moderation. In all of these applications, the presented
research studies the impact of social biases, suggests methods to audit them effi-
ciently, and, in most cases, proposes solutions that can function as unbiased alter-
natives in these applications. The proposed solutions take into account the hurdles
one can encounter while implementing these frameworks in real-world settings
and aims to provide feasible solutions to address biases despite such hurdles.
The first step towards addressing biases in any algorithmic application is to de-
velop methods to efficiently detect or audit them. The statistical question of bias
audit essentially boils down to employing hypothesis testing frameworks to deter-
mine if there are disparities in the representation of different groups in any given
data collection. However, this simple process of bias audit becomes difficult to im-
plement when the group memberships or socially salient attributes (e.g., gender or
skintone) of individual samples are unknown2. For example, suppose we wish to
2I will use terms socially salient attributes and protected attributes interchangeably throughout
the dissertation. While protected attributes usually correspond to group identities that are pro-
tected by anti-discrimination laws, I will use this term to also denote attributes that we wish to
protect against algorithmic harm. See Section 2.4 for further discussion on this point.
check the disparity in gender representation of Google Image Search results for any
given occupation. Executing this task automatically is difficult since the presented
gender of the people in the images is quite often unavailable. Auditing these re-
sults, in this case, would then involve manual labeling or crowdsourced labeling
of the perceived gender, which can be expensive and time-consuming. Chapter 3
presents an alternative - i.e., an efficient algorithm for auditing representational bi-
ases in the absence of socially salient feature information. The proposed algorithm
uses a small set of labeled representative examples (which can be user-specified)
to measure representation disparity in any given unlabeled dataset, under certain
domain assumptions. To measure representation disparity with respect to any so-
cially salient attribute (i.e., the difference in the fraction of elements with one at-
tribute value vs. another), this algorithm calculates the average similarity between
the elements in the unlabeled dataset and the elements in the labeled set of repre-
sentative examples. Using these similarity scores, we can approximate the repre-
sentation disparity by taking the difference between group-wise similarity scores.
Theoretical analysis using standard concentration inequalities demonstrates that
the proposed algorithm produces a good approximation of the actual representa-
tion disparity of the dataset even when the number of labeled examples is loga-
rithmic in the size of the unlabeled dataset. To further reduce the approximation
error, we also propose an algorithm that can construct an appropriate set of labeled
examples for auditing purposes. Empirical evaluations on multiple image and text
datasets demonstrate that the proposed audit algorithm effectively approximates
the representation disparity in any random or topic-specific data collection.
The primary contribution of the above bias audit algorithm is the use of rep-
resentative examples. These user-defined representative samples incorporate the
user’s notion of diversity and side-step the issue of unavailable group attributes.
We extend the use of such representative samples to debias automatically-generated
summaries. Chapters 4 and 5 cover the field of fair summarization and present
post-processing algorithms for generating diverse summaries using a small set of
representative examples. Both chapters first highlight the presence of social bi-
ases in the outputs of popular image and text summarization algorithms and then
use suggest methods to improve group representations in automatically-generated
summaries using user-defined representative examples. Chapter 4 focuses on im-
age summarization, where we first evaluate the diversity in Google Image Search
results. To do so, we collect top image search results using 96 occupations as
search queries (extending the methodology of Kay et al. [166]). We observe that
the search results consistently favor and over-represent gender-stereotypical and
skintone-stereotypical images. Given this issue of misrepresentation, we next pro-
pose efficient methods to incorporate visible diversity in summary results using
user-defined representative examples. Once again, note that these data collections
can be at scales where collecting socially salient attributes or group labels is infeasi-
ble (e.g., search engine results for any possible query) and the use of representative
examples can side-step the issue of unavailable attributes. We propose two post-
processing algorithms, inspired by the well-known Maximal Marginal Relevance
(MMR) algorithm [46], to debias image summaries in a post-processing manner.
Our algorithms take a black-box image summarization algorithm and the unla-
beled dataset to be summarized as input and overlay it with a post-processing
step that diversifies the results of the black-box algorithm using the given repre-
sentative examples. We demonstrate the efficacy of these algorithms over multiple
image datasets, including the Google Image Search dataset we collected. For these
datasets, we observe an improvement in demographic representation in generated
summaries while ensuring that the summaries are visibly diverse in a similar man-
ner as the user-defined representative examples.
Chapter 5 extends the use of our post-processing algorithm for the domain of
extractive text summarization, i.e., the task of generating a short summary for a
large number of sentences. Again, we first demonstrate the lack of diversity in
the summaries generated by popular extractive text summarization algorithms. In
particular, our analysis considers diversity with respect to various dialects (e.g.,
Standard English and African-American English dialects) in datasets containing
Twitter posts. We evaluate the dialect diversity in the summaries generated by
frequency-based summarization algorithms (e.g., TF-IDF [203] and Hybrid TF-IDF
[150]), graph-based algorithms (LexRank [104] and TextRank [209]), non-redundancy
based algorithms (MMR [122] and Centroid-Word2Vec [262]), and pre-trained su-
pervised approaches (SummaRuNNer [224]). We observe that, for random and
topic-specific collections from these datasets, most algorithms return summaries
that under-represent certain dialects. To address this dialect bias, we employ the
post-processing algorithm from Chapter 4. As mentioned earlier, this approach re-
quires a small set of representative labeled examples, which in this case is a small
dialect-diverse set of Twitter posts given as part of the input. Using a small set
of sentences written in different dialects as the set of representative examples, the
post-processing algorithm efficiently increases the dialect diversity of any set of
given Twitter posts, demonstrating the applicability of this approach for debiasing
social media recommendation feeds.
Chapter 6 considers the supervised learning problem of training a decision-
making framework given human assistance. In applications like risk assessment
[127] and maltreatment hotline screening [65], multiple human experts are avail-
able to assist an automated decision-making framework, so as to share the load
and to cover different kinds of input samples [129]. This chapter studies the setting
where an automated decision-making framework can either make a prediction for
a given input or defer the decision to a human expert when it has low confidence
in its prediction. Since different human experts can have different domains of ex-
pertise and various social prejudices, choosing the appropriate unbiased expert
when deferring the decision is crucial to ensure the high accuracy of final predic-
tions. Hence, in this setting, there is an additional challenge of determining which
decision-maker (among the available humans and the machine) should make the
final decision. Chapter 6 presents a training framework that simultaneously learns
an automated classifier and a deferral model, such that the classifier is the primary
decision-maker but it defers the decision to an appropriate human for input sub-
domains where it lacks sufficient information. Theoretically, we show that this de-
ferral framework can be trained efficiently using gradient descent-based methods
and provide mechanisms to incorporate popular statistical fairness metrics with
the deferral training. The efficacy of the framework is also demonstrated via syn-
thetic experiments and real-world experiments, the latter conducted over a dataset
we curate by asking a large number of crowd-annotators to label the toxicity of a
collection of social media posts.
The methodologies presented in this dissertation focus on stakeholder partici-
pation. Chapters 3, 4, and 5 present algorithms that address biases using a user-
specified representative set of examples. By utilizing these examples, we ensure
that the final output of the framework aligns with the user’s idea of diversity and
create a participatory process to address representation biases. Similarly, Chap-
ter 6 proposes methods to create decision-making frameworks that employ the
available human experts in a manner that improves the overall predictive accu-
racy. Such a framework is most effective when the human experts are as diverse as
the targeted user population. The inclusion of human feedback helps incorporate
shared values, preferences, and expertise of the stakeholders. In this manner, the
research in this dissertation aims to address crucial faults in the final decisions of
automated decision-making frameworks using stakeholder participation, allowing
us to steadily build trust in the decisions of these frameworks.
Chapter 2
There has been significant interest in the field of fair machine learning and AI ethics
in the last decade. Early investigations by journalists and academic scholars em-
pirically demonstrated the presence of gender and racial biases in the outcomes of
algorithmic frameworks [13,105,232,211]. Seminal works by computer and data
sciences researchers correspondingly studied methods to mathematically model
these automated biases [22,98,136,312]. Following the footsteps of these works
and inspired by decades of research on decision-making biases in fields like so-
ciology, law, philosophy, and economics, data science and computer science re-
searchers have started critically assessing the biases present in different algorith-
mic applications. In this chapter, I present an overview of the research on social
biases in automated decision-making and situate the work presented in this thesis
within the larger fields of algorithmic fairness and human-computer interaction.
Literature that is directly related to the research presented in this dissertation is
relegated to the individual chapters. The discussion below starts with a brief intro-
duction to the research on stereotypes and biases in human decision-making and
then covers the relevant paradigms of automated decision-making and algorithmic
fairness methods for machine learning and artificial intelligence applications.
2.1 Study of Stereotypes, Biases, and Their Impact
The study of cultivation and the impact of stereotypes has drawn serious interest
in the age of digital media [237,247], primarily due to the increased ease of infor-
mation access and the possibility of stereotype propagation via sources like images
on social media or search results. To define briefly, stereotyping is the process of
inferring common characteristics of individuals in a group. When used accurately,
stereotypes associated with a group are helpful in deducing information about in-
dividuals from the group in the absence of additional information [33,207] and
also function as tools to characterize group action [41,139,287]. However, inaccu-
rate or exaggerated stereotypes can be quite harmful and can inadvertently cause
biases against the individuals from the stereotyped group [116]. Prior studies have
shown that the association of a negative stereotype with a group for a given task
can affect the performance of the stereotyped individuals on the task [281,306];
using the performance on such a task for any kind of future decision-making will
lead to the propagation of such stereotypes and bias the results against one group.
Furthermore, inaccurate stereotypes also lead to an incorrect perception of real-
ity, especially with respect to sub-population demographics [117,166,275]. For
example, stereotypical images of Black women as matriarchs or mammies, that
are further disseminated via digital media, can lead to the normalization of such
stereotypes [68,138]. Given the existence of such negative social stereotypes and
the possibility of their propagation via digital sources, it is important to explore
methods to prevent their exacerbation through the use of automation.
The role of biases has seen similar investigation across social science disci-
plines. Decision-making biases often arise due to the decision-maker’s prejudices
against certain groups or due to a lack of information about individuals from cer-
tain groups (leading to a reliance on stereotypes) [24,107]. These biases manifest
themselves in the form of reduced access to resources or diminished performance
of decision-making systems for individuals from disadvantaged groups. Contin-
uous audit of various human and institutional decision-making settings has re-
vealed the presence of biases with respect to race, gender, and other demographic
and socially-salient attributes in many common settings. This includes biases in
socially-critical applications like mortgage approval [8], criminal justice system
and policing [217], healthcare [92], recruitment [142], and social welfare access
Frequent and extensive audits of these decision-making settings are crucial to
ensure the accountability of the associated institutions. In particular, third-party
audits of biases have been shown to be impactful in the past, often resulting in sig-
nificant oversight and modification of harmful decision-making processes [4,39].
It is important to subject automated decision-making to a similar level of continu-
ous scrutiny and methods to efficiently audit or mitigate social biases can be useful
in developing accountable and transparent technologies.
2.2 Automated Decision-Making
Automated decision-making can take a variety of forms and can be studied in the
context of any application that involves machine support. For the purposes of this
dissertation, I focus on automated frameworks that are designed to make decisions
by processing large amounts of prior and current data and decisions.
As mentioned before, unsupervised learning algorithms learn mathematical
(and potentially interpretable) patterns within a large data collection [48,82]. Given
a large number of samples from a particular domain, unsupervised learning algo-
rithms aim to deduce the underlying representation of the samples which can then
be used for future decision-making. Clustering, summarization, and outlier detec-
tion are all various instances of the unsupervised learning approach that allow for
a structured analysis of a large amount of data.
Supervised learning aims to learn the mathematical relationship between task-
related features and the associated outcomes (usually characterized by class labels)
through data [47,140]. Given task-related features for samples observed in the
past and the decisions made or true outcomes for these samples, supervised learn-
ing algorithms are used to infer a mathematical function that maps the features
to the decisions/outcomes; this function can then be used to make decisions for
future samples. The feature-decision pairs used to learn the function are called the
training data for the learning algorithm. For example, in healthcare, this training
data could correspond to health and demographic data of patients and whether
they were afflicted with a particular disease. The supervised learning algorithm
trained on this data can then be potentially used to predict the likelihood of any
future patient suffering from the same disease using their health and demographic
The primary difference between supervised and unsupervised learning is that
in unsupervised learning there are no “decisions” or labels associated with the
available data. For example, clustering simply involves finding subsets within a
given dataset such that elements within a subset are more similar to each other
than to the elements outside the subset [178]. The learned cluster identities can
then be used for downstream labeling or decision-making, but these identities
wouldn’t be known beforehand.
Finally, semi-supervised learning combines the paradigms of supervised and
unsupervised learning and is applied in situations where a small amount of la-
beled data is available along with a large amount of unlabelled data. In this case,
combining the function learned using the labeled data with representations learned
using unlabelled data is important to build an overall robust decision-making sys-
tem. Chapters 4 and 5 demonstrate the use of unsupervised and semi-supervised
learning paradigms for the task of summarization.
Note that automated decision-making is traditionally associated with just su-
pervised or semi-supervised learning. This is because the notion of decision-making
is clear in the applications of these paradigms given data about past decisions,
learn to simulate these decisions in the future. For unsupervised learning, prior
decisions are not available. Nevertheless, the representations learned using un-
supervised learning algorithms are still used for decision-making. Clustering al-
gorithms are often used to identify the appropriate cluster for future samples so
that cluster-specific processing techniques can be employed appropriately. Sum-
marization algorithms are used to decide which samples best represent a given
large collection. Recommendation systems similarly decide the content that is
most likely to be relevant to a given user. Considering that the applications of
unsupervised learning involve making automated decisions, I will use the term
automated decision-making for unsupervised learning applications as well.
While the goal of supervised learning is to simulate (and potentially replace)
human decision-making, in practice, automated decision-making tools are often
deployed side-by-side with expert humans [84,133]. For example, machine learn-
ing models in healthcare assist doctors and medical practitioners with accurate
diagnosis [38,171]. Criminal risk assessment tools operate with judges to provide
an empirical estimate of recidivism risk [96,127]. Human experts are also involved
in auditing the outputs from automated models to detect errors for input samples
where the automated system has insufficient experience, as observed in the case of
child maltreatment hotline screening [65]. Many other examples of similar hybrid
human-machine decision-making frameworks exist in literature [236,282,315].
For such human-in-the-loop frameworks, the approaches used for learning a clas-
sifier can often be different than those used in traditional supervised learning algo-
rithms. Assuming one or more human experts are available to assist a classifier in
decision-making, an ideal training process should ensure that the capabilities and
expertise of the humans are appropriately utilized to improve prediction accuracy
or performance. However, since humans can have additional costs associated with
their decisions (corresponding to time or resources invested to make predictions),
the classifier will be expected to bear the primary decision-making load and hu-
mans should only be consulted when the classifier has low confidence in its deci-
sion. One can see that training human-in-the-loop frameworks can be more com-
plex than traditional supervised learning; along with training an accurate classifier,
the framework should also decipher the domains of expertise of different human
experts so that they can be consulted appropriately. This field of research has seen
a lot of recent interest due to the applicability of such frameworks in a variety of
real-world settings. Algorithms to learn accurate human-in-the-loop frameworks
have been forwarded by a number of recent studies [204,218,219,253]. Chapter 6
proposes a novel learning algorithm for human-in-the-loop deferral frameworks,
where the goal is to train a classifier that can either make an accurate decision or
that defers the decision to an appropriate human expert when the classifier has
low confidence in its decision. Considering that a number of applications are cur-
rently adopting automated decision-making systems, human-in-the-loop frame-
works can allow such applications to smoothly and steadily transition from human
decision-making to automated decision-making.
2.3 Social Biases in Automated Decision-Making
Either due to inappropriate data or due to imperfect model designs, automated
decision-making frameworks currently display problematic social biases in their
output. Applications where decision-making institutions have historically denied
opportunities to the underprivileged groups of the population, e.g. credit lend-
ing [258], will still suffer from the impact of such historical biases when automa-
tion is incorporated into the decision-making framework. Years of discrimina-
tory decision-making can corrupt the training datasets used to learn automated
decision-making models. Corrupted datasets are indeed currently employed for
creating models in many real-world applications, such as recruitment [78,264],
healthcare [235,302], facial analysis [39,269], risk assessment [13,94], and predic-
tive policing [272]. Furthermore, inappropriate processes for past and current data
collection, aggregation, and processing of these datasets has compounded biases
against minority groups. For example, survey instruments for data collection often
use oversimplified race categorizations, which ignore the historical and political
background that led to popular racial classifications [135]. Similarly, measurement
errors in data collection can be disparately larger for the groups which have histor-
ically denied equal opportunities, leading to diminished information about indi-
viduals from the group [285]. Misrepresentation or under-representation of certain
demographic groups in the data used to develop the decision-making model will
affect the performance of the model for these marginalized groups. Inappropri-
ate representation limits the amount of information that a trained model learns
about the affected group and correspondingly results in larger errors when used
for decision-making over this group [293].
Biases in data used for learning automated models can affect the outcome in
many different problematic ways. When the model is used for resource allocation,
as in the case of loan applications, admissions, risk assessment, or any other super-
vised learning application, biases in outcomes can result in disparate resource al-
location across demographic groups, resulting in a denial of equal opportunity [20].
Representational biases can also affect public perceptions associated with misrep-
resented or under-represented groups. The negative portrayal of minority groups
in the input data or the resulting decisions of automated frameworks propagate,
and sometimes even exacerbate, the negative stereotypes associated with these
groups [166]. Beyond data biases, inappropriate model designs that do not ac-
count for the heterogeneity in the underlying population demographics can also
result in disparate performance across groups [103].
In particular, inappropriate representation in a data collection can imply two
different kinds of mismatches between the data collection and the underlying pop-
ulation. From a technical viewpoint, inappropriate representation can arise when
the data collection inaccurately represents the underlying data distribution. For in-
stance, the top Google Image Search results for the query “CEOs” contain around
11% images of women, while in reality, the percentage of women CEOs in the US is
around 27% [50,166]. In this case, the dataset (i.e., image search results) present an
inaccurate depiction of reality; Chapter 4 presents detailed results demonstrating
such biases in Google Image Search results for a variety of occupations and Chap-
ter 5 provides evidence of dialect under-representation in automatically generated
text summaries when using popular text summarization algorithms. While devia-
tion from reality is one important kind of inappropriate representation, we might
also consider a data collection to misrepresentative if it does not appropriately ac-
knowledge all relevant demographic groups. Once again, consider the example
of summarizing an image collection into a small subset. Suppose that the collec-
tion contains 100 images, with 50 images of white people, and 10 images each of
Asian, Black, Hispanic, and Native American people. If the goal is to create a sum-
mary with just five images, it would be important to represent the diverse set of
people in the summary by choosing one representative image for each ethnicity
even though the ethnicity-distribution of the summary will not align with that of
the original dataset. However, if we did create a summary whose ethnicity dis-
tribution is similar to the original dataset, then this summary will exclude images
of people from at least one ethnicity, and fail to appropriately represent the un-
derlying dataset population. Differentiating between these two kinds of represen-
tational biases will become quite important when assessing methods to mitigate
them in data collections and automatically-generated summaries, as we discuss in
the next section and in other chapters of this dissertation.
For a detailed extensive survey of algorithmic biases and their impact, I rec-
ommend the following cited surveys [20,208]. The above studies, nevertheless,
provide clear evidence of the prevalence of social biases in the decisions of auto-
mated frameworks; correspondingly, it is important to design methods that do not
let data or model biases affect the framework’s decisions. The field of algorithmic
fairness indeed aims to accomplish this goal.
2.4 Algorithmic Fairness
Algorithmic fairness methods or interventions attempt to correct social biases with
respect to socially salient attributes or protected attributes in the outputs of learn-
ing models. By socially-salient attributes, I refer to presented demographic at-
tributes like gender or race as well as perceived attributes like skintone, dialect,
or perceived gender. Protected attributes are commonly used to refer to attributes
that are protected by law and discrimination with respect to these attributes is
considered unlawful [290]. However, throughout this thesis, I will use the terms
socially-salient attributes and protected attributes interchangeably since the goal
of the methods proposed in this is to protect groups defined by both presented
and perceived minority demographic attributes against algorithmic harms.
Algorithmic interventions to address social biases are usually designed indi-
vidually for different kinds of learning approaches but the general approach is to
create holistic models that do not propagate the biases of the data or associated hu-
mans. The outputs of the fair models are expected to satisfy some form of statistical
fairness property, usually quantified using a fairness metric.
For unsupervised learning algorithms, various notions of statistical fairness can
be employed to ensure that representational biases in the data do not affect the
outcome of the algorithms. The goal of fairness in this setting is to ensure that all
demographic groups are appropriately represented. The statistical fairness metric
used here usually corresponds to achieving equal representation of all groups in the
output (e.g., an equal number of images of men and women in the summary of
an image dataset) or proportional representation of all groups in the output (e.g., the
proportion of the number of images of men and women in the summary should
be similar to their proportion in reality). The choice between equal representation
and proportional representation (or something in between) crucially depends on
the application in question and the kind of representational bias that the fairness
intervention aims to fix. As mentioned in the previous section, representational
bias can either correspond to deviation from underlying population distribution
and/or failure to represent all demographic groups appropriately. The choice of
fairness intervention and parameters will hence depend on the kind of bias being
exhibited in the decisions of the automated unsupervised models.
Efficient approaches to achieve representation have been proposed for all kinds
of unsupervised learning methods. For summarization or ranking, proposed fair-
ness interventions include using group-specific scoring functions [193] or con-
strained optimization algorithms with representation constraints [52,77]. For clus-
tering, similar constrained optimization approaches can be employed to ensure
relevant representation of all groups among cluster centers or within each cluster
[17,60,61]. One of the issues that arise when employing these methods in practice
is the unavailability of socially salient or protected attribute labels or group mem-
berships of individual elements. Prior methods for fair summarization, in partic-
ular, rely on the availability of group information, and in its absence, implement-
ing these algorithms can be infeasible. Chapters 4 and 5 tackle this problem by
suggesting algorithms for fair summarization that debias automatically-generated
summaries using user-defined representative examples.
Fair supervised learning methods propose algorithmic interventions to learn
classification models that provide similar predictive performance for all individ-
uals independent of their protected attributes. In the context of data on humans,
classification involves implementing an automated policy that can predict class la-
bels corresponding to individuals for a specific task; for example, predicting the
health risk score of a patient or predicting whether a loan application should be
accepted or not. As mentioned in the previous section, a large amount of liter-
ature has pointed out social biases and negative stereotypes in training datasets.
The classifiers trained using biased training datasets simulate an inaccurate re-
lationship between individuals’ attributes and class labels resulting in reduced
performance for the groups that the dataset misrepresents. Even beyond training
datasets, model misspecifications can negatively affect the performance of classi-
fiers for disadvantaged groups [208]. One way of addressing social biases in su-
pervised learning is to construct classifiers which have similar performance across
all groups and which satisfy certain statistical group-fairness properties. Popular
examples of desired fairness properties include statistical parity (equal selection
rate across all groups defined by protected attributes) [55,312], equalized odds
(all groups defined by protected attributes should have equal group-specific false
positive and true positive rates) [136], min-max fairness [88,205] and many others
[225,299]. Papers in the field of fair supervised learning have indeed proposed
a variety of algorithms to construct fair classifiers that satisfy (one or more) fair-
ness properties [21]. In particular, there are three main types of approaches for fair
classification: (a) pre-processing approaches that debias the training dataset by at-
tempting to learn the underlying unbiased distribution of the dataset [42,45,56,
124,301,308,314]; (b) in-processing approaches that propose optimization meth-
ods to learn a classifier while satisfy given fairness constraints [9,55,91,98,312,
316]; and (c) post-processing approaches that modify a trained classifier to ensure
that the adjusted classifier has similar performance for all groups [16,111,136,305].
Chapter 6 demonstrates the application of an in-processing approach to achieve
statistical fairness using statistical parity and min-max fairness constraints.
Human-in-the-loop frameworks described earlier can address social biases when
used in a manner that counteracts the automated decision-making framework and
training data biases. However, if used inappropriately, they can exhibit additional
biases arising from the prejudices of human experts. Human biases can be differ-
ent than training data or model bias if the humans in the framework are different
than the ones who labeled the datasets or the ones who developed the classifica-
tion models [127,208]. As such, it is important to develop methods for human-
in-the-loop learning that can accurately determine the input subspaces where the
relevant humans are inaccurate and/or biased; for instance, one can incorporate
fairness constraints when training human-in-the-loop frameworks to regularize
the learning algorithm to favor unbiased accurate experts for input. Indeed, the
deferral training methods proposed in Chapter 6 provide methods to ensure that
the outputs of the learned framework satisfy statistical fairness properties, such as
demographic parity or min-max fairness.
Finally, even though the goal of algorithmic fairness methods is to achieve
statistical fairness, a number of papers in this field do acknowledge that simply
achieving statistical fairness may not always be not sufficient by itself and en-
suring transparency, accountability, and community participation during deploy-
ment are important to completely utilize the effectiveness of fairness interven-
tions [20,69,126,169]. Community involvement especially from historically-
marginalized groups [222] along with deeper evaluation of our current methods
of data collection and processing are necessary steps that have to be taken to im-
prove trust in automated decision-making [292]. The methods proposed in this
dissertation indeed encourage stakeholder participation. To attain the maximal
impact of the proposed methods in addressing social biases, a broader analysis of
the context and environment where these fairness interventions are implemented
is always necessary. Incorporating the principles of transparency, accountability,
and community participation along with novel algorithmic fairness interventions
can allow for the development of robust automated frameworks and the research
and discussions presented in this dissertation indeed aim to abide by them.
Chapter 3
Auditing for Diversity Using
Representative Examples
Mechanisms to audit the diversity of a dataset are necessary to assess the short-
comings of the dataset in representing the underlying distribution accurately. In
particular, any dataset containing information about people is expected to suit-
ably represent all social groups (defined by attributes such as gender, race, or age)
present in the underlying population in order to mitigate disparate outcomes and
impacts in downstream applications [39,44]. However, many real-world and pop-
ular data sources suffer from the problem of disproportionate representation of
minority groups [232,237]. For example, prior work has shown that the top results
in Google Image Search for occupations are more gender-biased than the ground
truth of the gender distribution in that occupation [50,166,278].
Given the existence of biased data collections in mainstream media and web
sources, methods to audit the diversity of generic data collections can help quan-
tify and assess the existing biases in multiple ways. First, it gives a baseline idea
This chapter is based on joint work with L. Elisa Celis and was published in the proceedings
of ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining 2021 [168]. I
would like to thank Joy Buolamwini for providing access to the PPB dataset used in this chapter
and Chapter 4.
of the demographic distribution in the collection and its deviation from the true
distribution of the underlying population. Second, stereotypically-biased repre-
sentation of a social group in any data collection can lead to further propagation of
negative stereotypes associated with the group [68,138,306] and/or induce incor-
rect perceptions about the group [117,275]. A concrete example is the evidence of
stereotype-propagation via biased Google Search results [166,232]. These stereo-
types and biases can be further exacerbated via machine learning models trained
on the biased collections [39,44,237]. Providing an easy way to audit the diver-
sity in these collections can help the users of such collections assess the potential
drawbacks and pitfalls of employing them for downstream applications.
Auditing the diversity of any collection with respect to a protected attribute
primarily involves looking at the disparity or imbalance in the empirical marginal
distribution of the collection with respect to the protected attribute. For example,
from prior work [50], we know that the top 100 Google Image Search results for
CEOs in 2019 contained around 89 images of men and 11 images of women; in this
case, we can quantify the disparity in this dataset, with respect to gender, as the
difference between the fraction of minority group images and the fraction of ma-
jority group images, i.e., as 0.11 0.89 =0.78. The sign points to the direction
of the disparity while the absolute value quantifies the extent of the disparity in
the collection. Now suppose that, instead of just 100 images, we had multiple col-
lections with thousands of query-specific images, as in the case of Google Image
Search. Since these images have been scraped or generated from different web-
sites, the protected attributes of the people in the images will likely not be labeled
at the source. In the absence of protected attribute information, the task of sim-
ply auditing the diversity of these large collections (as an end-user) becomes quite
labor-intensive. Hand-labeling large collections can be extremely time-expensive
while using crowd-annotation tools (e.g. Mechanical Turk) can be very costly. For
a single collection, labeling a small subset (sampled i.i.d. from the collection) can
be a reasonable approach to approximate the disparity; however, for multiple col-
lections, this method is still quite expensive since, for every new collection, we
will have to re-sample and label a new subset. It also does not support the addi-
tion/removal of elements to the collection. One can, alternately, use automated
models to infer the protected attributes; although, for most real-world applica-
tions, these supervised models need to be trained on large labeled datasets (which
may not be available) and pre-trained models might encode their own pre-existing
biases [39]. The question, therefore, arises if there is a cost-effective method to audit the
diversity of large collections from a domain when the protected attribute labels of elements
in the collections are unknown (stated formally in Section 3.2).
The primary contribution of this chapter is an algorithm to evaluate the diver-
sity of a given unlabeled collection with respect to any protected attribute (Sec-
tion 3.3). The proposed algorithm takes as input the collection to be audited, a
small set of labeled representative elements, called the control set, and a metric that
quantifies the similarity between any given pair of elements. Using the control set
and the similarity metric, our algorithm returns a proxy score of disparity in the
collection with respect to the protected attribute. The same control set can be used
for auditing the diversity of any collection from the same domain.
The control set and the similarity metric are the two pillars of our algorithm,
and we theoretically show the dependence of the effectiveness of our framework
on these components. In particular, the proxy measure returned by our algorithm
approximates the true disparity measure with high probability, with the approxi-
mation error depending on the size and quality of the control set, and the quality
of the similarity metric. The protected attributes of the elements of the control set
are expected to be labeled; however, the primary advantage of our algorithm is
that the size of the control set can be much smaller than the size of the collection to
achieve a small approximation error (Section 3.4.2). Empirical evaluations on the
Pilots Parliamentary Benchmark (PPB) dataset [39] show that our algorithm, using
randomly chosen control sets and cosine similarity metric, can indeed provide a
reasonable approximation of the underlying disparity in any given collection (Sec-
tion 3.4.1).
To further reduce the approximation error, we propose an algorithm to con-
struct adaptive control sets (Section 3.5). Given a small labeled auxiliary dataset,
our proposed control set construction algorithm selects the elements that can best
differentiate between samples with the same protected attribute type and samples
with different protected attribute types. We further ensure that the elements in
the chosen control set are non-redundant and representative of the underlying pop-
ulation. Simulations on the PPB dataset, CelebA dataset [199] and TwitterAAE
dataset [29] show that using the cosine similarity metric and adaptive control sets,
we can effectively approximate the disparity in random and topic-specific collec-
tions, with respect to a given protected attribute (Section 3.6).
3.1 Related Work
With rising awareness around the existence and harms of algorithmic biases, prior
research has explored and quantified disparities in data collections from various
domains. When the dataset in consideration has labeled protected attributes, the
task of quantifying the disparity is relatively straightforward. For instance, David-
son et al. [81] demonstrate racial biases in automated offensive language detection
by using datasets containing Twitter posts with dialects labeled by the authors or
domain experts. Larrazabal et al. [181] can similarly analyze the impact of gender-
biased medical imaging datasets since the demographic information associated
with the images is available at the source. However, as mentioned earlier, pro-
tected attribute labels for elements in a collection may not be available, especially
if the collection contains elements from different sources.
In the absence of protected attribute labels from the source, crowd-annotation is
one way of obtaining these labels and auditing the dataset. To measure the gender
disparity in Google Image Search results, Kay et al. [166] crowd-annotated a small
subset of images and compared the gender distribution in this small subset to the
true gender distribution in the underlying population. Other papers on diversity
evaluation have likewise used a small labeled subset of elements [35,271] to de-
rive inferences about larger collections. As discussed earlier, the problem with this
approach is that it assumes that the disparity in the small labeled subset is a good
approximation of the disparity in the given collection. This assumption does not
hold when we want to estimate the diversity of new or multiple collections from
the same domain or when elements can be continuously added/removed from the
collection. Our method, instead, uses a given small labeled subset to approximate
the disparity measure of any collection from the same domain. Semi-supervised
learning also explores learning methods that combine labeled and unlabeled sam-
ples [326]. The labeled samples are used to train an initial learning model and
the unlabeled samples are then employed to improve the model generalizability.
Our proposed algorithm has similarities with the semi-supervised self-training ap-
proach [18], but is faster and more cost-efficient (Section 3.4.2).
Representative examples have been used for other bias-mitigation purposes in
recent literature, such as fair data generation [63]. Kallus et al. [158] also employ
reference sets for bias assessments; they approximate the disparate impact of pre-
diction models in the absence of protected attribute labels. In comparison, our goal
is to evaluate representational biases in a given collection. Chapters 4 and 5 also
use control or reference sets for gender and skintone-diverse image summarization
and dialect-diverse text summarization respectively.
3.2 Notations
Let S:=xjN
j=1denote the collection to be evaluated. Each element in the col-
lection consists of a d-dimensional feature vector x, from domain X Rd. Ev-
ery element jin Salso has a protected attribute, zj{0, 1}, associated with it;
however, we will assume that the protected attributes of the elements in Sare un-
known. Let Si:=xj,j[N]|zj=i. A measure of disparity in Swith respect
to the protected attribute is d(S):=|S0|/|S|−|S1|/|S|, i.e., the difference between
the fraction of elements from group 0 and group 1. A dataset Sis considered to be
diverse with respect to the protected attribute if this measure is 0, and high |d(S)|
implies low diversity in S. Our goal will be to estimate this value for any given
collection 1 2. Let pdata denote the underlying distribution of the collection S.
Control Set. Let T:=nx
j=1denote the control set of size m, i.e., a small set
of representative examples. Every element Talso has a feature vector from domain
Xand a protected attribute associated with it. Let Ti:=nx
Importantly, the protected attributes of the elements in the control set are known
and we will primarily employ control sets that have an equal number of elements
from both protected attribute groups, i.e., |T0|=|T1|. The size of the control set is
also much smaller than the size of the collection being evaluated, i.e., |T|≪|S|.
Let pcontrol denote the underlying distribution of the control set T.
Throughout this chapter, we will also use the notation ab±cto denote that
a[bc,b+c]. The problem we tackle in this chapter is auditing the diversity of
Susing T; it is formally stated below.
1Our proposed method can be used for other metrics that estimate imbalance in the distribution
of protected attribute as well (such as |S0|/|S|); however, for the sake of simplicity, we will limit
our analysis to d(S)evaluation.
2We present the model and analysis for binary protected attributes. To extend the framework
for non-binary protected attributes with kpossible values, one can alternately define disparity as
Problem 3.2.1. Given a collection S (with unknown protected attributes of elements) and
a balanced control set T (with known protected attributes of elements), can we use T to
approximate d(S)?
3.3 Model and Algorithm
The main idea behind using the control set Tto solve Problem 3.2.1 is the follow-
ing: for each element xS, we can use the partitions T0,T1of the control set to
check which partition is most similar to x. If most elements in Sare similar to T0,
then Scan be said to have more elements with protected attribute z=0 (similarly
for z=1). However, to employ this audit mechanism we need certain conditions on
the relevance of the control set T, as well as, a metric that can quantify the similarity
of an element in Sto control set partitions T0,T1. We tackle each issue indepen-
dently below.
3.3.1 Domain-relevance of the control set
To ensure that the chosen control set is representative and relevant to the domain
of the collection in question, we will need the following assumption.
Assumption 3.3.1. For any x X, pdata(x|z) = pcontrol(x|z), for all z {0, 1}.
This assumption states that the elements of the control set are from the same con-
ditional distribution as the elements of the collection S. It roots out settings where
one would try to use non-representative control sets for diversity audits (e.g., full-
body images of people to audit the diversity of a collection of portrait images).
Note that despite similar conditional distributions, the control set and the collec-
tion can (and most often will) have different protected attribute marginal distribu-
We will use the notation pz(x)to denote the conditional distribution of xgiven
zin the rest of the document, i.e., pz(x):=pdata(x|z) = pcontrol(x|z). Given a
collection S, we will call a control set T(with partitions T0,T1)domain-relevant if
the underlying distribution of Tsatisfies Assumption 3.3.1.
3.3.2 Similarity metrics
Note that even though pz(x)is the same for both the control set and the collection,
the distributions p0(x)and p1(x)can be very different from each other, and our
aim we will be to design and use similarity metrics that can differentiate between
elements from the two conditional distributions.
A general pairwise similarity matrix sim : X × X R0takes as input two
elements and returns a non-negative score of similarity between the elements; the
higher the score, the more similar are the elements. For our setting we need a
similarity metric that can, on average, differentiate between elements that have the
same protected attribute type and elements that have different protected attribute
types. Formally, we define such a similarity metric as follows.
Definition 3.3.1 (γ-similarity metric).Suppose we are given a similarity metric sim :
X × X [0, 1], such that
Ex1,x2pz[sim(x1,x2)]=µsame and Ex1pz1,x2pz2,z1=z2[sim(x1,x2)]=µdiff.
Then for γ0, we call sim a γ-similarity metric if µsame µdiff γ.
Note that the above definition is not very strict; we do not require sim(·,·)to return
a large similarity score for every pair of elements with the same protected attribute
type or to return a small similarity score for every pair of elements with different
protected attribute types. Rather sim(·,·), only in expectation, should be able to
differentiate between elements from the same groups and elements from different
groups. In a later section, we show that the cosine similarity metric indeed satisfies
this condition for real-world datasets.
3.3.3 Algorithm
Suppose we are given a domain-relevant control set Tthat satisfies Assumption 3.3.1
(with partitions T0and T1) and a γ-similarity metric sim(·,·). With slight abuse of
notation, for any element xS, let sim(x,Ti) = 1
/|Ti|xTisim(x,x)and let
sim(S,Ti) = 1
/|S|xSsim(x,Ti). Let ˆ
d(S):=sim(S,T0)sim(S,T1). We propose
the use of ˆ
d(S)(after appropriate normalization) as a proxy measure for d(S); Al-
gorithm 1 presents the complete details of this proxy diversity score computation
and Section 3.3.4 provides bounds on the approximation error of ˆ
d(S). We will
refer to Algorithm 1 by DivScore for the rest of the chapter.
Algorithm 1 DivScore: Algorithm for diversity audit
Input: Dataset S, control set T:=T0T1, similarity metric sim(·,·)
Output: Approximation of the disparity score d(S)
1: l1
2: u01
3: u11
4: Compute sim(S,T0)1
5: s0sim(S,T0)l
6: Compute sim(S,T1)1
7: s1sim(S,T1)l
8: return s0s1
3.3.4 Theoretical analysis
To prove that ˆ
d(S)is a good proxy measure for auditing diversity, we first show
that if xSi, then sim(x,Ti)>sim(x,Tj), for j=1i, with high probability
and quantify the exact difference using the following lemma. For the analysis in
this section, assume that the elements in T0,T1have been sampled i.i.d. from
conditional distribution p0,p1respectively and |T0|=|T1|.
Lemma 3.3.2. For i {0, 1}, any x Siand δ>0, with probability at least 1
2eδ2µdiff|T|/6 ·(1+eδ2γ|T|/6), we have
sim(x,Ti)sim(x,T1i)µsame µdiff ±δ(µsame +µdiff). (1)
The lemma basically states that a γ-similarity metric, with high probability, can
differentiate between sim(x,Ti)and sim(x,T1i). The proof uses the fact that since
Tis domain-relevant and the elements of Tare i.i.d. sampled from the condi-
tional distributions, for any xT0,E[sim(x,x)] = µsame and for any xT1,
E[sim(x,x)] = µdiff. Then, the statement of the lemma can be proven using
standard Chernoff-Hoeffding concentration inequalities [147,215]. Note that even
though sim(·,·)was defined to differentiate between protected attribute groups in
expectation, by averaging over all control set elements in T0,T1, we are able to dif-
ferentiate across groups with high probability. The proof of the lemma is presented
Proof of Lemma 3.3.2. Suppose xhas protected attribute type 0, i.e., xS0. Since
control set Tis domain-relevant, we know that for any xT0,E[sim(x,x)] =
µsame and for any xT1,E[sim(x,x)] = µdiff. Then, using Chernoff-Hoeffding
bounds [147,215], we get that for any δ>0,
P[sim(x,T0)/(1±δ)µsame]2 expδ2· |T0|·µsame/3, and
P[sim(x,T1)/(1±δ)µdiff]2 expδ2·|T1|· µdiff/3.
Note that |T0|=|T1|=|T|/2. The probability that both the above events are
simultaneously satisfied is
2 expδ2µsame |T|
6+2 expδ2µdiff |T|
2 expδ2µdiff |T|
Therefore, combining the two statements we get that with probability at least
12 expδ2µdiff|T|/6·1+expδ2γ|T|/6,
sim(x,T0)sim(x,T1)[(1δ)µsame (1+δ)µdiff,(1+δ)µsame (1δ)µdiff].
Simplifying the above expression, we get
sim(x,Ti)sim(x,T1i)µsame µdiff ±δ(µsame +µdiff).
The other direction (when xS1) follows from symmetry.
Lemma 3.3.2 also partially quantifies the dependence on |T|and γ. Increasing the
size of the control set Twill lead to a higher success probability. Similarly, larger γ
implies that the similarity metric is more powerful in differentiating between the
groups, which also leads to a higher success probability. Using the above lemma,
we can next prove that the proposed diversity audit measure is indeed a good
approximation of the disparity in S. Recall that, for the dataset S, sim(S,Ti) =
Theorem 3.3.3 (Diversity audit measure).For protected attribute z {0, 1}, let pzde-
note the underlying conditional distribution pdata(x|z). Suppose we are a given a dataset S
containing i.i.d. samples from pdata, a domain-relevant control set T (with pre-defined par-
titions by protected attribute T0and T1, such that |T0|=|T1|) and a similarity metric sim :
X2R0, such that if µsame =Ex0,x1pz[sim(x0,x1)],µdiff =Ex0p0,x1p1[sim(x0,x1)],
then µsame µdiff γ, for γ>0. Let
δ=s6 log(20|S|)
and let ˆ
d(S):=sim(S,T0)sim(S,T1). Then, with high probability, ˆ
µdiff)approximates d(S)within an additive error of δ·(µsame +µdiff)/(µsame µdiff). In
particular, with probability 0.9,
d(S)(µsame µdiff)·d(S)±δ·(µsame +µdiff).
Proof of Theorem 3.3.3. Applying Lemma 3.3.2 to each element in S, we get that with
probability at least q:=12|S|eδ2µdiff|T|/6 ·(1+eδ2γ|T|/6), all elements satisfy
condition (1). Summing up sim(x,T0)sim(x,T1)for all xS, we get
sim(S,T0)sim(S,T1)(µsame µdiff)·|S0|−|S1|
|S|±δ(µsame +µdiff).
Simplifying the above bound, we have that with probability q,
d(S)(µsame µdiff)·d(S)±δ·(µsame +µdiff).
By choosing δ=r6 log(20|S|)
|T|min(µdiff,λ), the probability qis at least
12|S|eδ2µdiff|T|/6(1+eδ2γ|T|/6)12|S|elog 20|S|(1+elog 20|S|)
=0.9 1
Theorem 3.3.3 basically states that, with high probability, d(S)is contained in a
small range of values determined by ˆ
d(S), i.e.,
d(S)±δ·(µsame +µdiff)/(µsame µdiff)).
The theoretical analysis is in line with the implementation in Algorithm 1 (Di-
vScore), i.e., the algorithm computes ˆ
d(S)and normalizes it appropriately using
estimates of µsame and µdiff derived from the control set.
Note that Theorem 3.3.3 assumes that µsame =Ex0,x1pz[sim(x0,x1)]is the same
for both z{0, 1}. However, they may not be the same in practice and DivScore
uses separate upper bounds for z=0 and z=1 (u0and u1respectively). Similarly,
we don’t necessarily require a balanced control set (although, as discussed in Sec-
tion 3.4.2, a balanced control set is preferable over an imbalanced one). We keep the
theoretical analysis simple for clarity, but both these changes can be incorporated
in Theorem 3.3.3 to derive similar bounds as well.
The dependence of error on γand Tcan also be inferred from Theorem 3.3.3.
The denominator in the error term in Theorem 3.3.3 is lower bounded by γ. There-
fore, the larger the γ, the lower the error and the tighter the bound. The theorem
also gives us an idea of the size of the control set required to achieve low δerror
and high success probability. To keep δsmall, we can choose a control set Twith
|T|=(log |S|). In other words, a control set of size clog |S|elements, for an ap-
propriate c>1, should be sufficient to obtain a low approximation error. Since the
control sets are expected to have protected attribute labels (to construct partitions
T0and T1), having small control sets will make the usage of our audit algorithm
much more tractable.
Cost of DivScore.The time complexity of Algorithm 1 (DivScore) is O(|S|·|T|),
and it only requires |T|samples (control set) to be labeled. In comparison, if one
was to label the entire collection to derive d(S), the time complexity would be
(a) Gender protected attribute (b) Skin-tone protected attribute
Figure 3.1: Results for PPB-2017 dataset using random and adaptive control sets.
The reported performance is the mean of output from DivScore across 100 repeti-
tions (error bars denote standard error). To improve readability, we limit the y-axis
to the range to [1.5, 1.5], which results in trimmed errorbands for some methods;
we present the same expanded plots without axis restrictions in Appendix A.1.2.
The protected attributes considered here are gender and skintone. The x-axis re-
ports the fraction of z=0 images in the collection (with set {0, 0.1, 0.2, . . . , 1.0}as
the range of values) and, for each collection, we report the following five metrics
in the y-axis: true disparity of the collection, DivScore-Random-Balanced,DivScore-
Random-Proportional,IID-Measure, and DivScore-Adaptive. A collection is consid-
ered diverse if the diversity score (y-axis) is 0; the larger the deviation of the diver-
sity score from 0, the lower the diversity is in the evaluated collection. Amongst all
metrics, DivScore-Adaptive,IID-Measure, and SS-ST seem to have the lowest stan-
dard error. However, using IID-Measure and SS-ST are much costlier than DivScore,
as discussed in Section 3.4.2.
O(|S|), but all |S|samples would need to be labeled. With a control set Tof size
(log |S|), our approach is much more cost-effective. The elements of Tare also
not dependent on elements of S; hence, the same control set can be used for other
collections from the same domain.
3.4 Empirical Evaluation Using Random Control Sets
We first demonstrate the efficacy of the DivScore algorithm on a real-world dataset
using random, domain-relevant control sets.
3.4.1 PPB-2017 dataset
The PPB (Pilots Parliamentary Benchmark) dataset consists of 1270 portrait images
of parliamentarians from six different countries3. The images in this dataset are
labeled with gender (male vs female) and skintone (values are the 6 types from
the Fitzpatrick skin-type scale [112]) of the person in the image. This dataset was
constructed and curated by Buolamwini and Gebru [39]. We will use gender and
skintone as the protected attributes for our diversity audit analysis.
Methodology. We first split the dataset into two parts: the first containing 200
images and the second containing 1070 images. The first partition is used to con-
struct control sets, while the second partition is used for diversity audit evaluation.
Since we have the gender and skin-tone labels for all images, we can construct sub-
datasets of size 500 with a custom distribution of protected attribute types. In other
words, for a given f{0, 0.1, 0.2, . . . , 1.0}, we construct a sub-dataset Sof the sec-
ond partition containing f· |S|images corresponding to protected attribute z=0.
Hence, by applying Algorithm 1 (DivScore) using a given control set T, we can as-
sess the performance of our proxy measure for collection with a varying fraction
of under/over-represented group elements.
When the protected attribute is gender, z=0 will denote g=female, when
the protected attribute is skintone, z=0 will denote s>3 (skin-tone types cor-
responding to dark skin), and when the protected attribute is the intersection of
gender and skin-tone, z=0 will denote g=female and s>3 (corresponding to
dark-skinned women).
Control sets. To evaluate the performance of DivScore the selection of elements
for the control sets (of size 50 from the first partition) can be done in multiple
ways: (1) random balanced control sets, i.e., randomly block-sampled control sets
with an equal number of z=0 and z=1 images; (2) random proportional con-
trol sets, i.e., control sets sampled i.i.d. from the collection in question; (3) adap-
tive control sets, i.e., non-redundant control sets that can best differentiate between
samples with the same protected attribute type and samples with different pro-
tected attribute types. The complete details of the construction of adaptive con-
trol sets are given in Section 3.5; in this section, we primarily focus on the perfor-
mance of DivScore when using random control sets. We will refer to our method
as DivScore-Random-Balanced, when using random balanced control sets, and as
DivScore-Random-Proportional, when using random proportional control sets. In ex-
pectation, random proportional control sets will have a similar empirical marginal
distribution of protected attribute types as the collection; correspondingly, we also
report the disparity measure of the random proportional control set d(T)as a base-
line. We will refer to this baseline as IID-Measure. Random proportional control
sets need to be separately constructed for each new collection, while the same ran-
dom balanced control set can be used for all collections; we discuss this contrast
further in Section 3.4.2.
We also implement a semi-supervised self-training algorithm as a baseline.
This algorithm (described formally in Appendix A.1.1) iteratively labels the pro-
tected attribute of those elements in the dataset for which the similarity to one
group in the control set is significantly larger than the similarity to the other group.
It then uses the learned labels to compute the diversity score. We implement this
baseline using random control sets and refer to it as SS-ST.4
4We do not compare against crowd-annotation since the papers providing crowd-annotated
datasets in our considered setting usually do not have ground truth available to estimate the ap-
proximation error.
Similarity Metric. We construct feature vector representations for all images in
the dataset using pre-trained deep image networks. The feature extraction details
are presented in Appendix A.1.1. Given the feature vectors, we use the cosine
similarity metric to compute the pairwise similarity between images. In particular,
given feature vectors x1,x2corresponding to any two images, we will define the
similarity between the elements as
x1x2. (2)
We add 1 to the standard cosine between two vectors to ensure that the similarity
values are always non-negative.
Evaluation Measures. We repeat the simulation 100 times; for each repetition, we
construct a new split of the dataset and sample a new control set. We report the true
fraction fand the mean (and standard error) of all metrics across all repetitions.
Results. The results are presented in Figure 3.1 (the figure also plots the perfor-
mance of DivScore-Adaptive, which is discussed in Section 3.5). With respect to
gender, Figure 3.1a shows that the DivScore measure is always close to the true dis-
parity measure for all collections, and the standard error of all metrics is quite low.
In this case, random control sets (balanced or proportional) can indeed approxi-
mate the disparity of all collections with very small errors.
The results are more mixed when skintone is the protected attribute. Figure 3.1b
shows that while the DivScore average is close to the true disparity measure, the
standard errors are quite high. The baselines IID-Measure and SS-ST have lower
errors than our proxy measure (although they are not feasible methods for real-
world applications, as discussed in the next section). The poor performance for
this protected attribute, when using random control sets, suggests that strategies
to construct good non-random control sets are necessary to reduce the approxima-
tion error.
3.4.2 Discussion
The presented algorithm, DivScore, seems simple and efficient at first glance. While
simplicity is indeed a feature of this algorithm, the efficiency depends on a variety
of components. In this section, we discuss how different choices for these compo-
nents control the efficiency of DivScore.
Dependence on γ.The performance of DivScore on PPB-dataset highlights the
dependence of approximation error on the γ. Since the gender and skintone labels
of images in the dataset are available, we can empirically derive the γvalue for
each protected attribute using the cosine similarity metric. When gender is the
protected attribute, γis around 0.35. On the other hand, when skintone is the
protected attribute, γis 0.08. In other words, the cosine similarity metric is able to
differentiate between images of men and women to a better extent than between
images of dark-skinned and light-skinned people. This difference in γis the reason
for the relatively larger error of DivScore in the case of skintone protected attribute.
Cosine similarity metric. The simulations also show that measuring similarity
between images using the cosine similarity metric over feature vectors from pre-
trained networks is indeed a reasonable strategy for disparity measurement. Pre-
trained image networks and cosine similarity metric have similarly also been used
in prior work for classification and clustering purposes [229,307]. Intuitively, the
cosine similarity metric is effective when conditional distributions p0and p1are
concentrated over separate clusters over the feature space; e.g., for PPB dataset
and gender as the protected attribute, the high value of γ(0.35) provides evidence
of this phenomenon. In this case, cosine similarity can, on average, differentiate
between elements from the same cluster and different clusters.
Dependence on |T|.The size of the control set is another factor that is inversely
related to the error of the proxy disparity measure. For this section, we use control
sets of size 50. Smaller control sets lead to larger variance, as seen in Figure A.2 in
the Appendix, while using larger control sets might be inhibitory and expensive
since, in real-world applications, protected attributes of the control set images need
to be hand-labeled or crowd-annotated.
Nevertheless, these empirical results highlight the crucial dependence on γand
properties of the control set T. In the next section, we improve upon the perfor-
mance of our disparity measure and reduce the approximation error by designing
non-random control sets that can better differentiate across the protected attribute
Drawbacks of IID-Measure.Recall that IID-Measure essentially uniformly sam-
ples a small subset of elements of the collection and reports the disparity of this
small subset. Figure 3.1 shows that this baseline indeed performs well for the PPB
dataset. However, it is not a cost-effective approach for real-world disparity audit
applications. The main drawback of this baseline is that the subset has to have
i.i.d. elements from the collection being audited for it to accurately predict the dis-
parity of the collection. This implies that, for every new collection, we will have
to re-sample and label a small subset to audit its diversity using IID-Measure. It is
unreasonable to apply this approach when there are multiple collections (from the
same domain) that need to be audited or when elements are continuously being
added/removed from the collection. The same reasoning limits the applicability
of DivScore-Random-Proportional.
DivScore-Random-Balanced, on the other hand, addresses this drawback by us-
ing a generic labeled control set that can be used for any collection from the same
domain, without the additional overhead of constructing a new control set every
time. This is also why balanced control sets should be preferred over imbalanced
control sets since a balanced control set will be more adept at handling collections
with varying protected attribute marginal distributions.
Drawbacks of SS-ST.The semi-supervised learning baseline SS-ST has larger
estimation bias than DivScore-Random-Balanced and DivScore-Random-Proportional,
but has lower approximation error than these methods. However, the main draw-
back of this baseline is the time complexity. Since it iteratively labels elements and
then adds them to the control set to use for future iterations, the time complexity
of this baseline is quadratic in dataset size. In comparison, the time complexity of
DivScore is linear in the dataset size.
3.5 Adaptive Control Sets
As mentioned in the above discussion, the performance of DivScore depends cru-
cially on the choice of the control set. In this section, we present a method to find
a control set using which DivScore can achieve a small approximation error.
The theoretical analysis in Section 3.3.4 and the simulations in Section 3.4.1 use
random control sets; i.e., Tcontains i.i.d. samples from p0and p1conditional dis-
tributions. This choice was partly necessary because the error depends on the γ-
value of the similarity metric, which is quantified as µsame µdiff, where
However, quantifying µsame,µdiff (and, hence, γ) using expectation over the en-
tire distribution might be unnecessary. In particular, the theoretical analysis uses
µsame to quantify Expi[sim(x,Ti)], for any i{0, 1}(similarly µdiff). Hence, we
require the difference between µsame and µdiff to be large only when comparing the
elements from the underlying distribution to the elements in the control set. This
simple insight provides us a way to choose good control sets; i.e., we can choose
control sets Tfor which the difference |Ex[sim(x,Ti)]Ex[sim(x,T1i)]|is large.
Control sets that maximize γ.Suppose we have an auxiliary set Uof i.i.d. sam-
ples from pdata, such that the protected attributes of elements in Uare known. Let
U0,U1denote the partitions with respect to the protected attribute. Once again,
U |S|and Uwill be used to construct a control set T. Let m{0, 2, 4, . . . , |U|}
denote the desired size of T. For each i{0, 1}and yUi, we can first compute
and then construct a control set Tby adding m/2 elements from each Uiwith the
largest values in the set nγ(y)
to T.
Reducing redundancy in control sets. While the above methodology will result
in control sets that maximize the difference between similarity with same group
elements vs similarity with different group elements, it can also lead to redundancy
in the control set. For instance, if two elements in Uare very similar to each other,
they will large pairwise similarity and can, therefore, both have large γ(y)
; however, adding both to the control set is redundant. Instead, we should aim
to make the control set as diverse and representative of the underlying population
as possible. To that end, we employ a Maximal Marginal Relevance (MMR)-type
approach and iteratively add elements from Uto the control set T. For the first
m/2 iterations, we add elements from U0to T. Given a hyper-parameter α0,
at any iteration t, the element added to Tis the one that maximizes the following
The next m/2 iterations similarly adds elements from U1to Tusing γ(y)
1. The
quantity maxxTsim(x,y)is the redundancy score of y; i.e., the maximum similarity
of ywith any element already added to T. By penalizing an element for being very
similar to an existing element in T, we can ensure that chosen set Tis diverse. The
complete algorithm to construct such a control set, using a given U, is provided
in Algorithm 2. We will refer to the control sets constructed using Algorithm 2
as adaptive control sets and Algorithm 1 with adaptive control sets as DivScore-
Note that, even with this control set construction method, the theoretical anal-
ysis does not change. Given any control set T(=T0T1), let
For a control set Twith parameter γ(T), we can obtain the high probability bound
in Theorem 3.3.3 by simply replacing γby γ(T). In fact, since we are explicitly
choosing elements that have large γ(·)
iparameters, γ(T)is expected to be larger
than γand, hence, using the adaptive control set will lead to a stronger bound in
Theorem 3.3.3.
Our algorithm uses the standard MMR framework to reduce redundancy in
the control set. Importantly, prior work has shown that the greedy approach of
selecting the best available element is indeed approximately optimal [46]. Other
non-redundancy approaches, e.g., Determinantal Point Processes [177], can also
be employed.
Algorithm 2 Algorithm to construct an adaptive control set
Input: Auxiliary set U=U0U1, similarity metric sim, m,α0
Output: Control set T
1: T0,T1,γ0,γ1
2: for i{0, 1}do
3: for xUido
4: γ(x)
5: while |Ti|<m/2 do
6: TiTiarg max nγ(x)
7: return T0T1
Cost of each method. DivScore-Adaptive requires an auxiliary labeled set Ufrom
which we extract a good control set. Since |U|>|T|, the cost (in terms of time and
labeling required) of using DivScore-Adaptive is slightly larger than the cost of us-
ing DivScore-Random-Balanced, for which we just need to randomly sample |T|ele-
ments to get a control set. However, results in Appendix A.1.2 show that to achieve
a similar approximation error, the required size of adaptive control sets is smaller
than the size of random control sets. Hence, even though adaptive control sets are
more costly to construct, DivScore-Adaptive is more cost-effective for disparity eval-
uations and requires smaller control sets (compared to DivScore-Random-Balanced)
to approximate with low error.
3.6 Empirical Evaluation using Adaptive Control Sets
3.6.1 PPB-2017
Once again, we first test the performance of adaptive control sets on the PPB-2017
dataset. Recall that we split the dataset into two parts of sizes 200 and 1070 each.
Here, the first partition serves as the auxiliary set Ufor Algorithm 2. The input
Figure 3.2: Results for CelebA dataset. For each feature, we plot the true gen-
der disparity score for that feature as well as the scores obtained using DivScore-
Random-Balanced and DivScore-Adaptive approaches. For both methods, the control
set size is kept to 50. Note that the error of DivScore-Adaptive is much smaller in
this case.
hyper-parameter αis set to be 1. The rest of the setup is the same as in Section 3.4.1.
Results. The results for this simulation are presented in Figure 3.1 (in red). The
plots show that by using adaptive control sets, we obtain sharper proxy diver-
sity measures for both gender and skintone. For skintone protected attribute, the
standard error of DivScore-Adaptive is significantly lower than DivScore-Random-
Note that the average of DivScore-Adaptive, across repetitions, do not align with
the true disparity measure (unlike the results in the case of random control sets).
This is because the adaptive control sets do not necessarily represent a uniformly
random sample from the underlying conditional distributions. Rather, they are
the subset of images from Uwith the best scope of differentiating between images
from different protected attribute types. This non-random construction of the con-
trol sets leads to a possibly-biased but tighter approximation for the true disparity
in the collection.
As noted before, when using adaptive control sets (from Algorithm 2), the per-
formance depends on γ(T):=EiExpi[sim(x,Ti)]Exp1i[sim(x,T1i)]. By
construction, we want to choose control sets Tfor which γ(T)is greater than the γ
value over the entire distribution. Indeed, in the case of the PPB dataset and for ev-
ery protected attribute, we observe that γ(T)values of the adaptive control sets are
much larger than the corresponding value when of randomly chosen control sets.
When gender is the protected attribute, on average, γ(T)is 0.96 (for random control
sets, it was 0.35). Similarly, when skintone is the protected attribute, γ(T)is around
0.34 (for random control sets, it was 0.08). The stark improvement in these values,
compared to random control sets, is the reason behind the increased effectiveness
of adaptive control sets in approximating the disparity of the collection.
3.6.2 CelebA dataset
CelebA dataset [199] contains images of celebrities with tagged facial attributes,
such as whether the person in the image has eyeglasses, mustache, etc., along with
the gender of the person in the image5. We use 29 of these attributes and a random
subset of around 20k images for our evaluation. The goal is to approximate the
disparity in the collection of images corresponding to a given facial attribute.
Methodology. We evaluate the performance of methods DivScore-Random-Balanced
and DivScore-Adaptive for this dataset6. We perform 25 repetitions; in each repeti-
tion, an auxiliary set Uis sampled of size 500 (and removed from the main dataset)
and used to construct either a random control set (of size 50) or an adaptive control
set (of size 50). The chosen control set is kept to be the same for all attribute-specific
collections in a repetition. For each image, we use the pre-trained image networks
to extract feature vectors (see Appendix A.1.1 for details) and the cosine similarity
metric - Equation (2) - to compute pairwise similarity.
6For CelebA and TwitterAAE datasets, we only report the performance of DivScore-Adaptive and
DivScore-Random-Balanced to ensure that the plots are easily readable. The performance of DivScore-
Random-Balanced is similar to that of DivScore-Random-Balanced and, due to large data collection
sizes, SS-ST is infeasible in this setting.
Figure 3.3: Results for TwittterAAE dataset with dialect as the protected attribute
for DivScore-Random-Balanced and DivScore-Adaptive using control sets of size 50.
Results. The results are presented in Figure 3.2. The plot shows that, for almost
all attributes, the score returned by DivScore-Adaptive is close to the true disparity
score and has a smaller error than DivScore-Random-Balanced. Unlike the collections
analyzed in PPB evaluation, the attribute-specific collections of the CelebA dataset
are non-random; i.e., they are not i.i.d. samples from the underlying distribution.
Nevertheless, DivScore-Adaptive is able to approximate the true disparity for each
attribute-specific collection quite accurately.
Note that, for these attribute-specific collections, implementing IID-Measure
would be very expensive, since one would have to sample a small set of elements
for each attribute and label them. In comparison, our approach uses the same con-
trol set for all attributes and, hence, is much more cost-effective.
3.6.3 TwitterAAE dataset
To show the effectiveness of DivScore beyond image datasets, we analyze the per-
formance over a dataset of Twitter posts. The TwitterAAE dataset, constructed by
Blodgett et al. [29], contains around 60 million Twitter posts7. We filter the dataset
to contain only posts that either are certainly written in the African-American En-
glish (AAE) dialect (100k posts) or the White English dialect (WHE) (1.06 million
posts). The details of filtering and feature extraction using a pre-trained Word2Vec
model [210] are given in Appendix A.1.1.
Methodology. For this dataset, we will evaluate the performance of DivScore-
Random-Balanced and DivScore-Adaptive6. We partition the datasets into two parts:
the first contains 200 posts and the second contains the rest. The first partition is
used to construct control sets of size 50 (randomly chosen from the first partition
for DivScore-Random-Balanced and using Algorithm 2 for DivScore-Adaptive). The
protected attribute is the dialect of the post. The second partition is used for diver-
sity audit evaluation. We construct sub-datasets or collections with a custom dis-
tribution of posts from each dialect. For a given f{0, 0.1, . . . , 1.0}, we construct
a sub-dataset Sof the second partition containing f· |S|AAE posts. The overall
size of the sampled collection is kept to 1000 and we perform 25 repetitions. For
DivScore-Adaptive, we use α=0.1.
Results. The audit results for collections from the TwitterAAE dataset are pre-
sented in Figure 3.3. The plot shows that both DivScore-Random-Balanced and DivScore-
Adaptive can, on expectation, approximate the disparity for all collections; the
disparity estimate from both methods increases with increasing fraction of AAE
posts in the collection. However, once again, the approximation error of DivScore-
Adaptive is smaller than the approximation error of DivScore-Random-Balanced in
most cases8.
8The code for this chapter is available at https://github.com/vijaykeswani/Diversity-
3.7 Discussion, Limitations, and Future Work
As with any algorithm that aims to statistically model a real-world societal prob-
lem, there are questions about how generalizable are the results of the proposed
algorithm. In this section, we discuss these questions, stating the potential appli-
cations of our framework, along with the practical limitations and directions for
future work on real-world bias audits.
Third-party implementations and auditing summaries. To audit the diversity
of any collection, DivScore simply requires access to a small labeled control set and
a similarity metric. The cost of constructing these components is relatively small
(compared to labeling the entire collection) and, hence, our audit framework can
be potentially employed by third-party agencies that audit independently of the
organization owning/providing the collections. For instance, our algorithm can be
implemented as a browser plugin to audit the gender diversity of Google Image
results or the dialect diversity of Twitter search results. Such a domain-generic
diversity audit mechanism can be used to ensure a more-balanced power dynamic
between the organizations disseminating/controlling the data and the users of the
applications that use this data.
Variable-sized collections. DivScore can easily adapt to updates to the collections
being audited. If an element is added/removed, one simply needs to add/remove
the contribution of this element from sim(S,T0)and sim(S,T1), and recompute
d(S). This feature crucially addresses the main drawback of IID-Measure.
Possibility of stereotype exaggeration. In our simulations, we evaluate gender
diversity using the “male” vs “female” partition and skintone diversity using the
Fitzpatrick scale. Pre-defined protected attribute partitions, however, can be prob-
lematic; e.g., commercial AI tools’ inability in handling non-binary gender [269].
Considering that Our algorithm is based on choosing control sets that can dif-
ferentiate across protected attribute types, there is a possibility that the automat-
ically constructed control sets can be stereotypically biased. For example, a con-
trol set with a high γ(T)value for gender may just include images of men and
women, and exclude images of transgender individuals. While non-redundancy
aims to ensure that the control set is diverse, it does not guarantee that the control
set will be perfectly representative. Given this possibility, we strongly encourage
the additional hand-curation of automatically-constructed control sets. Further,
any agency using control sets should make them public and elicit community feed-
back to avoid representational biases. Recent work on designs for such cooperative
frameworks can be employed for this purpose [221,109].
Choice of α.For DivScore-Adaptive,αis the parameter that controls the redun-
dancy of the control set. It primarily depends on the domain in consideration and
we use fixed αfor collections from the same domain. However, the mechanism to
choose the best αfor a given domain is unclear and can be further explored.
Improving theoretical bounds. While the theoretical bounds provide intuition
about the dependence of error on the size of the control set and γ, the constants
in the bounds can be further improved. E.g., in the case of the PPB dataset with
gender protected attribute and the empirical setup in Section 3.4.1, Theorem 3.3.3
suggests that error |δ| 5; however, we observe that the error is much smaller
(0.5) in practice. Improved and tighter analysis can help reduce the difference
between the theoretical and empirical performance.
Assessing qualitative disparities. Our approach is more cost-effective than crowd
annotation. However, crowd-annotation can help answer questions about the col-
lection beyond disparity quantification. For example, Kay et al. [166] use crowd-
annotation to provide evidence of sexualized depictions of women in Google Im-
age results for certain occupations such as construction worker. As part of future
work, one can explore extensions of our approach or control sets that can assess
such qualitative disparities as well.
The use of control sets (or small sets of representative examples) allows us to
audit for biases in the absence of protected attributes. But representative examples
here have a larger role: they are a general context-specific signal of a group mem-
bership. In the case of images, representation from the perspective of the user is
the appropriate depiction of images containing people with diverse perceived at-
tributes. For instance, race obviously cannot be inferred using images but skintone
is a signal that is often used by people to determine race representation in image
sets. Representative examples make it easier to incorporate these perceived sig-
nals of protected attributes. Secondly, control sets here can be defined by each user
themselves, allowing them to define their notion of diversity through examples.
On this point, considering that the above process allows us to audit efficiently, it
should also be possible to diversify datasets so that they appear similar to the con-
trol set defined by any user. In particular, Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 demonstrate
how control sets can be used to diversify image and text summaries so that they
represent all groups in a similar manner as any given control set.
Chapter 4
Implicit Diversity in Image
Services such as Google Image Search perform the task of image summariza-
tion; namely, responding to a query with an appropriate set of images. However,
as mentioned in Chapter 3, for queries related to people, such algorithms are often
biased with respect to protected attributes of the data, such as the presented gen-
der [166,278] or skin tone [39]. In essence, summarization algorithms often over-
represent the majority demographics for a given query. Kay et al. [166] show that
such errors can reinforce the gender stereotypes associated with common queries,
underlining the need to correct such biases in image summarization results. Fur-
thermore, the use of demographically skewed results can be propagated and re-
inforced by other tools; e.g., state-of-the-art image generation algorithms such as
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), when trained on publicly available im-
ages of engineers, mostly generate images of white men wearing a hard hat [7].
This chapter is based on joint work with L. Elisa Celis and was published in the proceedings
of ACM Conference On Computer-Supported Cooperative Work And Social Computing (CSCW)
2020 [50]. I would like to thank the anonymous area chairs and reviewers of CSCW’20 for their
thorough and helpful feedback.
Clearly, there is a necessity for developing image summarization algorithms that
do not propagate or exacerbate societal biases and that generate summaries that
are relevant to the given query yet are also visibly diverse.
Most existing approaches for fair and diverse summarization assume that the
images of people include labels denoting the relevant protected attributes of indi-
viduals in the images. These labels are explicitly used to either change the dataset
or adjust the training of the summarization algorithm. However, such labels are
often unknown, as in the case of images in Google Search results. Further, using
machine learning techniques to infer these labels may often not be possible within
acceptable accuracy ranges and may not be desirable due to the additional biases
this process could incur.
This chapter presents a novel approach that takes as input a visibly diverse
control set of images of people and uses this set as part of a procedure to select a
summary of images of people in response to a query. Extending the use of control
sets from Chapter 3, the goal is to have a resulting summary that is more visibly
diverse in a manner that emulates the diversity depicted in the control set. Our
algorithms accomplish this by evaluating the similarity of the images selected by
a black-box algorithm with the images in the control set, and incorporating this
“diversity score” into the final selection process. Importantly, this approach does
not require images to be labeled at any point; effectively, it gives a way to implicitly
diversify the set of images selected.
Summary of contributions. In 2013-14, Kay et al. [166] collected Google’s top 400
image results for each of the 96 occupations, and had 10% of the images labeled
by crowd workers according to presented gender. They used this dataset to infer
the gender bias in the Google search results of occupations described above. In the
years since then, Google has continually updated its image analysis algorithms
[3]. Hence, the first question we address is: does bias remain an issue in Google image
search results?
Towards this, we consider the same 96 occupations and collect the top 100
Google search results for each one in December 2019.1We have these images la-
beled by crowd workers using Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) with respect to
gender (coded as male, female, or other) and skintone (coded according to the
Fitzpatrick skin-tone scale). This results in 60% of images containing gender la-
bels and 63% of images containing skin-tone labels. While some improvements
have been made with respect to gender (the % of images of women in Google 2014
results is 37% and in Google 2019 results it is 45% ), we find that the fraction of
gender anti-stereotypical images is still quite low2(30% in Google 2019 results and
22% in Google 2014 results).
For skintone, 52% of the images have a fair skin-tone label (corresponding to
Type 1-3 on the Fitzpatrick scale) and 10% of the images have a dark skin-tone la-
bel (corresponding to Type 4-6 on the Fitzpatrick scale). Once again, the fraction
of images of dark-skinned people in Google results is quite low. Overall 57% of
the dataset has both a gender and skin-tone label; however, only 7% of these are
images of dark-skinned men and 3% are images of dark-skinned women. A final
statistic that captures the lack of diversity in Google results is that 35 out of 96 occu-
pations do not have any images of dark-skinned gender anti-stereotypical people
in the top 100 results. This assessment of Google images with respect to skintone
was not possible for the original dataset of images from 2014, as no skintone labels
were present.
Given the extent and importance of this problem, the next question we address
1Dataset available at http://bit.ly/2QVfM0K
2Anti-stereotypical images refer to a set of images that do not correspond to the stereotype
associated with the query. For example, gender anti-stereotypical images for a male-dominated
occupation (determined using ground truth) would correspond to the set of images of women in
the summary generated for that occupation.
is: are there simple and efficient methods that correct for visible diversity across protected
attributes in image search? When considering this question, we first note that, in
general, images that contain people would not have their protected attributes ex-
plicitly labeled. Datasets are at scales where collecting explicit labels is infeasible,
and while it may be possible to learn these attributes in a pre-processing step, as
we also observe this can lead to additional errors and biases [269]. Hence, we add
a constraint to our main question: are there simple and efficient methods that correct
for visible diversity across protected attributes in image search results that do not require
or infer attribute labels? To the best of our knowledge, no methods with such a
requirement exist for image summarization. 3
To address this question, we design two algorithms: MMR-balanced, a modi-
fication of the well-known MMR algorithm [46], and QS-balanced, a simpler and
more efficient algorithm inspired by the former. In both cases, the method takes
a black-box image summarization algorithm and the dataset it works with, and
overlays it with a post-processing step that attempts to diversify the results of the
black-box algorithm. To do so, our method takes as input a very small control
set of visibly diverse images. The control set is query-independent and should be
carefully constructed to capture the kind of visible diversity desired in the output.
Similar to Chapter 3, control sets here encode the user’s notion of diversity. 4On
a high level, the process of debiasing summaries using control sets is as follows
(see also Figure 4.2): each image is given a query similarity score using the black-
box algorithm, which corresponds to how well it represents the desired query. The
3The goal of search algorithms is usually to return a ranking of images given an input query.
While our approach can be extended to the case of ranking as well, in this chapter, we will primarily
focus on the task of fair retrieval, i.e., returning a fair summary of images corresponding to an
input query and ensuring that the top results are unbiased. The reason for this simplification is
to better analyze, highlight and mitigate the bias in the most visible results of image search, often
characterized by images on the first or second page of the search results. However, as discussed in
Remark 4.2.1, our algorithms can be used to rank images in a diverse manner as well.
4The size of the control set can vary by application, but we show the efficacy of our method with
small sets of size 8-25.
(a) Occupations dataset- Query: CEO (b) CelebA dataset- Query: Smiling
Figure 4.1: (a) Top images returned by QS-balanced for the query “CEO” on Occu-
pations dataset and (b) top images returned by QS-balanced for the query “smiling”
on CelebA dataset. The first row shows images returned by the algorithm using
the diversity control matrix, the second row shows the images with the most simi-
larity to the query, and the third row shows images with best-combined scores, i.e.,
images with smallest DSq(x,x)xSscores for each xT.
candidate images are also given a similarity score with respect to each image in the
control set using a given similarity scoring tool. After adding the query similarity
score to the diversity control scores, we rank the images by the combined score for
each image in the control set and output the ones with the best scores. As required,
this results in a method that implicitly diversifies the image sets without having to
infer or obtain protected attribute labels.
We evaluate the effectiveness of this approach on the new Occupations dataset
we collect and the CelebA dataset. The CelebA dataset contains more than 200,000
images of celebrities labeled with information about the facial attributes of the
person in the image. For the Occupations dataset, the queries are the occupations
while for the CelebA dataset, the queries are the facial attributes.
We compare the performance of our approaches on these datasets with other
state-of-the-art algorithms and relevant baselines. This includes summarization al-
gorithms that reduce redundancy in the summary [46], diversify across the feature
space [177], or use gender classification tools to compute explicit labels as a pre-
processing step. For the Occupations dataset, QS-balanced and MMR-balanced re-
turn more gender-balanced results than Google image search results (Section 4.4.3)
and baselines. Specifically, the percent of gender anti-stereotypical images in the
output of QS-balanced and MMR-balanced is around 45% on average across occupa-
tions, while for Google Image search, this number is approximately 30%. The base-
line algorithms also have a relatively lower percent of gender anti-stereotypical
images in their output (35%-39%), confirming observations made in prior work
which state that diversifying across feature space or using pre-trained gender clas-
sification tools do not necessarily result in diversity with respect to protected at-
tributes [51,269]. Similarly, on the CelebA dataset, our algorithms return much
more gender-balanced results, compared to the results using just query similarity
or other algorithms. In this case, the average fraction of gender anti-stereotypical
images in the output of QS-balanced is 0.23, while using just query similarity, this
number is 0.08. For example, for gender-neutral facial attributes, such as ’smil-
ing’, the 50 images obtained using top query scores are images of women while
QS-balanced returns an image set with 32% men and no loss in accuracy. On the
Occupations dataset, we also show that QS-balanced and MMR-balanced increase
the diversity across skintone as well as diversity across the intersection of skintone
and gender.5The average fraction of images of dark-skinned people in the output
QS-balanced is 0.17 while for Google results, the average fraction is 0.16. However,
the standard deviation is higher for Google results (0.09 vs 0.05), implying that
the results are relatively more unbalanced for Google. In terms of intersectional
diversity, Table 4.1 shows that the results from QS-balanced algorithm are gender-
balanced across skintone, unlike Google results. The average fraction of images of
dark-skinned gender anti-stereotypical images in the output of QS-balanced is 0.08
while for Google, this number is 0.05. The increase in diversity with respect to skin-
tone is limited, perhaps due to the lack of skin-tone diversity in the dataset itself.
We show that we can improve on these numbers by more aggressively weight-
5The CelebA dataset does not contain race or skin tone labels, hence we cannot evaluate its
performance with respect to these attributes.
Table 4.1: Comparison of intersectional diversity of top 50 QS-balanced images and
Google images. The number represents the average fraction of images satisfying
the corresponding attribute, with standard deviation in the brackets.Google im-
ages seem to have a larger fraction of stereotypical images, with respect to both
gender and skintone. In comparison, QS-balanced returns images that are relatively
more balanced; for both skintones, the fraction of men and women in the output is
almost balanced. Intersectional diversity comparison with other baselines is pre-
sented in Table A.1.
Our Algorithm
% gender
% gender
Fair skin 0.46 (0.14) 0.37 (0.14)
Dark skin 0.09 (0.05) 0.08 (0.05)
Google Images
% gender
% gender
Fair skin 0.60 (0.20) 0.24 (0.21)
Dark skin 0.11 (0.08) 0.05 (0.07)
ing the diversity score (computed with respect to the control set), this comes at an
increased cost to accuracy.
Importantly, our focus in this chapter is on visible diversity with respect to per-
ceived gender and skin color. We make this choice as true labels are often not
only unknown but also irrelevant e.g., a set of images of male-presenting CEOs
is not sufficiently diverse to combat the problems mentioned above, regardless of
the true gender identity of the people captured in the images. As discussed in
Chapter 2, how we define appropriate representation and diversity can be highly
context-dependent; it can either be used to mean fidelity with ground truth or can
denote that there are sufficient number of samples corresponding to each relevant
demographic group. In this Chapter, our analysis focuses on both of these as-
pects of representation. We compare the gender and skintone diversity in Google
Search results and summaries generated by our algorithms for various occupations
to the actual demographic distribution in these occupations in the US using sur-
vey data from Bureau of Labor and Statistics, to measure deviation of these sum-
maries from reality. Simultaneously, we also quantify the extent to which stereo-
types associated with various occupations are propagated or exaggerated in the
automatically-generated summaries, giving us an idea of the under-representation
of historically-marginalized groups in image summaries.
The following sections are organized as follows: after briefly reviewing related
work in the field of diverse image summarization, we start with a description of
the setting of summarization, followed by the details of our suggested algorithms
in Section 4.2. We next present the Occupations dataset and assess the gender
and skin-tone diversity of the dataset in detail in Section 4.3. Following this, we
state the results of the empirical analysis of our algorithm on the Occupations and
CelebA dataset (Section 4.4). Finally, we discuss the implications and inferences
from our results and address the limitations of our methods and ways to improve
them in future work (Section 4.5).
4.1 Related Work
To assess the importance of addressing bias in summarization results, we first look
at prior work on the social impact of stereotypes in image datasets and related
work in the field of fair summarization.
Bias in existing image datasets and models. The effect of negative stereotypes
and the resulting biases have been carefully explored in television media in the
form of cultivation theory [275,117], particularly with respect to the portrayal of
women, racial and ethnic minorities. Online media has only recently been sub-
jected to similar scrutiny and multiple studies have highlighted the presence of
such biases in existing summarization tools and benchmark image datasets.
As discussed before, the study by Kay et al. [166] explored the effects of bias
in Google image search results of occupations on the perception of people of that
occupation. Follow-up studies by Pew Research Center [5] and Singh et al. [278]
also found evidence of similar gender bias in Google image search results; [5] fur-
ther observed that, for many occupations, images of women tend to appear lower
than the images of men in search results. Biased representation of minorities has
also been observed in other computer vision applications. Buolamwini and Gebru
[39] found that popular facial analysis tools from IBM, Microsoft, and Face++ have
a significantly larger error rate for dark-skinned women than other groups. This
study led to a subsequent improvement in the accuracy of these tools with respect
to images of minorities [4] and it highlights the importance of constant audit of
existing models, as well as, the need for alternative strategies to develop unbiased
models since even improvements to existing facial analysis tools do not achieve
desired diversity in their results. A case in point is the study by Scheuerman, Paul,
and Brubaker [269] which showed that commercial facial analysis tools do not per-
form well for transgender individuals and are unable to infer non-binary gender.
Even existing datasets, collected from real-world settings, can encode unwar-
ranted biases that can occur from the data collection process. Van Miltenburg [296]
provided evidence of stereotype bias in a popular dataset of Flickr images anno-
tated with crowdsourced descriptions. The study by Zhao et al. [320] found that
datasets used for visual recognition tasks have a significant gender bias.
Downstream propagation of biases. As mentioned earlier, inaccurate represen-
tation of demographic groups can lead to biases against these groups, either in
the form of incorrect perceptions about the group [166,68,138] or in the form
of bias in the decision-making process based on the inaccurate representations.
[247,74,255,23,163]. If a machine learning model is trained using an imbalanced
or misrepresentative dataset, the biases in the dataset can edge into the output of
the model as well. For example, Datta et al. [79] showed that men are more likely
to be shown Google ads for high-paying jobs than women, a result of training
the targeting model on gender-biased data. Similarly, Caliskan et al. [44] found
that word associations learned from existing texts encode historical biases, such as
gender stereotypes for occupations. Image generation algorithms, such as GANs
[164], when trained on Google Images of people from certain common occupa-
tions, mostly generate stereotypical images [7]. With any additional intervention,
unconstrained models, including summarization algorithms, are bound to reflect
the biases of the dataset they operate upon. Hence, to prevent the propagation of
bias due to imbalanced image summaries, it is important to develop summariza-
tion algorithms that ensure that the generated summaries are unbiased even when
using biased datasets.
Algorithms for image summarization. The rising popularity of social networks
and image-hosting websites has led to a growing interest in the task of image sum-
marization. The primary goal of any image summarization algorithm is to appro-
priately condense a given set of images into a small representative set. This task
can be divided into two parts: (a) scoring images based on their importance, and
(b) ensuring that the summary represents all the relevant images.
Traditional image summarization algorithms to score images on their impor-
tance have focused on using visual features, such as color or texture, to compare
and rank images [132,310]. Recently, even pretrained neural networks have been
used for image feature extraction [274], which is then used to score images based
on their centrality in the dataset. In the case of query-based summarization, de-
termining the importance of an image includes determining whether the image is
relevant to the query. To find query-relevant images, search services like Google
use metadata from the parent websites of images to associate keywords with them,
thus simplifying the task significantly [311]. However, for the datasets we analyze,
metadata or keywords for images are not available; correspondingly we need to
use retrieval algorithms that use image features only. If the queries come from a
pre-determined set, then supervised approaches for image classification can also
be used for summarization [263,256,317,100]. For example, if the queries cor-
respond to facial features, then scores from state-of-the-art convolutional neural
networks pre-trained on large image datasets with annotated facial features [199]
can be employed for retrieving relevant images. We will show the efficacy of such
an approach in Section 4.4 for the CelebA dataset. In the absence of pre-trained
classification models and metadata information, one has to adopt unsupervised
approaches to determine the query relevance of images. Given a query image, an
unsupervised approach suggested by [303] uses pre-trained models [85] to find
images similar to the query image; they show that this unsupervised approach is
comparable to state-of-the-art algorithms for the task of pattern spotting. We will
use this approach for query-based summarization for the Occupations dataset.
Secondly, to ensure that the summary is representative of all relevant images,
most prior works have used the idea of non-redundancy [46,251,266,66,193]. Once
the images have been scored on their relevance, algorithms such as MMR [46],
greedily select images that are not very similar to the images already present in
the summary. Other efficient methods to ensure non-redundancy in the summary
include the use of determinantal point processes [177] and submodular maximiza-
tion models [294]. These models have also been used explicitly for the task of ef-
ficiently summarizing images of people [279]. However, reducing redundancy in
the output set does not always correspond to diversity with respect to the desired
features, such as gender, race, etc., as demonstrated by Celis et al. [51]. Our eval-
uations using redundancy-reducing algorithms also lead to this conclusion. We
empirically compare our algorithm to such non-redundancy-based approaches in
Section 4.4 and discuss them further in Section 4.5.
Prior work on unbiased image summarization. Current approaches to debias
summarization algorithms often assume the existence of protected attribute labels
for data points. Lin et al. [193] suggest a scoring function over subsets of elements
that rewards subsets that have images from different partitions. For example, Celis
et al. [52] formulate the summarization problem as sampling from a Determinantal
Point Process and use partition constraints on the support to ensure fairness. How-
ever, setting up the partition constraints or evaluating scores requires the knowl-
edge of the partitions and correspondingly the protected attributes for all data
points. Similarly, fair classification algorithms, such as [54,70,98,136,161,312,
316] use the gender labels during the training process. Even for language-based
image recognition tasks, [320] suggest constraints-based modifications of existing
models to ensure fairness of these models, but the constraints are based on the
knowledge of the gender labels. Unlike these approaches, the methods proposed
in this chapter aim to ensure diversity in settings where protected attribute labels
are not available.
4.2 Model and Algorithms
In this section, we describe our approach to ensuring that the image summariza-
tion process returns visibly diverse images. Given a query from the user, we start
with the goal of choosing images that correspond to the query and then incorpo-
rate an additional novel diversity check (using a control set provided by the user)
into the model. Let Sdenote the large corpus of images.
Query Score. Suppose we have a black-box algorithm Athat takes any query q
and the dataset Sas input and for each image, returns a query similarity score - the
Figure 4.2: A simple post-processing approach for ensuring diversity in image
search. A small “control set” of images is taken as input, and (relevant) images
are assigned a similarity score with each image in the control set to create a diver-
sity control matrix. These scores are combined with the query scores provided in
a black-box manner using an existing image search approach. A summarization
algorithm then selects the final images using this combined score. See Algorithm 4
for details.
score represents how well the image corresponds to the query q. The smaller the
score A(q,x), for a query qand image x, the better the image corresponds to the
query. Since our framework is meant to extend an existing image retrieval model,
we can assume that such a score can be efficiently computed for each query and
image pair.
Image Similarity Score. Suppose that we also have a generic image similarity
function sim(·,·), which takes as input a pair of images, x1,x2, and calculates a
score of similarity of the two images, sim(x1,x2). For the sake of consistency, here
again, we will assume that the smaller the score, the more similar are the images.
While the framework we propose is independent of the query-matching algo-
rithm or the image similarity function, we will present a concrete example of such
algorithms and functions in a later section. We first see how we can use this score
to rank our dataset.
Algorithm 3 MMR-balanced
Input: Dataset S, query q, query matching algorithm A, similarity function sim,
control set T, parameter α,β[0, 1], number of elements to be returned M<|S|
Output: Summary R
1: R
2: while |R|<Mdo
3: for all xS\TRdo
4: redundancy-score minxTRsim(x,x)
5: diversity-score minxcTsim(x,xc)
6: score(x)(1αβ)·A(q,x)β·redundancy-score +α·
7: RRarg minxscore(x)
8: return R
Diversity using a control set. A ranking/summary with respect to the scores
returned by Ais unlikely to be visibly diverse without further intervention in most
cases, as shown by prior studies [166]. To ensure visible diversity in the results, we
use a control set Tand a clustering approach. Like Chapter 3, the control set Tis
asmall set of visibly diverse images and will be used to enforce the diversity in
the output; for example, if the summary is required to be gender-diverse, then the
control set will have an equal number of images of men and women.
For each control image xcT, using sim(·,·)as the distance metric, we can
learn the cluster of images around x, by sorting {sim(x,xc)}xSfor each xcT. In
other words, we can associate each image xSto an image in the control set to
which xis most similar.
Using control sets with existing redundancy-reducing algorithms. To ensure
we take into account both the query score from the blackbox Aand the diver-
sity with respect to the control set T, we have to combine the scores A(q,·)and
sim(x,·). As mentioned earlier, a popular approach to combining query similarity
and diversity is to diversify across the entire feature space, i.e., reduce the redun-
dancy of the chosen summary. Using maximum marginal relevance score is one of the
many simple and efficient greedy selection procedures for this task [46]. The max-
imum marginal relevance (MMR) score of an image is a combination of the query
similarity score of that image and its dis-similarity to the already chosen images;
at every step, the image that optimizes this score is added to the set. However, re-
ducing redundancy does not necessarily lead to diversification across the desired
attributes, such as gender [51]. An obvious question in this respect is whether the
control set score can be incorporated with a non-redundancy approach to achieve
diversity across gender, race, etc.
To that end, we present the MMR-balanced algorithm. Starting with an empty
set R, the algorithm adds one image to the subset Rin each iteration. The chosen
image xis the one that minimizes the score
xRsim(x,x) + α·min
where α,β[0, 1]. The first part of the above expression captures query relevance
while the second part penalizes an image according to similarity to existing images
in the summary R. These two terms together constitute the maximum marginal
relevance score [46]. The third term in the above expression now acts as a deterrent
to choosing multiple images corresponding to the same control set image xc(unless
there is an almost equal number of images corresponding to each xcin R). The
complete algorithm is formally presented in Algorithm 3. We will set α=β=0.33
for MMR-balanced in the following sections and empirical analysis. We also analyze
this expression theoretically in Appendix A.2.3.
A drawback of MMR-balanced is the time complexity. In particular, checking re-
dundancy with existing images at every step is cumbersome and often necessary,
if the dataset is diverse enough. Furthermore, dropping the redundancy check
Algorithm 4 QS-Balanced: Post-processing algorithm for fair summarization
Input: Dataset S, query q, blackbox algorithm A, similarity function sim(·,·),
control set T, parameter α, and summary size M
Output: Summary R
1: for all x,xcS×Tdo
2: DSq(x,xc)(1α)·A(q,x) + α·sim(x,xc)
3: R
4: while |R|<Mdo
5: r, score
6: for all xcTdo Find elements clustered around each xc
7: xarg maxxSDSq(x,xc)
8: if x/rthen Checking duplicates
9: rr{x}
10: score(x)DSq(x,xc)Scores used for tie-breaks
11: DSq(x,xc)
12: if |Rr| Mthen If all of rcan be added
13: RRr
14: else Tie-break when |Rr|has more than Melements
15: mM|r|
16: rmelements from rwith highest score(x)
17: RRr
18: return R
should not affect the diversity with respect to protected attributes, since we have
the diversity control term for that purpose. This leads us to a more efficient algo-
QS-balanced. Given a tradeoff parameter α[0, 1]and a query q, for each xcT
let DSq(x,xc):S×TRdenote the following score function:
DSq(x,xc)(1α)·A(q,x) + α·sim(x,xc).
The score DSq(x,xc)corresponds to a combination of similarity with xcand sim-
ilarity with a query q. Finally, for each xcTF, we sort the set DSq(x,xc)xS
and return an equal number of images with the lowest scores from each set, check-
ing for duplicates at every step. The ties are broken by choosing the image with
the better query score. This gives us our final set of visibly diverse images. Algo-
rithm 4 formally summarizes this approach. For α=0.5 and given a control set,
we will call this algorithm QS-balanced. We will also refer to the algorithm using
only diversity scores, i.e., α=1, as DS and the algorithm using only query scores,
i.e., α=0, as QS in the following sections.
Time complexity of the QS-balanced. Without making any assumption on the
blackbox algorithm A, we can upper bound the additional time to ensure diver-
sity using the control set. The additional overhead in time complexity is O(|T| ·
log(|S|)· T ), where Tis the time taken to compute the similarity score for any
given pair of elements. This factor is due to the time taken to construct and sort
the rows of the diversity-similarity matrix. The time complexity also depends lin-
early on the size of the control set and hence the size of the control set should be
much smaller than the size of the dataset. Note that MMR-balanced is O(M)times
slower than QS-balanced, where Mis the size of the summary.
Model Properties. An important property that many diverse summarization al-
gorithms (including MMR) share is the diminishing returns property [46,193,294].
To state briefly, a function, defined over the subsets of a domain, satisfies the di-
minishing returns property if the change in function value on adding an element to
a smaller set is relatively larger. Such set functions are also called submodular func-
tions. Due to diminishing returns property, simple greedy algorithms can be used
to approximately and efficiently optimize these functions, making them ideal for
summarization over large datasets.
We can directly show that score computed at each step of MMR-balanced satis-
fies the diminishing returns property (simple extension of proof for MMR). Even
QS-balanced, if represented as an iterative process, can be shown to satisfy this
property, implying that these algorithms share the mathematical features of com-
mon diverse summarization algorithms and that fast and greedy approaches do
lead to approximately good solutions. We formalize these statements and provide
mathematical proofs of the submodularity of these functions in Appendix A.2.3.
Remark 4.2.1 (Ranking).Search algorithms usually return a ranking of images in the
dataset and ranking models also suffer from the same kind of biases studied in the case of
summarization [5,53]. While ranking a set of images can be considered an extension of the
summarization problem, we primarily focus on summarization to highlight and mitigate
bias in the most visible results of image search. However, given the similarity between
these problems, an obvious question is whether our approach can be used to provide a fair
ranking of the images. Indeed, both QS-balanced and MMR-balanced can be used to rank
images as well. Both algorithms inherently compute a score for each image which captures
both the query similarity and diversity with respect to the control set (see Section A.2.3
for more details). While the QS-balanced is for diverse image summarization, with slight
modification the algorithm can also be used to rank the images in the dataset according to
the score DSq(x,xc). We can construct a |S| × |T|sized matrix (as shown in Figure 4.2)
with the entry corresponding to (x,xc)storing the score DSq(x,xc). Next, we first sort
each row of this matrix according to the stored score and then sort each column. Finally, we
can assign a ranking, starting with the image corresponding to the first entry of the matrix
and moving along the first column. Once the first column has been ranked, we move to the
second column and so on, checking for duplicates at each step.
4.3 Datasets
4.3.1 Occupations Dataset
We compile and analyze a new dataset of images for different occupations. The
dataset is composed of the top 100 Google Image Search results 6for 96 different
occupations. This dataset is an updated version of the one compiled by Kay, Ma-
tuszek and Munson [166], which contained Google image results from 2013 7.
Since occupations are often associated with gender or race stereotypes, empiri-
cal analysis with respect to these search terms will help better evaluate the imbal-
ance in existing search and summarization algorithms. To compare the composi-
tion of the dataset with the ground truth of the fraction of minorities working in
the occupation, we use the census data of the fraction of women and Black people
working in each occupation from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics [2]. The cen-
sus data shows that Black people are the racial minority in each of the considered
occupations (relative to White people). On the other hand, 52 out of 96 occupa-
tions have a larger fraction of men employed and the rest have a larger fraction of
women employed. In our analysis, we will often compute the fraction of gender
anti-stereotypical images for different occupations, i.e., if an occupation is male-
dominated, we take into account the fraction of women and if an occupation is
female-dominated, we take into account the fraction of men in the output set.
We use Amazon Mechanical Turk to label the gender and Fitzpatrick skintone
of the primary person in the images. To obtain labels, we designed a survey ask-
ing participants to label the gender and skintone of the primary person in the im-
ages. Each survey had around 50 images and the surveys were limited to partic-
ipants in the US. Since some of the images had multiple primary persons or peo-
ple whose features were hidden or cartoon images, “Not applicable” and “Cannot
6The images were collected in December 2019.
determine” were also provided for each question. For each image, we collect 3
responses and assign the majority label to the image.
We use standard inter-rater reliability measurements to quantify the extent of
consensus amongst different participants of the survey. Overall there were around
620 survey participants and each participant only labels a small subset of images
(50). We compute the Cohen’s κ-coefficient [67] for all pairs of participants with
more than 5 common images in their surveys. 8The resulting mean κ-coefficient
across the pairs is 0.58 (median is 0.62). Based on existing heuristic guidelines
and interpretations of these coefficients [179], these results imply that, on average,
there is a moderate level of agreement between survey participants.
An analysis of this dataset revealed similar diversity results as the analysis by
Kay et al. [166] of Google images from 2013. However, while their analysis was
limited to gender, we are also able to assess the skin-tone diversity of the results.
Furthermore, unlike Kay et al., who mainly report the fraction of images of women
in top results, we focus on measuring the fraction of gender anti-stereotypical im-
ages in top images. This is because our primary goal is to provide balanced sum-
maries and present anti-stereotypical images to effectively counter gender stereo-
types [109]. Measuring the fraction of anti-stereotypical images better quantifies
the stereotype exaggeration in current results, compared to the fraction of images
of women.
Gender labels. Overall, approximately 61% of these images have a primary per-
son whose gender is labeled as either Male or Female. 35% of the images are la-
belled Male, 26% are labelled Female and the rest are labelled “Not applicable” and
“Cannot determine”. The variation of the fraction of images of women in the re-
sults is presented in Figure 4.3a. The figure shows that Google images do follow
8Similar techniques to evaluate interrater agreement in the setting of multiple participants rating
a subset of elements has been considered in other prior work as well [189,220].
(a) Fraction of images of women in Google
(b) Fraction of images of dark-skinned people
and dark-skinned women in Google results
Figure 4.3: The plots show the fraction of images of women, dark-skinned people,
and their intersection in the top 100 results of Google Image Search. (a) For gender,
we also provide the comparison with Google results from 2013 [166]. While the
fraction of women in the top Google results seems to have increased, the fraction
of gender-stereotypical images is still high ( 0.7 on average). (b) Majority of the
top Google images for every occupation correspond to gender-stereotypical fair-
skinned people, independent of the ground truth of the percentage of Black people
in the occupation. For the rest of the minority groups, the fraction is partially
dependent on the ground truth.
the gender stereotype associated with occupations. This was one of the main in-
ferences of the case study by Kay et al. [166] for Google 2013 search results. While
the overall fraction of women in the top 100 results seems to have increased from
2013 to 2019 (37% in 2013 to 45% in 2019), the fraction of gender anti-stereotypical
images is still quite low (21% in 2013 and 30% in 2019).
Skin-tone labels. For skintone, the options provided for labeling were the cate-
gories of the Fitzpatrick skin-tone scale (Type 1-6). While there are more options,
in this case, choosing between consecutive options is relatively difficult. Around
15% of the images are assigned a Type-1 skin-tone label, 14% Type-2, 5% Type-3,
2% Type-4, 2% Type-5, 2% Type-6; the rest are either “Not applicable”, “Cannot
determine” or have conflicting skin-tone label responses.
However, our primary skin-tone evaluation is with respect to the fraction of
Table 4.2: Occupations dataset - Comparison of top 50 images from QS-balanced
and MMR-balanced algorithm with top 50 images from other baselines. The num-
ber represents the average, with the standard deviation in brackets. The accuracy
is quantified using a measure of similarity to the query. QS-balanced returns an
output set that has a larger fraction of images that do not correspond to the gender
stereotype of the occupation. However, it suffers a loss in accuracy for this di-
versification. Note that accuracy, in this case, is measured using query similarity.
Other non-redundancy-based algorithms also perform better than Google results
in terms of gender diversity in the results, but not better than QS-balanced or MMR-
balanced, showing that using the control set targets the desired attributes better.
Diversity metrics Accuracy metric
Algorithm % gender anti-
% dark
skinned avg. accuracy
QS-balanced 0.45 (0.17) 0.17 (0.05) 0.38 (0.06)
MMR-balanced 0.45 (0.20) 0.15 (0.06) 0.39 (0.06)
QS 0.35 (0.20) 0.13 (0.06) 0.47 (0.11)
DS 0.48 (0.20) 0.15 (0.00) 0.30 (0.06)
Google 0.30 (0.22) 0.16 (0.09) 0.48 (0.07)
MMR 0.35 (0.21) 0.09 (0.05) 0.48 (0.11)
DET 0.39 (0.15) 0.15 (0.05) 0.43 (0.08)
AUTOLABEL 0.36 (0.17) 0.14 (0.05) 0.47 (0.11)
AUTOLABEL-RWD 0.35 (0.21) 0.13 (0.06) 0.47 (0.11)
images of dark-skinned people. Hence we can aggregate the skintones into a bi-
nary feature: fair skintone (Type 1, Type 2, Type 3) and dark skintone (Type 4, Type
5, Type 6). After this aggregation, 52% of the images have the fair skin-tone label
and 10% of the images have the dark skin-tone label. For the rest of the chapter,
we will treat the skintone as a binary feature, unless explicitly mentioned.
Intersection of gender and skintone. 57% of the images have both a gender and
skin-tone (binary) label. Amongst these, 27% of the images are of fair-skinned
men, 21% are of fair-skinned women, 6% are of dark-skinned men and 3% are of
dark-skinned women. Once again, the fraction of images of dark-skinned men
and women is relatively much smaller than the fraction of fair-skinned men and
women, as seen from Figure 4.3b. Furthermore, if we associate each occupation
with its gender stereotype (for example, “Male” if the fraction of men in the oc-
cupation is larger than the fraction and women, and “Female” otherwise), then
35 out of 96 occupations do not have any images of dark-skinned gender anti-
stereotypical people in the top 100 results.
Figure 4.3b also provides us with an insight into the variation of the fraction
of images of different groups (formed by the intersection of gender and skintone)
with respect to the ground truth of the fraction of Black people in occupations.
For almost all occupations, a large portion of the top 100 images is of gender-
stereotypical fair-skinned people, further showing that current Google results for
occupations do correspond to the stereotypes. Interestingly, the fraction of images
of gender-stereotypical fair-skinned people do not seem to be dependent on the
ground truth. While this partition takes up a significant portion of the top 100 im-
ages, the fraction of images from the other three minority partitions seems to be
partially dependent on the ground truth.
This lack of gender diversity in Google results from 2013 has also been explored
in detail in the paper by Kay et al. [166]; our updated dataset shows that the current
Google results still suffer from some of the gender diversity problems discussed in
Kay et al. [166]. Furthermore, our analysis also shows that the Google image results
are also lacking in terms of skin-tone diversity and intersectional diversity.
We will test the performance of QS-balanced and MMR-balanced algorithms on
this Occupations dataset and compare the results, in terms of diversity and accu-
racy, to top Google results.
4.3.2 CelebA Dataset
Another dataset we will use for evaluation is CelebA. CelebA dataset [199] is a
dataset with 202599 images of celebrities, along with a number of facial attributes,
such as whether the person in the image has eyeglasses or not, whether the person
is smiling or not, etc. We will use 37 of these attributes in our evaluation. One of
the attributes corresponds to whether the person in the image is “Male” or not and
we will use this attribute for diversity evaluation.
We divide the dataset into two parts: train and test set. The train set (containing
90% of the images) is used to train a classification model over these attributes,
which is then used to compute the query similarity score The primary dataset for
summarization is the test partition of the above CelebA dataset; it contains 19962
images. The 37 facial attributes will serve as the queries to the summarization
algorithm and the trained classification model will be used as the blackbox query
algorithm A(q,·).
Some of the attributes in this dataset are gender-neutral, while others seem to
be gender-specific. We consider an attribute to be gender-neutral if it is commonly
associated with all genders and if the dataset has a sufficient number of images
from both men and women labeled with that attribute. For example, we consider
the attribute “smiling” to be gender-neutral since it is associated with both men
and women, and amongst images labeled as smiling in the dataset, 34% of images
that are labeled as Male and 66% are labeled as Female. 9Similarly, the attribute
“eyeglasses” can be considered gender-neutral since it is also commonly associated
with both men and women, and the dataset has a sufficient number of images of
both men and women with eyeglasses. On the other hand, an attribute like “mus-
tache” is usually associated with men and all images labeled with this attribute in
the dataset are of men; hence we will consider it to be gender-specific. The fraction
of images of women for other facial attributes is given in Section A.2.5 in the Ap-
pendix. Our primary goal for this dataset will be to ensure diversity with respect
to such gender-neutral queries, but we will present our results for all the queries.
9Prior studies show that there is some correlation between gender and smiling for photographs
taken during public occasions [86,76]. However, summarization results should not reflect the bias
of the source, i.e., when querying for a facial attribute like “smiling”, which is associated with all
genders, the results should be gender-diverse to present an unbiased picture.
Table 4.3: CelebA dataset - Comparison of top 50 images from all algorithms on
the metrics of the fraction of gender anti-stereotypical images and accuracy. The
accuracy is quantified as the fraction of images with the corresponding query at-
tributes. The output returned by QS-balanced has a larger fraction of gender anti-
stereotypical images than most of the other baselines. Only AUTOLABEL returns
a perfectly balanced set; however at a larger loss of accuracy.
Diversity metric Accuracy metric
Algorithm % gender anti-
stereotypical avg. accuracy
QS-balanced 0.23 (0.21) 0.88 (0.16)
MMR-balanced 0.17 (0.22) 0.87 (0.16)
QS 0.08 (0.21) 0.93 (0.16)
DS 0.49 (0.12) 0.22 (0.21)
MMR 0.14 (0.21) 0.92 (0.16)
DET 0.13 (0.18) 0.90 (0.17)
AUTOLABEL 0.50 (0) 0.80 (0.23)
AUTOLABEL-RWD 0.07 (0.24) 0.93 (0.17)
4.4 Empirical Setup and Observations
We empirically evaluate the performance of QS-balanced and MMR-balanced on the
Occupations and CelebA dataset. The complete implementation details are pro-
vided in Appendix A.2.2, including the blackbox query algorithm and the similar-
ity function used for each of the datasets; we provide certain important details of
the implementation here. In the case of the Occupations dataset, the query sim-
ilarity is measured by quantifying similarity to a set of images corresponding to
the query, while in the case of the CelebA dataset, the query similarity is measured
using the output of a classifier pre-trained on the training partition of the dataset.
Since the choice of the control set is dataset and domain-dependent, we discuss
the content and construction of control sets used for our simulations. A detailed
discussion on the composition, social, and policy aspects of the control sets is pre-
sented in Section 4.5.
4.4.1 Control Sets
Similar to the previous chapter, the chosen control set should satisfy Assump-
tion 3.3.1 stated in Chapter 3. That is, the control set of images should satisfy the
following criteria: (a) the control set should consist of a small number of images
that belong to the same domain as the dataset, and (b) the images should primarily
differ with respect to the protected attribute and stay similar with respect to other
attributes, such as background, face positioning, etc.
For the Occupations dataset, we evaluate our approach on four different small
control sets. Two sets (with 12 images each) are hand-selected using images from
Google results and are intended to be diverse with respect to presented gender
and skin color. The reason for using Google search to construct these sets was
simply to ensure that the set is comprised of images from the same domain as
the dataset itself. These images are also not part of the Occupations dataset. The
other two sets (with 24 images each) are generated by randomly sub-sampling
from the Pilot Parliaments Benchmark (PPB) dataset [39]. We use the PPB dataset
to construct control sets because it contains portrait images of parliamentarians
from different countries, and thus ensures that the images predominantly highlight
the facial features of the person. The images in the PPB dataset have gender and
skin-tone labels, and we randomly select 24 images for our control set, conditioned
on the sampled set containing an equal number of images of men and women and
an equal number of images of different skintones. These control sets are presented
in Section A.2.4.
For the CelebA dataset, once again we use four different control sets for our
evaluation, two of them have 8 images and the other two have 24 images; the
exact images are provided in Appendix A.2.5. The control sets are constructed
by randomly sampling an equal number of images with and without the “Male”
attribute from the train set. Once again, we use the training part of the dataset to
construct control sets because, if possible, the images in the control sets should be
from the same domain as the dataset itself. Since the domain, in this case, is images
of celebrities, using images from the training partition leads to better results (in
terms of accuracy and diversity) than using images from Google search.
The results presented here compare the best performance using one of the con-
trol sets and the comparison of different control sets is presented in the Appendix.
4.4.2 Baselines
To better judge the results of our algorithms, we compare them to multiple other
approaches as well as relevant baselines. We first consider two baselines that give
the range of our options simply considering query accuracy (QS), or simply con-
sidering the diversity of the set (DS). We also compare our results to the existing
top Google results in the dataset. For other baselines, we consider natural and
effective approaches that have been proposed in prior image summarization liter-
ature. To score images on query relevance, all algorithms once again either mea-
sure similarity using query images, in the case of the Occupations dataset, or use
the output of the trained classifier, in the case of the CelebA dataset. To ensure di-
versity in the summary, prior work can be divided into two categories: algorithms
that aim to reduce redundancy in the summary and algorithms that use protected
attribute labels inferred using pre-trained classification tools. We compare both
kinds of algorithms, and also discuss the potential drawbacks of these approaches
Algorithms that ensure non-redundancy
Reducing redundancy is a common approach for achieving diversity in the out-
put summary. Essentially, algorithms that aim to maximize non-redundancy try to
choose a summary that has images that are maximally-representative of all the rele-
vant images. However, as shown by prior work [51] and our empirical results, this
approach does not always effectively diversify across protected attributes, such
as gender, and instead results in a summary that is diverse with respect to other
attributes, such as background, body position, etc. We compare our algorithms
against two approaches that fall under the category of reducing redundancy in the
output summary.
DET: Determinant-based diversification [177,52]. This approach first filters
images according to their query relevance. Then it uses a geometric measure
(determinant) on the features of a given subset of relevant images to quantify
the diversity of the subset and aims to select the subset that maximizes this
measure of diversity. However, without any constraints on the subset, DET
returns a summary that is diverse across all features, including irrelevant
features such as background color, and hence can be unsuitable for the task
of diversifying across the given protected attributes.
MMR: This algorithm is an iterative greedy algorithm that starts with an
empty set and, in each iteration, adds an image that has maximum marginal
relevance, a score that combines both query relevance and extent of similar-
ity to the images already chosen for the summary [46]. Similar to DET, we
compare against this method to show that greedily choosing non-redundant
images does not explicitly lead to diversity across protected attribute values.
Algorithms that use label-inference tools
Many existing fair summarization algorithms assume the presence of protected
attribute labels to generate fair summaries [193,52], by using labels to enforce fair-
ness constraints on the output summary. In the absence of labels, one way to employ
these algorithms is to use pre-trained classification tools to infer the protected at-
tribute labels for all images in the dataset. For example, one can use pre-trained
gender classification tools to obtain gender labels for the images and then enforce
constraints using these inferred labels. However, this approach can be problematic
if the classification model has been trained on biased data (as seen in [39]) or has a
relatively low accuracy for the given dataset. In both cases, the use of a pre-trained
gender classification model can further exacerbate the bias in the summary (as will
be evident from empirical results on the Occupations dataset). For comparison of
our approach against these kinds of methods, we use a pre-trained gender classi-
fication model [188] and the following two approaches for generating summaries
using query similarity scores and inferred labels.
AUTOLABEL: Using pre-trained gender classification model [188]10, this
approach first divides the dataset into two partitions: images labeled “male”
and images labeled “female”. Then it sorts images in each partition by query
relevance score and selects an equal number of top images labeled “male”
and “female” for the summary.
AUTOLABEL-RWD: Once again using the same pre-trained gender classifica-
tion model, along with a more effective scoring function suggested by [193];
this approach rewards a subset for having images from multiple partitions
instead of penalizing it for having images from the same partition.
Empirical comparison with these baselines will show that the bias or errors in pre-
trained classification models can often exacerbate the bias of generated summaries
or adversely affect their accuracy.
Additional mathematical details and descriptions of all the baselines are pro-
vided in Section A.2.1 of the Appendix. Each algorithm, including the baselines, is
used to create a summary of 50 images, corresponding to each query occupation.
The comparison of our algorithms and baselines on smaller summary sizes is also
presented in Section A.2.4 and A.2.5 in the Appendix. For the Occupations dataset,
we compare our algorithm and the baselines on metrics of gender diversity, skin
color diversity, and accuracy. For the CelebA dataset, we compare our algorithm
and the baselines on metrics of gender diversity and accuracy.
4.4.3 Observations - Gender Diversity
Occupations dataset
As reported earlier, 52 out of 96 occupations have a larger fraction of men em-
ployed and the rest have a larger fraction of women employed (inferred using the
BLS data [2]). We first report the fraction of gender anti-stereotypical images in
the output for each query occupation, i.e., if an occupation is male-dominated, we
take into account the fraction of women and if an occupation is female-dominated,
we take into account the fraction of men in the output set. The results are pre-
sented in Table 4.2. Algorithm QS-balanced, using PPB Control Set-1 returns a set
for which the average fraction of gender-anti-stereotypical images is 0.45 with a
standard deviation of 0.17. In comparison, for Google Image search, the average
fraction of gender-anti-stereotypical images in top results is 0.30 with a standard
deviation of 0.22. The table shows that QS-balanced algorithm returns a larger frac-
tion of images that do not correspond to the gender stereotype associated with the
In terms of raw gender numbers, the average fraction of women in top results
of QS-balanced, for any occupation is 0.35 with a standard deviation of 0.10. The
results for the performance of QS-balanced using other control sets are presented in
Section A.2.4 of the Appendix. Using control set-1 leads to a slightly larger average
fraction of women; however using PPB Control Set-1 leads to better performance
with respect to both gender and skintone, which is why we present our main re-
sults using this control set.
The gender diversity of the results of MMR-balanced is similar to those of QS-
balanced and much better than Google results and baselines. The average fraction
of gender anti-stereotypical images in the MMR-balanced is 0.45, with a standard
deviation of 0.20, which is slightly worse than QS-balanced results. The average
fraction of women in top results of any occupation for MMR-balanced is 0.40 with
a standard deviation of 0.17. The results empirically show that the use of a control
set appropriately, either in QS-balanced or MMR-balanced, leads to better diversifi-
cation across gender.
The variation of the percentage of women in the output of different algorithms
is presented in Figure 4.4(a). The x-axis in Fig 4.4(a) is the actual percentage
(ground truth) of women in occupations, obtained using data from BLS [2]. The
figure primarily shows the results from MMR-balanced and QS-balanced are rela-
tively more gender-balanced, On the other hand, MMR and DET have a relatively
smaller fraction of gender anti-stereotypical images in their output. This shows
that algorithms that aim to diversify across feature space (like MMR and DET)
cannot always achieve desired diversity with respect to protected attributes, such
as gender. The fraction of gender anti-stereotypical is however better than Google
results, showing that it does diversify across gender to an extent.
The performance of gender anti-stereotypical images in the output of AUTO-
LABEL and AUTOLABEL-RWD is relatively low as well (around 0.35); this is likely
due to the low accuracy of the auto-gender classification tool used (error rate
30%). The performance of these algorithms shows that one cannot rely on auto-
matic classification tools, for gender or other protected attributes, to ensure constraint-
based diversification. Hence, an intervention, in the form of a control set, can help
target the necessary attributes appropriately.
CelebA dataset
Table 4.3 shows that the output images of QS-balanced algorithm contain a larger
fraction of gender anti-stereotypical images (0.23) than MMR-balanced, MMR, DET,
AUTOLABEL-RWD. The average loss in accuracy is also small (0.05) for QS-balanced.
On the other hand, the output set from AUTOLABEL algorithm is always per-
fectly balanced. This is because the auto-gender classification tool used for the
CelebA dataset has much better accuracy (95%), and hence we are always able to
choose a perfectly gender-balanced set. However, the accuracy of this algorithm is
relatively much worse than other algorithms; showing that enforcing hard fairness
constraints does not always lead to the best results.
Even for image sets from QS-balanced and MMR-balanced, the overall fraction of
gender anti-stereotypical images is not close to 50%, as desired. This is primarily
because many queries correspond to a gender stereotype; for example, most of the
images satisfying the attribute “wearing necklace” correspond to female celebrities
and hence the algorithm cannot diversify with respect to this feature, due to the
lack of images of men satisfying this attribute. Similarly, most of the images satis-
fying the attribute “bald” correspond to male celebrities, and hence the images for
this query mostly contain men.
On the other hand, our framework does lead to more gender-balanced results
for queries that do not have an associated gender stereotype. For example, for the
query “smiling”, the top 50 images with the best query scores contains only images
of women, whereas the results from QS-balanced contain around 36% men and 64%
women images. Similarly, for the query “receding hairline”, the top 50 images
with the best query scores contains 12% women, whereas QS-balanced returns an
image set with 38% women. Hence, for queries that are gender-neutral, using our
framework leads to results that are relatively more gender-balanced.
(a) Gender diversity comparison (b) Skin-tone diversity comparison
Figure 4.4: Occupations dataset: (a) Percentage of women in top 50 results vs
ground truth of percentage of women in occupations. The images are generated
using QS-balanced,MMR-balanced, and other baselines for the Occupations dataset.
The figure shows that the image results from QS-balanced and MMR-balanced are
more gender-balanced (see also Table 4.2), than image results from other algo-
rithms. While the fraction of images of women from QS-balanced is slightly lower
than MMR-balanced, the fraction of gender-anti-stereotypical images for both al-
gorithms is close (see Table 4.2). (b) Percentage of dark-skinned people in top 50
results vs ground truth of percentage of Black people in occupations. The im-
age results from QS-balanced are relatively more balanced with respect to skintone;
however, the fraction of images of dark-skinned people is low for all algorithms.
4.4.4 Observations - Skin-tone Diversity
Occupations dataset
Unlike gender, for skintone, dark-skinned people are the minority group for all
occupations considered in this dataset. Hence, in this case, the fraction of anti-
stereotypical images just corresponds to the fraction of images of dark-skinned
Using Algorithm QS-balanced, with PPB Control Set-1, the average fraction of
people with dark skintone in top results of any occupation is 0.17 with a standard
deviation of 0.05; for Google Image search, the average fraction of women in the
top 50 results for any occupation is 0.16 with a standard deviation of 0.09. The
high standard deviation shows that Google results are relatively more imbalanced
with respect to gender, i.e., for many occupations, the fraction of images of dark-
skinned people is much smaller or larger than the average. The skin-tone diversity
of the results of MMR-balanced is also relatively better than baselines; the average
fraction of women in top results of any occupation is 0.15 with a standard deviation
of 0.06.
We also compare the skin-tone diversity of results of QS-balanced with other
baseline algorithms; the results are presented in Table 4.2 and Figure 4.4(b). The
x-axis in Fig 4.4(b) is the actual percentage (ground truth) of Black people in occu-
pations, once again obtained using data from Bureau of Labor and Statistics [2].
Once again MMR is unable to diversify across the desired attributes. For the
results obtained using MMR, the average fraction of people with dark skintone
in top results is 0.09, with a standard deviation of 0.05. The skin-tone diversity of
results of DET is relatively better, the average fraction of people with dark skintone
in top results is 0.15, with a standard deviation of 0.05.
Note that for all algorithms, the top results still have a very small fraction of
people with dark skintone (despite using a control set that is balanced with respect
to skintone). This is primarily because, for most occupations, there are very few
images of people with dark skin-tone in the dataset. We expect that summarization
over a more robust dataset (such as one accessible to Google for search results) can
lead to better results.
4.4.5 Intersectional Diversity
In the presence of multiple protected attributes, intersectional diversity would im-
ply that the results are diverse with the respect to the combination of the protected
Occupations dataset
We evaluate the performance of QS-balanced algorithm on the basis of intersec-
tional diversity with respect to gender and skin-tone attributes. In other words,
we check how the output set is distributed across the following four partitions:
gender stereotypical fair skin-tone images, gender anti-stereotypical fair skin-tone
images, gender stereotypical dark skin-tone images, and gender anti-stereotypical
dark skin-tone images. The results are presented in Table 4.1. The control set used
here is PPB Control Set-1.
As discussed earlier, Google images tend to favor the gender and skintone as-
sociated with the stereotype of the occupation; the table shows that the fraction
for gender-stereotypical fair skin-tone images is much larger than the fraction for
other partitions. In comparison, the results from QS-balanced are relatively more
balanced; the difference between the fraction of gender-stereotypical and gender
anti-stereotypical images is smaller, for both fair skintone and dark skintone. Fur-
thermore, the fraction of gender anti-stereotypical dark skin-tone images in the
output of QS-balanced is also larger than the corresponding fraction in Google im-
ages. The comparison with other baselines is also presented in Table A.1 in the
Overall, the fraction of gender anti-stereotypical dark-skinned images is still
low in the output of QS-balanced. Once again, the primary reason for this is the
lack of robustness of the dataset itself. As noted earlier, for 35 occupations, the
dataset does not contain any gender anti-stereotypical dark-skinned images; to
choose such images for these queries, the algorithm has to look for similarity with
images from other occupations, which leads to a small fraction of gender anti-
stereotypical dark skinned images and also affects accuracy.
4.4.6 Observations - Accuracy
Occupations dataset
For the Occupations dataset, we compute accuracy by measuring similarity to the
query in the following manner: for every query occupation q, we have a small set
of images Tqfor reference; for example, for query “doctor”, 10 images of doctors
are provided. 11. Then using sim(·,·)function, for the reference set Tqand for each
image xin summary, we can calculate the score avgSimTq(x):=avgxqTqsim(x,xq).
The score avgSimTq(x)gives us a quantification of how similar the image Iis to all
other images in set Tq, and correspondingly how similar it is to query q.12 The
query similarity of different algorithms and baselines is presented in Table 4.2. 13
From the figure, we can see that the accuracy of the top images of QS-balanced
(0.38) and MMR-balanced is relatively lower than the top images of Google image
search (0.48). The average accuracy of other baselines is slightly better than our
primary algorithms (greater than 0.42). Hence the loss in accuracy, due to the in-
corporation of the diversity control matrix, is not very large.
Note that query similarity does not imply that most of the output images be-
long to the query occupation. There will be images from other occupations that
are matched to the query occupation since multiple occupations can have similar
images (for example, doctors and pharmacists, or CEOs and financial analysts).
The plot presented here simply checks whether the average query scores of the
output images of QS-balanced and MMR-balanced are close to the Google search re-
11These images are hand-verified and are not present in the primary evaluation dataset S
12This is similar to the ROUGE score [192] employed to measure the utility of text summaries
against reference summaries and has been shown to correlate well with human judgment.
13For the Occupations dataset, we can also alternately define accuracy as the fraction of im-
ages in the summary that belongs to the query occupation. However, this measure is problematic
since many occupations have similar-looking images, for example, “doctor and “chemist”, or “in-
surance sales agent” and “financial advisor”. Hence, similarity with reference images is a better
measure of accuracy in this case; nevertheless, we also present the accuracy with respect to query
occupation in Section A.2.4 of the Appendix.
sults and other baselines. To further check the number of images in the output set
that belong to the query occupation, we plot a bar graph of the number of images
belonging to the query occupation and the results are presented in Figure A.14 in
the Appendix.
CelebA dataset
Table 4.3 also shows the accuracy comparison of our algorithm on the CelebA
dataset against baselines. Here the accuracy is measured as the fraction of images
that satisfied the query facial attribute. As expected, the accuracy of the results
when using QS-balanced (88%) is worse than the accuracy when QS (93%), but bet-
ter than the average accuracy of DS (22%), MMR-balanced (87%) and AUTOLABEL
(80%). The reason for the relatively lower accuracy of MMR-balanced is primarily
because it aims to reduce non-redundancy in the summary as well.
For some queries, such as “smiling” or “eyeglasses”, the loss in accuracy is
small (2%), while for other queries, such as “straight hair”, even though the accu-
racy is small (72%), the images do visually correspond to the query. For these kinds
of queries, the performance of our algorithm (in terms of accuracy and diversity)
seems to be as desired. For some other queries, such as “mustache” or “wearing
lipstick”, the use of diversity control scores with α0.5 does not seem to have an
impact on gender diversity (0% gender anti-stereotypical images for both). This is
primarily because these queries are associated with a gender stereotype, in which
case forced diversification will affect accuracy.
4.4.7 Observations - Other Diversity Metrics
We also evaluate the performance of QS-balanced,MMR-balanced and baselines
with respect to other standard diversity metrics from literature, e.g. non-redundancy
scores (measured using log-determinant of the kernel matrix). The details and re-
sults of this comparison are presented in Section A.2.4 in the Appendix. To state the
observations briefly, the non-redundancy scores of the output generated by DET
are observed to be better than the non-redundancy scores of other algorithms. This
is expected since DET optimizes the determinant-metric being measured. How-
ever, as noted before, maximizing non-redundancy does not necessarily ensure
diversity with respect to gender and skintone. Amongst the proposed algorithms,
MMR-balanced has relatively better non-redundancy scores than QS-balanced. This
is primarily because MMR-balanced and has a non-redundancy component already
built into it (at the cost of efficiency); QS-balanced, on the other hand, is faster since
it only aims to ensure diversity with respect to attributes represented in the control
4.5 Discussion, Limitations and Future Work
The algorithms presented here are prototypes that aim to improve diversity in im-
age summarization. A crucial feature of our framework is that it is built to extend
existing image summarization algorithms (represented using the blackbox A(·,·)).
This is because summarization algorithms can be designed in a manner very spe-
cific to the domain; for example, Google Image search uses the metadata of the
images (such as parent website, website metadata, etc) to return images that cor-
respond to the query. Designing a new fair summarization from scratch is unrea-
sonable, and a post-processing approach to ensuring fairness is more likely to be
adopted. However, there are certain limitations to this approach which we exam-
ine in connection to potential future work in this section.
Discussion on the observations. The empirical results show that using the con-
trol set has a positive impact on the gender and skin-tone diversity of the summary,
either in the form of QS-balanced or MMR-balanced algorithm. The average fraction
of gender anti-stereotypical images in the output of both algorithms is close to
0.45, for the Occupations dataset. In comparison, the average fraction of gender
anti-stereotypical images in Google images is around 0.30. Even the algorithms
that aim to just reduce non-redundancy, are unable to diversify across gender and
skintone to the extent that QS-balanced or MMR-balanced does.
However, the results for skintone and intersectional diversity of the results of
QS-balanced and MMR-balanced on the Occupations dataset is still lower than the
desired level of diversity (close to the fraction in the control set). Even though
this is because of the lack of images of people with darker skintone in the Occupa-
tions dataset, it will be important to empirically evaluate the performance of the
framework on more robust datasets.
In the case of the CelebA dataset, while the overall average fraction of gender
anti-stereotypical images is not very high (0.23), we do observe that for certain
queries, the fraction of gender anti-stereotypical images is higher than those ob-
tained using just query scores (for example, “smiling”). These queries mostly cor-
respond to gender-neutral facial attributes, for which there are sufficient images in
the dataset.
Comparison with baselines. From the performance of DET and MMR, we see
that diversifying across feature space does not necessarily diversify across the pro-
tected attributes; an observation that as also made in [51]. Furthermore, imposing
hard fairness constraints (such as using AUTOLABEL when the pre-trained gen-
der classifier has high accuracy) is not ideal since this can lead to an undesirably
high loss of accuracy. Hence control sets can serve as a medium of soft fairness
Control sets. While control sets, when appropriately chosen, do seem to im-
prove the diversity of the output, the choice of the composition of the control set
is context-dependent. It is obvious that the control set images should be chosen
keeping in mind the domain of the images of the dataset, to ensure that image
similarity comparison is not redundant (i.e., satisfy Assumption 3.3.1).
But what should be the fraction of images of women or dark-skinned people
in the control set? We observe that changing the composition of the control set
changes the composition of the output similarly. We infer this by empirically eval-
uating the performance of QS-balanced algorithm for control sets with different
fractions of images of minorities and observe that as the fraction increases, the
representation of images of these minorities in the output set also increases. The
control sets are randomly chosen from the PPB dataset. The results of this analysis
are presented in Section A.2.4 of the Appendix. Hence, the composition of the con-
trol set does seem to have an impact on the composition of the output summary.
The size of the control set is intentionally kept to be very small (recall that the
time complexity depends linearly on the size of the control set). Indeed it is a
key advantage of our approach that it performs well even with small control sets.
Larger control sets could be used, but constructing them could be considerably
more difficult, especially considering that determining the control set is context-
specific and could/should require input from multiple parties. Empirically, we
did not observe any statistically significant advantage in using control sets of size
There are many other context-specific and policy-related questions about the
control set that cannot be answered through the above empirical analysis. Typ-
ically for an application, the range of composition of the control set should be
decided after a thorough research of the user demographics and will also require
input from all the affected parties/communities to ensure that there is an appro-
priate representation of all groups. Once the control set is created and deployed,
ideally the company responsible for the application of the framework should also
provide opportunities for public audit/examination of the criteria and diversity
sets to ensure transparency in the diversification process. The reason why trans-
parency is required in the process of selection of a control set is that, just like any
other fairness metric, using misrepresentative or non-diverse control sets can lead
to more harm than good. Similar to the process adopted in other settings such as
voting [6], it should be up to the users to decide/judge the fairness of a control set.
Choice of tradeoff parameter α.The hyper-parameter αrepresents the fairness-
accuracy tradeoff in this algorithm. Once again, the choice is application-oriented
and depends on how much loss in accuracy is acceptable to achieve the required
amount of fairness in the output. We empirically evaluate the performance of QS-
balanced and MMR-balanced for different αvalues, and the results are presented in
Appendix A.2.4 and A.2.5. As expected, as αincreases from 0 to 1, the fraction
of gender anti-stereotypical images (for both Occupations and CelebA datasets)
increases. At the same time, the similarity to the query or accuracy decreases. In
our case, the figures show that a balanced choice of α=0.5 is reasonable.
The choice of hyper-parameters, such as control set and αvalue are context-
dependent and we expect the use of this algorithm to be preceded by a similar
thorough evaluation and analysis using different control sets with different com-
positions, and different αvalues.
Assumption of binary protected attributes. The primary evaluation of our method
(both in this chapter and Chapter 3) was with respect to binary gender and skin-
tone. This evaluation made use of labeled data where gender and skintone were
often primarily treated as binary, which can be problematically restrictive [155], an
inaccurate representation of the diversity in humanity with respect to gender and
skintone [118], and could be used in a discriminative manner [25,144]. The focus
on binary protected attributes in this dissertation was primarily for ease of analy-
sis. Considering the fact that we need pre-labeled or crowd-labeled datasets to as-
sess the performance of our algorithms (i.e., assessing whether the proposed label-
agnostic fair summarization algorithm achieves gender and skintone diversity or
not), our analysis is limited to the range of protected attributes used in existing
relevant datasets (such as the PPB and CelebA datasets) or those which can be eas-
ily labeled by crowd-annotators (such as the Occupations dataset). Nevertheless,
our proposed methods can potentially be used to achieve diversity with respect to
broader ranges of protected attributes. Since the diversity is incorporated using
the control set, the user can employ a wide variety of images that reflect the spec-
trum of diversity we observe offline. However, in terms of technical assessment of
our methods for non-binary protected attributes, it would be important to evaluate
this work in the future over datasets that are pre-labeled with broader label classes
of protected attributes.
The lack of analysis and evaluation with respect to non-binary attributes is a
limitation of many existing gender classification tools as well. A study conducted
by Scheuerman, Paul, and Brubaker [269] showed that existing commercial facial
analysis tools do not perform well for transgender individuals and are unable to
infer non-binary gender, primarily because of the focus of training on recognizing
gender-stereotypical facial features. Such studies further highlight the importance
of not relying on the pre-defined notion of gender, as considered by existing gender
classification tools.
Dependence on blackbox algorithm A.As a post-processing approach, our pro-
posed algorithms - QS-balanced and MMR-balanced - rely crucially on the perfor-
mance of the blackbox algorithm A. If the scores returned by the blackbox algo-
rithm are inaccurate, then the resulting post-processing algorithm will also have
diminished performance in terms of both accuracy and diversity. For instance, if A
returns extremely small scores for images of people from any specific group, then it
is possible that adding diversity scores using the control set will only have a small
marginal effect on the overall score of images from this group. In this case, using
control sets may not improve the diversity of the final summary to the desired ex-
tent. Hence, it is important to assess the performance of Abefore employing the
proposed post-processing methods.
Limitations of Occupations dataset and crowdsourcing. The Occupations dataset
that we collect and curate can serve as a potential baseline for future analysis of
image summarization and retrieval algorithms. However, it is important to note
that this dataset was labeled using crowdsourcing, which comes with its own lim-
itations. While the overall set of crowdworkers was sufficiently diverse with re-
spect to gender, there was relatively less diversity in terms of reported race and
location. Insufficient heterogeneity in crowdsourcing can lead to additional biases
when the majority of the crowdworkers are biased or ill-informed about certain
labeling tasks [125]. The frequency of such biases is usually correlated with the
complexity of the labeling task. Considering that our labeling task has relatively
low complexity and the fact that we provide the crowdworkers with multiple ex-
amples of correct and incorrect labels in the beginning, we expect that group bias
to not significantly affect the accuracy of labels in the Occupations dataset. Fur-
thermore, in this Chapter, these labels are simply used as a baseline to evaluate
the diversity of summaries generated by our algorithms; the performance of our
algorithms will not be affected by the biases of the crowdworkers here. Neverthe-
less, the subjectivity of crowd annotation should be kept in mind when using the
Occupations dataset for future analysis.
Better implementation techniques. Despite the control sets being balanced across
male/female presented genders, the results from QS-balanced do not match these
ratios exactly, and there is scope for improvement, perhaps with better diversity
sets or similarity functions. Our current query-matching algorithm for the Occu-
pations dataset is based only on the similarity with the query control set images
and can be improved given additional information about the image. Once again,
for a model similar to Google Image search, one would have access to the meta-
data of the image which will help better quantify query similarity or the similarity
of two images. Other transfer learning techniques, like retraining a small part of
a single layer of the CNN, could also be employed for better feature extraction,
although we did not see any improvement in an initial approach in this direction.
Just like other aspects of our algorithms, the implementation will also be context-
specific. For example, in the case of the CelebA dataset, we had a highly-accurate
multi-class classifier to determine query similarity. Hence, in this case, the accu-
racy of the output summaries was quite high (in the range of 85% to 90%). On the
other hand, for the Occupations dataset, we had to use a generic similarity mea-
sure (average similarity with query images), which cannot be expected to have the
best performance for every dataset.
Evaluation in the absence of labels. Another challenge of using this approach
is that it may not always be easy to evaluate its success. Its main strength that
it can diversify without needing class labels in the training data is also an im-
portant weakness because we may not always have labeled data with which to
evaluate the results. One approach would be to predict labels using, e.g., gender
classification tools [188]. However, we do not recommend using predicted labels
in general as such classification tools can themselves introduce biases (as seen with
the baseline AUTOLABEL for Occupations dataset) and are currently not designed
with broader label classes or non-binary gender in mind, and hence do not address
the core problem. Perhaps a better approach would be to use human evaluators to
rate or define the visible diversity of the images selected by the algorithm.
The absence of labels also limits our analysis to relatively-small datasets. Real-
world image datasets handled by applications like Google Search are considerably
larger than the ones used in this chapter and are often handled as data streams
[214,108]. However, without protected attribute labels, the diversity of summaries
for large datasets cannot be evaluated. At the same time, since the application
of our framework is independent of the labels, the performance reported in this
chapter should extend to larger datasets as well, and as part of future work, ex-
ploring techniques to evaluate performance on large datasets will help establish
the scalability of our approach.
Community-driven application of the framework. Our work can also be seen in
the light of the push towards participatory technologies in machine learning. Un-
informed application of any technology that aims to ensure fairness can inadver-
tently cause more harm than good [196,318,26]. Recent studies exploring the cur-
rent and future applicability of fairness interventions have correspondingly em-
phasized the importance of participation of all stakeholders in the design process
of an application [268,57,222,90]. Such a design process is especially important
for summarization models since the results of these models can shape the percep-
tions of the users. Participatory design encourages the practitioners to engage with
the users of the application to obtain valuable feedback on the possible disparate
impacts of the application and ensures that there is a balanced power relation be-
tween the user and the engineer designing an application [265,222,115,185].
An important aspect of our framework is that it requires community participa-
tion to ensure its success. As discussed in Section 4.5, the selection of a control set
should regularly take user feedback into account to guarantee that it is sufficiently
representative of the user demographics. Encouraging community participation
also ensures that the decisions regarding key aspects of the summarization frame-
work are not entirely made by engineers. Crucially this shifts the power of the
design process away from organizations and applications like Google Search and
towards the users affected by the search results.
Furthermore, a crucial advantage of our framework is its post-processing na-
ture; given any existing blackbox summarization or ranking algorithm, our frame-
work adds a diversification component above the blackbox algorithm to ensure
that the summary is fair; hence the implementation of the framework can be inde-
pendent of the organization responsible for the blackbox algorithm. This advan-
tage can be exploited in settings where the blackbox algorithm cannot be modified.
For example, our framework can possibly be implemented as a browser extension
or a separate web application created by a third party that uses results from Google
Image Search API and maintains a control set. However, the absence of participa-
tion of the organization that designed the blackbox summarization algorithm may
also not be ideal. The engineers who design the summarization algorithm would
have considerably more knowledge of the domain of the datasets and can better
decide the feasibility of any control set, as well as, its impact on the accuracy of the
results. As discussed earlier, an inappropriately chosen control set can lead to the
exacerbation of biases in the output generated by the framework, and to prevent
this, one has to make sure that the control set images belong to the same domain
as the dataset. Given that the users only see a fraction of the dataset at any point in
time, they cannot be expected to accurately judge the feasibility of any control set.
The ideal use of control sets would, therefore, need involvement and discussion
from all parties. Importantly, our framework provides an opportunity for such a
discussion and can help create a balanced power dynamic between the designers
of search algorithms and the users of these algorithms, when deciding how well
the results should represent the user demographics.
Chapter 5
Dialect Diversity in Text
Summarization on Twitter
The popularity of social media has led to a centralized discussion on a variety
of topics. This has encouraged the participation of people from different communi-
ties in online discussions, helping induce a more diverse and robust dialogue, and
giving voice to marginalized communities [183]. Twitter, for example, receives
around 500 million posts per day, with posts written in more than 50 languages1.
Within English, Twitter sees a large number of posts from different dialects; this
diversity has even encouraged linguists to use Twitter posts to study dialects, for
example, to map regional dialect variation [148,93] or to construct parsing tools
for minority dialects [31,154]. Yet, automated language tools are often unable to
handle the dialect diversity in Twitter, leading to issues like disparate accuracy of
language identification between posts written in African-American English (AAE)
and standard English [28], or dialect-based discrepancies in abusive speech detec-
This chapter is based on a joint work with L. Elisa Celis and was published in the proceedings
of the Web Conference 2021 [167]. I would like to thank Kush Varshney for early discussions on the
topic of dialect diversity.
tion [267,242].
Summarization algorithms for social media platforms, like Twitter, perform
the task of condensing a large number of posts into a small representative sam-
ple. They are useful because they provide users with a synopsis of long discus-
sions on these platforms. Yet, it is important to ensure that a synopsis sufficiently
represents posts written in different dialects as the dialects are representative of
the participating communities. Studies have shown that the lack of representa-
tional diversity can exacerbate negative stereotypes and lead to downstream biases
[166,280,260,291]. Summarization algorithms, in particular, can aggravate nega-
tive stereotypes by providing a false perception of the ground truth [166]. Hence,
it is crucial for automatically generated text summaries to be dialect-diverse.
This chapter further demonstrates the efficacy of the QS-Balanced algorithm
proposed in Chapter 4 in debiasing text summaries.
Summary of the contributions. We first analyze the dialect diversity of stan-
dard summarization algorithms that represent the range of paradigms employed
for extractive summarization on platforms like Twitter. This includes frequency
based algorithms (TF-IDF [203], Hybrid TF-IDF [150]), graph algorithms (LexRank
[104], TextRank [209]), algorithms that reduce redundancy (MMR [122], Centroid-
Word2Vec [262]), and pre-trained supervised approaches (SummaRuNNer [224]).
All algorithms use various structural properties of the sentences (Twitter posts, in
our case) to score them on their importance. Our primary evaluation datasets are
the TwitterAAE [29], the Crowdflower Gender AI, and the Claritin datasets [77].
We observe that, for random and topic-specific collections from the TwitterAAE
dataset, most algorithms return summaries that under-represent the AAE dialect.
Similarly, for Crowdflower AI and Claritin datasets, these algorithms often return
gender-imbalanced summaries (Section 5.2).
To address the dialect bias and utilize the effectiveness of the existing sum-
marization algorithms, we employ the QS-Balanced algorithm from Chapter 4 -
using any summarization algorithm as a black-box, the algorithm returns a sum-
mary that is more dialect-diverse than the summary the summarization algorithm
would return without intervention. As mentioned earlier, along with the blackbox
algorithm, this approach needs a small dialect-diverse control set of posts as part
of the input; the generated summary is diverse in a similar manner as the control
set (Section 5.3). Importantly, and in contrast to existing work [77], by using sim-
ilarity metrics with items in the control set, the framework bypasses the need for
dialect labels in the collection of posts being summarized.
Empirically, we show that our framework improves the dialect diversity of the
generated summary for all Twitter datasets and discuss the deviation of the sum-
maries generated by our framework from those generated by the blackbox algo-
rithms and manually-generated summaries (Section 5.4). For the Claritin dataset,
we also compare the performance against the fair summarization algorithm of
Dash et al. [77], which explicitly requires labels for diversification. We observe
that the summaries generated by our framework are nearly gender-balanced and
ROUGE scores of these summaries (measuring the similarity between the gener-
ated and reference summaries) are close to the ROUGE scores of summaries gener-
ated by Dash et al. [77]. This comparison further exhibits the effectiveness of using
control sets, instead of labels, for diversification.
Text summarization on Twitter is useful for search operations; however, there
may not be a singular theme associated with the posts being summarized, which
makes the context of summarization in this chapter slightly different than appli-
cations where a single document is summarized into a small paragraph [250]. In
other words, the objective of this chapter can be interpreted as data-subsampling
with the goal of ensuring content and representational diversity.
5.1 Related Work
Bias in NLP. Recent studies have explored the presence of social biases in var-
ious language processing models. Pre-trained encoders [210,34,87] have been
shown to exhibit gender, racial and intersectional biases [35,44,288,206,223],
often leading to social biases in downstream tasks. This includes gender and
racial bias in sentiment-analysis systems [172], image captioning models [143],
language identification [28,202], hate/abusive speech detection [267,242], and
speech recognition [289]. Considering the significance of these language tasks,
techniques to mitigate biases in some of the above NLP applications have been
proposed [32,35,284,320,321,77]. However, dialect diversity in summaries of tex-
tual data has not been explicitly considered before, and, in the absence of dialect
labels, most fair summarization approaches cannot be extended to this problem;
our work aims to address both of these issues.
Text summarization algorithms. The importance of a sentence in a collection
can be quantified in different ways. Algorithms such as TF-IDF [203] and Hy-
brid TF-IDF algorithm [150] rank sentences based on word and document frequen-
cies. Other unsupervised algorithms, such as LexRank [104], TextRank [209], and
centroid-based approaches [262,212,241], quantify the importance of a sentence
based on how well it represents the collection. LexRank and TextRank define a
graph over the posts, quantifying the edges using pairwise similarity, and score
sentences based on their centrality in the graph. Along similar lines, Rossiello
et al. [262] propose a centroid-based summarization method that uses composi-
tional properties of word embeddings to quantify the similarity between sentences.
To ensure that summary a representative of the collection being summarized,
prior algorithms often define non-redundancy as a secondary goal [193]. This in-
cludes Maximum Marginal Relevance score (MMR) [122] algorithm, Maximum
Coverage Minimum Redundant (MCMR) models [12], Determinantal Point Pro-
cesses [177], and latent variable based approaches [240,187]. The centroid-based
approach of Rossiello et al. [262] also has a non-redundancy component. While
adding the sentences with the highest scores to the summary, their algorithm checks
for redundancy and if a candidate sentence is very similar to a sentence already
present in the summary, it is discarded (similar to the greedy MMR approach).
However, reducing redundancy has been shown to be ineffective in ensuring di-
versity with respect to specific attributes, such as gender or race, in other applica-
tions [51,50]. To empirically demonstrate the ineffectiveness of non-redundancy
in ensuring dialect diversity, we analyze the summaries generated by MMR [122]
and Rossiello et al. [262] (implemented using Word2Vec embeddings and referred
to as Centroid-Word2Vec for the rest of the chapter) algorithms.
We choose TextRank and Hybrid TF-IDF for our diversity analysis because they
have been shown to produce better summaries (evaluated using ROUGE metrics
over manually-generated summaries) for Twitter datasets than other frequency,
graph, and latent variable-based approaches [150,230]. TF-IDF and LexRank are
also commonly used for Twitter datasets and serve as baselines for our analysis.
The original papers for most of these text summarization algorithms focused on
the evaluation on DUC or CNN/DailyMail datasets; however, the documents in
these datasets correspond to news articles that are usually not considerably dialect
diverse. Beyond unsupervised approaches, supervised techniques for summariza-
tion classify whether a sentence is important to the summary or not [197,323,224,
151,322]. These models are trained on datasets for which summaries are available,
such as news articles [145], and the models pre-trained on these datasets do not al-
ways generalize well to other domains. We will evaluate the diversity of one such
pre-trained model, SummaRuNNer [224].2Finally, note that Twitter posts usually
2Extractive summarization algorithms use sentences from the collection to create a summary. Ab-
stractive summarization, on the other hand, aims to capture the semantic information of the dataset
have metadata associated with them, and some algorithms use this metadata to re-
turn summaries that are also diverse with respect to the time of posts [58], and/or
user-network [141]. However, since our goal is to analyze the impact of dialect
variation on summarization, we focus on techniques that aim to summarize using
only the collection of posts.
Prior fair summarization algorithms. Most related algorithms that aim to en-
sure unbiased summarization usually assume the existence of labels or partitions
with respect to the group attribute in consideration (in this case, dialect). For ex-
ample, [52,193] use labels to construct fairness constraints or scoring functions to
guarantee appropriate diversity in automatically generated summaries. Similarly,
for fair text summarization, Dash et al. [77] propose methods that use protected
attribute labels to choose representative text summaries for Twitter datasets that
are balanced with respect to the gender or political leaning of the users. However,
these prior fair summarization approaches are unsuitable for dialect-diverse sum-
marization since dialect labels are not always available (or even desirable [27]) for
sentence collections encountered in real-world applications and automated dialect
classification is a difficult task [154]. With the rapidly-evolving nature of dialects
on social media, it is unreasonable to rely on existing dialect classification models
to obtain accurate dialect labels for every social media post.
Using a dialect-diverse set of examples helps us skirt around the issue of un-
available dialect labels. The approach of using a diverse control set, instead of
labels, to mitigate bias was employed in image-related tasks in Chapter 4, which
shows that a diverse set of example images can be used to improve diversity in
image summarization results and Choi et al. [62] effectively employ small refer-
and the summary creation can involve paraphrasing the sentences in the dataset [194]. Automated
diversity evaluation for abstractive summarization algorithms is, therefore, more difficult since the
summary is not necessarily a subset of the collection. For this chapter, we focus on extractive sum-
marization only.
(a) 8.7% AAE posts in collection (b) 50% AAE posts in collection (c) Fixed summary size: 50
Figure 5.1: TwitterAAE Evaluation 1. Plots (a), (b) present the dialect diversity of
generated summaries when the collection being summarized has 8.7% and 50%
AAE posts respectively. Each point represents to the mean fraction of AAE posts
in the summary of the given size, with standard error as errorbars. Plot (c) presents
the dialect diversity in summaries of size 50 vs the original collection with vary-
ing fractions of AAE posts. All algorithms other than Hybrid TF-IDF return sum-
maries have a smaller fraction of AAE posts than the original collection.
ence image datasets to obtain unbiased image generative models. Our framework
demonstrates that such small reference sets can be used for fair text summarization
as well.
5.2 Dialect Diversity of Standard Summarization Ap-
We examine the dialect diversity of TF-IDF, Hybrid TF-IDF, LexRank, TextRank,
Centroid-Word2Vec, MMR, and SummaRuNNer. 3All algorithms take as input a
collection of Twitter posts and the desired summary size m, and return an m-sized
summary for the collection.
3Algorithmic and implementation details of all methods are given in Appendix A.3.1.
5.2.1 Datasets
TwitterAAE dataset. Our primary dataset of evaluation is the large TwitterAAE
dataset, curated by Blodgett et al. [29]4. The dataset overall contains around 60
million Twitter posts from 2013, and for each post, the timestamp, user-id, and
geo-location are available as well. Blodgett et al. [29] used the census data to
learn demographic language models for the following population categories: non-
Hispanic Whites, non-Hispanic Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians; using the learned
models, they report the probability of each post being written by a user of a given
population category. We pre-process the dataset to filter and remove posts for
which the probability of belonging to the non-Hispanic African-American English
language model or non-Hispanic White English language model is less than 0.99.
This smaller dataset contains around 102k posts belonging to the non-Hispanic
African-American English language model and 1.06 million posts belonging to the
non-Hispanic White English language model; for simplicity, we will refer to the
two groups of posts as AAE and WHE posts in the rest of the chapter.
We also isolate 35 keywords that occur in a non-trivial fraction of posts in both
AAE and WHE partitions to study topic-based summarization5. The keywords
and the fraction of AAE posts in the subset of the dataset containing them are
given in Figure 5.2.
Claritin Gender dataset. Dialect variation with respect to gender has received
relatively less academic attention; nevertheless, prior studies have established that
there is a recognizable difference between posts by men and posts by women on
Twitter [239,213]. Hence, we look at the diversity of summarization algorithms
with respect to the fraction of posts by men and women in the generated sum-
5Each selected keyword occurs in at least 4500 posts in total and in at least 1500 AAE and WHE
maries. The Claritin dataset contains 3943 Twitter posts about an anti-allergic
drug, Claritin, with 38% from male user accounts and 62% from female user ac-
counts6. It was curated to study the possible usage of crowdsourcing to detect
gender-specific side-effects and, therefore, we look at the diversity of summaries
with respect to the gender of the account users. For this dataset, three manually-
generated summaries are also available [77] and will be used to evaluate the utility
of our proposed fair summarization framework.
CrowdFlower AI Gender dataset. This dataset has around 20,000 posts, with
crowdsourced labels for the gender of the creator of every post (male, female, or
brand) and location7. We remove the posts with a location outside the US to main-
tain regional uniformity in the posts. The filtered dataset contains 6176 posts, with
34% posts from male user accounts, 35% posts from female user accounts, and the
rest are labeled as posts by brands or “unknown”.
For all datasets, we pre-process the posts to remove URLs, represent all posts in
lower-case, replace user mentions with the tag ATMENTION and handle special
characters. However, we do not remove hashtags since they are, semantically, a
part of the posts.
5.2.2 Evaluation Details
Despite the filtering, the TwitterAAE dataset is prohibitively large for graph-based
algorithms, due to the infeasibility of graph construction for large datasets. Hence,
we limit our simulations to collections of at most size 5000 and generate summaries
of sizes up to 200 for these collections.
(a) Dialect diversity vs summary size (b) Dialect diversity for different keywords
Figure 5.2: TwitterAAE Evaluation 2. Figure (a) reports the mean and standard de-
viation of the difference between the AAE fraction in the summary and the AAE
fraction in the collection of posts that contain the keyword. Figure (b) presents the
fraction of AAE posts in size 50 summaries for different keywords, as well as, the
fraction of AAE posts in the subset of posts containing the keyword. Once again,
for most keywords, the algorithms (other than Hybrid TF-IDF) return summaries
that have a smaller fraction of AAE posts than the original keyword-specific col-
TwitterAAE Evaluation 1 We sample collections of 5000 posts from the Twitter-
AAE dataset. and vary the percentage of AAE posts in the collection from 8.7%
(i.e., percentage of AAE posts in the entire dataset) to 90%. Then, we run the stan-
dard summarization algorithms for each sampled collection and record the frac-
tion of AAE posts in the generated summaries. For each fraction, we repeat the
process 50 times and report the mean and standard error of the fraction of AAE
posts in the generated summaries.
TwitterAAE Evaluation 2. Next, using the 35 common keywords in this dataset,
we extract the collection of posts containing any given keyword. Once again, we
use the summarization algorithms on the extracted collections and report the dif-
ference between the fraction of AAE posts in the generated summary and the frac-
tion of AAE posts in the collection containing the keyword. This evaluation aims to
assess the dialect diversity of summaries generated for topic-specific sets of posts
and also lets us verify whether the observations of Evaluation 1 extend to non-
random collections.
Claritin Evaluation 1. For the Claritin dataset, since the size is relatively small,
we use the summarization algorithms on the entire dataset and report the fraction
of posts written by men.
Crowdflower Evaluation 1. For this dataset, we again use the summarization
algorithms on the entire dataset and report the fraction of posts written by men
(amongst posts written by non-brands).
Remark 5.2.1. For CrowdFlower AI and Claritin datasets, the evaluation is with respect
to the gender of the user who created the post, while for the TwitterAAE dataset, the evalu-
ation is with respect to the dialect label of the post. The evaluation methods across datasets
are different in terms of the attribute used, but the goal is the same, i.e., to assess the dialect
representational diversity of the generated summaries. The dialects we consider in this
chapter are those adopted by social groups and the disparate treatment of these dialects is
closely related to the disparate treatment of the groups using these dialects. While the AAE
dialect is not necessarily used only by African-Americans, it is primarily associated with
them and studies have shown disparate treatment of the AAE dialect can lead to racial bias
5.2.3 Observations
The results for TwitterAAE Evaluation 1 are presented in Figure 5.1. Plots 5.1a, b
show that for small summary sizes (less than 200), all algorithms mostly return
summaries that have a smaller fraction of AAE posts than the original collection.
For larger summary sizes, summaries generated by Hybrid TF-IDF are relatively
more dialect diverse. Even when the fraction of AAE posts in the original collec-
tion is increased beyond 0.5, the fraction of AAE posts in size 50 summaries from
all algorithms is less than the fraction of AAE posts in the original collection, as
evident from Figure 5.1c.
The results for TwitterAAE Evaluation 2 are presented in Figure 5.2. For many
keywords, the summaries generated by all algorithms have lower dialect diversity
than the original collection. For example, for “funny” and “blessed”, the AAE
fraction in summaries generated by all algorithms is less than the AAE fraction in
the collection containing the keyword. There are also keyword-specific collections
where the summaries are relatively more diverse; e.g., for the keyword “morning”,
summaries generated by Hybrid TF-IDF and TextRank have better dialect diversity
(AAE fraction 0.4) than the original collection (0.2). However, overall the high
variance in Plot 5.2a shows that the algorithms are not guaranteed to generate
sufficiently diverse summaries for all keywords.
For Claritin Evaluation 1, the results are presented in Table 5.1 (along with re-
sults of our “balanced” algorithms described in Section 5.3). For this dataset, all
standard algorithms generate summaries that are gender-imbalanced (fraction of
posts by men either 0.62 or 0.41). For Crowdflower Evaluation 1 (Table 5.2),
TF-IDF, MMR, LexRank, SummaRuNNer return nearly balanced summaries with
gender fraction in the range [0.45, 0.53]. However, TextRank, Hybrid-TF-IDF, and
Centroid-Word2Vec generate gender-imbalanced summaries (fraction of posts by
men 0.37).
Discussion. The above evaluations demonstrate that none of the standard sum-
marization algorithms consistently generate diverse and unbiased summaries across
all datasets. Dialect-imbalanced original collections are not the sole reason for the
dialect bias in the summaries either (as evidenced from Figure 5.1b,c). A possible
reason for the bias is that the scoring mechanism of all algorithms is affected by
structural aspects of the dialect; e.g., frequency-based algorithms weigh each word
in a post by its frequency. However, given that vocabulary sizes and average post
lengths vary across dialects [28], using word frequency to quantify importance can
favor one dialect over the other (see Section 5.5 for further discussion).
The performance of Centroid-Word2Vec and MMR for Claritin and TwitterAAE
also shows that ensuring non-redundancy does necessarily not lead to dialect di-
versity, and the lack of diversity of SummaRuNNer summaries demonstrates that
pre-trained supervised models do not necessarily generalize to other domains.
Despite the lack of dialect diversity in the generated summaries of these algo-
rithms, prior work has demonstrated their utility [262,250]. Hence, it is important
to explore ways to exploit the utility of algorithms like Centroid-Word2Vec and, at
the same time, ensure that the generated summaries are dialect-diverse.
5.3 Model to Mitigate Dialect Bias
We employ a simple framework to correct the dialect bias in standard summariza-
tion algorithms. The notations used here are similar to those in Chapter 4. Let S
denote a collection of sentences. Our approach uses any standard summarization
algorithm, denoted by A, as a blackbox to return a score A(x), for each xS. This
score represents the importance of sentence xin the collection and we assume that
the larger the score, the more important is the sentence. We also need the similar-
ity function sim(·,·)to measure the pairwise similarity between sentences 8. An
example of such a similarity function is presented later.
To implicitly ensure dialect diversity in the results, we again use a control set
8Unlike Chapter 4, we do not use queries qas an argument for the black-box function here since
we will only be summarizing data collections corresponding to a specific query or random collec-
tions. While this modification is made for simplicity of empirical analysis, one can also include the
query qhere if the blackbox also performs the function of finding the posts that are relevant to the
given query.
T, i.e. a small set of sentences that has sufficient representation from each dialect
(e.g., an equal number of posts from all relevant dialects). We return a diverse
and relevant summary by appropriately combining the importance score from the
blackbox Aand the diversity with respect to the control set Tin the following
manner. Given a hyper-parameter α[0, 1], for each zT, recall the following
score defined in Chapter 4:
DS(x,xc) = (1α)·A(x) + α·sim(x,xc).
Let DSxcrepresent the sorted list {DS(x,xc)}xSand let DSxc,idenote the sen-
tence with the i-th largest score in DSxc. Based on these scores, we rank the sen-
tences in Sin the following order: first, we return sentences that have the largest
score for each xc, i.e., {DSxc,1}xcT. Next, we return the set {DSxc,2}xcTand so on.
Sentences within each set {DSxc,i}xcTcan be ranked by their scores from algo-
rithm A. At every step, for each xcwe check if a sentence has already been ranked;
if so, we replace it with the sentence with the next-highest score for that xc, en-
suring that duplicates are not processed. The summary based on this ranking can
then be generated. By giving equal importance to every post in Tin the ranking,
our framework tries to generate a summary that is diverse in a similar manner as
T. This algorithm is identical to the QS-Balanced algorithm in Chapter 4 and the
complete pseudo-code is provided in Algorithm 4. For this chapter, since we are
evaluating this framework with a variety of blackbox algorithms A, we will refer
to our algorithm, with blackbox Aand α=0.5, as A-balanced. For example, our
algorithm with Aas Centroid-Word2Vec will be called Centroid-Word2Vec-balanced.
The idea of summarization based on a linear combination of scores that corre-
spond to different goals has been used in other contexts. For topic-focused summa-
rization, Vanderwende et al. [297] score each word by linearly adding its frequency
Table 5.1: Claritin Evaluation 1. We report the gender diversity and average ROUGE
scores of generated summaries (size 100) against the three manually-generated
summaries. For all blackbox algorithms A, our post-processed algorithm A-
balanced returns more gender-balanced summaries than A(marked by ).
Method % of posts
by men in
Recall F-score Recall F-score
Original collection 0.38 - - - -
FairSumm 0.50 0.57 0.53 0.30 0.33
MMR 0.30 0.48 0.31 0.35 0.27
TF-IDF 0.31 0.62 0.40 0.40 0.28
TF-IDF-balanced 0.35 0.63 0.44 0.40 0.30
Hybrid TF-IDF 0.62 0.23 0.27 0.11 0.16
Hybrid TF-IDF-balanced 0.54 0.32 0.32 0.18 0.22
Lexrank 0.41 0.54 0.40 0.32 0.28
Lexrank-balanced 0.50 0.50 0.44 0.32 0.30
Textrank 0.62 0.22 0.24 0.09 0.14
Textrank-balanced 0.52 0.33 0.33 0.19 0.23
SummaRuNNer 0.35 0.62 0.49 0.42 0.32
SummaRuNNer-balanced 0.43 0.56 0.45 0.38 0.32
Centroid-Word2Vec 0.41 0.61 0.44 0.38 0.33
Centroid-Word2Vec-balanced 0.44 0.58 0.45 0.36 0.33
and topic relevance score. Even MMR computes a linear combination of the im-
portance and non-redundancy score, measured as the maximum similarity to an
existing summary sentence. As mentioned earlier, our approach is based on the
fair image summarization approach used in Chapter 4 that uses diverse examples
to generate a diverse image summary.
Time complexity. Let TSdenote the time taken by blackbox algorithm Ato score
all elements of S. To create the DS matrix, there will be an additive factor of |T| ×
|S|. Selecting the best element in each DSzcan be done in two ways, i.e., either
by sorting each DSzor using a max-heap over each DSz. In both cases, the overall
time complexity is TS+ (|T|+m)· |S|· log |S|.
Choice of diversity control sets. As mentioned earlier, a diversity control set in
our framework is used to ensure that generated summary has sufficient represen-
tation from every dialect. Considering the importance of the diversity control set
to our framework, the appropriate construction of such sets deserves the necessary
We provide one formal mechanism to construct such diversity control sets.
Suppose we have a small set of dialect-labeled posts V(e.g., obtained via human
annotation or crowdsourcing). To construct a control set from V, we can extract a
smaller subset T(with an equal number of posts from all dialects) of Vand mea-
sure how well it can predict the dialect labels of the posts in V\T; here, the pre-
dicted label for any post xV\Tis the dialect label of the post in Twith which x
has the highest pairwise similarity. The chosen diversity control set Tis the subset
with the best prediction score.
For the TwitterAAE dataset, such a V(with human-annotated dialect labels)
exists [31] with |V|=500. Since the time complexity of the algorithm depends
linearly on the size of this set, we use the above process to select a diversity control
set Tof size 28 for our empirical evaluation (see Appendix A.3.2). Note that this is
one way of constructing diversity control sets and, in general, the control set will
be context-dependent; they can be hand chosen as well and we discuss the nuances
of the composition further in Section 5.5.
5.4 Empirical Analysis of Our Model
We repeat the evaluations proposed in Section 5.2 for our post-processing frame-
work, i.e., TwitterAAE Evaluation 1 & 2, CrowdFlower Evaluation 1, and Claritin Eval-
uation 1. For the Claritin dataset, we also compare against the FairSumm algo-
rithm of Dash et al. [77]; FairSumm explicitly requires access to dialect labels and
Table 5.2: Crowdflower Evaluation 1. We report the gender diversity (fraction of non-
brand posts by male user accounts) and ROUGE scores of A-balanced summaries
against the summaries generated by A, for all A(summary size 100). Settings
where A-balanced generates more/equally dialect-diverse summaries than Aare
marked with and settings where A-balanced is worse are marked with .
Method % of non-brand posts
by men in summary
Recall F-score Recall F-score
Original collection 0.49 - - - -
MMR 0.45 - - - -
TF-IDF 0.53 - - - -
TF-IDF-balanced 0.440.70 0.71 0.68 0.64
Hybrid TF-IDF 0.35 - - - -
Hybrid TF-IDF-balanced 0.40 0.84 0.63 0.61 0.46
Lexrank 0.46 - - - -
Lexrank-balanced 0.47 0.59 0.59 0.43 0.40
Textrank 0.37 - - - -
Textrank-balanced 0.340.82 0.81 0.78 0.73
SummaRuNNer 0.50 - - - -
SummaRuNNer-balanced 0.50 0.76 0.73 0.66 0.68
Centroid-Word2Vec 0.34 - - - -
Centroid-Word2Vec-balanced 0.40 0.70 0.70 0.54 0.51
comparison against this baseline lets us assess the performance of our framework,
which uses diversity control sets for diversification, to an algorithm that uses at-
tribute labels for diversification. For this dataset, Dash et al. [77] provide three
manually-generated summaries of size 100 and we evaluate the summaries gener-
ated by all algorithms according to average similarity with the manually-generated
summaries. The measure of evaluation employed is ROUGE recall and F-scores
[192]. To state briefly, ROUGE-1 scores quantify the amount of unigram over-
lap between the generated summary and the reference summary, and ROUGE-L
scores look at the longest co-occurring sequence in the generated and reference
summary.9For the other datasets, since we do not have manually-generated sum-
9The best average ROUGE-1 recall and F-score achieved for the Claritin dataset (against the
three manually-generated reference summaries), by any algorithm considered in this chapter or
maries, we use ROUGE scores to compare against summaries from the standard
summarization algorithms.
The diversity control set chosen for TwitterAAE evaluations contains 28 posts,
with an equal number of AAE and WHE posts, and the sets used for Crowdflower
and Claritin evaluations contain 40 and 20 posts respectively, with an equal num-
ber of posts written by male and female user accounts. Details of these sets are
provided in Appendix A.3.2.
We use the following similarity function for a given pair of sentences x1,x2:
sim(x1,x2):=1cosine-distance(vx1,vx2), where vxdenotes the feature vector of
sentence x. To obtain feature vectors for the sentences, we use a publicly-available
word2vec model pre-trained on a corpus of 400 million Twitter posts [120]. First,
we use the word2vec model to get feature vectors for the words in a sentence, and
then aggregate them by computing a weighted average, where the weight assigned
to a word is proportional to the smooth inverse frequency of the word (see Arora
et al. [15]).
Results. The performance of our framework for Claritin Evaluation 1 is presented
in Table 5.1. We can quantify the gender balance of a summary as the deviation of
the fraction of posts by men in the summary from 0.50. For all algorithms A, our
framework A-balanced generates summaries that are more gender-balanced than
summaries of A.
In fact, the fraction of posts by men in the summaries generated by the balanced
versions of all algorithms, other than TF-IDF, is in the range [0.43, 0.54]. Baseline
FairSumm (which requires dialect labels), as expected, returns a gender-balanced
summary. ROUGE evaluation with respect to manually-generated summaries also
shows that the loss in utility for some balanced algorithms, as compared to the
summary generated by FairSumm, is not large. The average ROUGE-1 recall of
[77], is 0.62 and 0.57 respectively.
(a) AAE fraction vs summary size (b) AAE fraction vs α(c) Rouge-1 F-score vs α
(d) AAE fraction vs summary size (e) AAE fraction vs α(f) Rouge-1 F-score vs α
Figure 5.3: The first and second rows present the evaluation of Centroid-
Word2Vec-balanced on collections containing 8.7% and 50% AAE posts respec-
tively. Plots (a), (d) present the fraction of AAE posts for different summary
sizes. Plots (b), (e) present the diversity variation with α, and plots (c), (f) present
ROUGE-1 F-score between summaries generated using Centroid-Word2Vec-
balanced and Centroid-Word2Vec. For both settings, Centroid-Word2Vec-balanced
generates summaries that are significantly more diverse than Centroid-Word2Vec.
Centroid-Word2Vec-balanced and SummaRuNNer-balanced summaries, with re-
spect to the three reference summaries, is 0.56 and 0.58 respectively; in comparison,
the average ROUGE-1 recall of the summary generated by FairSumm is 0.57; how-
ever, the precision of Centroid-Word2Vec-balanced and SummaRuNNer-balanced
summaries is slightly lower, resulting in a lower ROUGE-1 F-score compared to
FairSumm summary. With respect to ROUGE-L, the Centroid-Word2Vec-balanced
summary has better recall and the same F-score (0.36 and 0.33) as the FairSumm
summary (0.30 and 0.33). The results show that even without access to gender
labels, our framework returns nearly gender-balanced summaries, whose utility
(as measured using ROUGE evaluation with reference summaries) is comparable
to that of FairSumm summary, which explicitly needs gender labels for diversi-
fication. Interestingly, for Hybrid TF-IDF and TextRank which have low initial
ROUGE-1 recall (0.23) and F-scores (0.27), using our post-processing frame-
work helps improve these utility scores by forcing the selection of a diverse set of
posts. Additional manual comparison shows that reference summaries, on aver-
age, had 63 relevant posts (i.e., posts about usage or side-effects of the drug), while
the summary generated by Centroid-Word2Vec-balanced had 56 relevant posts. In
this context, the summary generated by our algorithm is more dialect-diverse but
suffers a minimal decrease in utility.
The performance for Crowdflower Evaluation 1 is presented in Table 5.2. Once
again, the summary generated by Centroid-Word2Vec-balanced is more balanced;
the fraction of non-brand posts by men in the Centroid-Word2Vec-balanced sum-
mary is 0.40, whereas it is 0.34 in Centroid-Word2Vec summary. Similarly, for
Summa-RuNNer-balanced, LexRank-balanced, and TF-IDF-balanced, the fraction
of posts by men in the generated summaries is in the range [0.44, 0.50]. However,
TF-IDF-balanced and TextRank-balanced return relatively less gender-balanced
summaries than their blackbox counterparts; in this case, better diversity in the
summary can be achieved by using a larger αvalue or a different control set. The
results using different αvalues and summary sizes are presented in Appendix A.3.4.
For TwitterAAE Evaluation 1, the detailed performance of our model using Cen-
troid Word2Vec as the blackbox algorithm, is presented in Figure 5.3. Plots 5.3a,d
show that using our model with α=0.5 (Centroid-Word2Vec-balanced) leads to
improved dialect diversity in the summary (statistically different AAE fraction
means). For the case when the initial collection has 50% AAE posts, Centroid-
Word2Vec-balanced generates summaries that have 40% AAE posts in the sum-
mary; to achieve better dialect diversity in summary, αvalue needs to be increased
(Plot 5.3e). The detailed performance on TwitterAAE Evaluation 2 for two key-
words, “twitter and “funny”, is presented in Table 5.3. We see that our frame-
work leads to a higher fraction of AAE posts in summary in most cases, compared
to just the blackbox algorithm. However, it does not always improve diversity; eg,
for keyword “funny” and TextRank as the blackbox, the fraction of AAE posts in
summaries from the balanced version (0.04) is less than that from just the blackbox
(0.06). In this case, either αor the fraction of AAE posts in the control set can be
made larger to generate a more diverse summary. See Appendix A.3.3 for perfor-
mance using different keywords, blackbox algorithms, and α.
The ROUGE scores for TwitterAAE Evaluation 1 are presented in Figure 5.3c, f.
As expected, the similarity between the summary generated by our model and the
summary generated by Centroid-Word2vec decreases as the αincreases. For sum-
mary size 200, the ROUGE-1 F-score is greater than 0.7, implying significant word
overlap between the two summaries. ROUGE scores in Table 5.3 show that, for
TwitterAAE Evaluation 2, if the diversity correction required is small, then the recall
scores tend to be large. For Centroid-Word2Vec-balanced, the recall is greater than
0.64, implying that the Centroid-Word2Vec-balanced summary covers at least 64%
of the words in the summary of the blackbox algorithm. However, in the cases
when the summaries generated by the blackbox algorithm originally have low di-
alect diversity, the recall scores tend to be small (e.g., LexRank-balanced has recall
around 0.5). In these cases, a larger deviation from the original summaries is nec-
essary to ensure sufficient dialect diversity. With respect to the ROUGE assessment
for TwitterAAE evaluations, note that this measure does not necessarily quantify
the usability or the accuracy of the summaries in this case; it simply looks at the
amount of deviation from summaries of the blackbox algorithms.
Table 5.3: TwitterAAE Evaluation 2. The performance of our framework for key-
words “twitter and “funny”. The ROUGE scores are computed for A-balanced
summaries against summaries generated by A(summary size 50). Settings where
A-balanced summary has a larger fraction of AAE posts than Aare marked with
and settings where A-balanced has a smaller fraction are marked with . For all
but three settings, A-balanced returns summaries with a larger fraction of AAE
posts than A, at the cost of certain deviation from the summaries of A.
Keyword: “twitter
Method % AAE in
Recall F-score Recall F-score
Collection with keyword 0.11 - - - -
TF-IDF 0.10 - - - -
TF-IDF-balanced 0.16 0.72 0.74 0.71 0.70
Hybrid-TF-IDF 0.08 - - - -
Hybrid-TF-IDF-balanced 0.10 0.85 0.59 0.69 0.45
LexRank 0.04 - - - -
LexRank-balanced 0.22 0.49 0.51 0.33 0.30
TextRank 0.09 - - - -
TextRank-balanced 0.060.96 0.76 0.93 0.73
SummRuNNer 0.08 - - - -
SummRuNNer-balanced 0.16 0.57 0.55 0.42 0.40
Centroid-Word2Vec 0.06 - - - -
Centroid-Word2Vec-balanced 0.12 0.64 0.65 0.51 0.47
Keyword: “funny”
Collection with keyword 0.10 - - - -
TF-IDF 0.04 - - - -
TF-IDF-balanced 0.10 0.76 0.78 0.77 0.75
Hybrid-TF-IDF 0.04 - - - -
Hybrid-TF-IDF-balanced 0.040.89 0.54 0.78 0.33
LexRank 0.04 - - - -
LexRank-balanced 0.22 0.53 0.54 0.41 0.38
TextRank 0.06 - - - -
TextRank-balanced 0.040.94 0.43 0.92 0.25
SummRuNNer 0.06 - - - -
SummRuNNer-balanced 0.12 0.75 0.69 0.68 0.64
Centroid-Word2Vec 0.02 - - - -
Centroid-Word2Vec-balanced 0.10 0.68 0.67 0.57 0.53
5.5 Discussion, Limitations, and Future work
Our post-processing framework provides a simple mechanism that uses standard
summarization algorithms to generate diverse summaries. Yet, there are computa-
tional and societal aspects along which the framework can be further analyzed. A
number of relevant socio-technical aspects of our proposed post-processing method,
QS-balanced, are discussed in Section 4.5 of Chapter 4. This includes discussion
about reliance on the performance of blackbox algorithm A, assumptions, pre-
defined protected attributes, dependence on the choice of the control set, and
community-driven implementations. In this section, we discuss other aspects of
our framework that are relevant for applications of text summarization.
Analyzing the source of dialect bias. While we present empirical evidence that
the standard summarization algorithms often generate dialect-biased summaries,
it is critical to further delve into the source of such bias. An important empir-
ical observation was that, for TwitterAAE evaluations, Hybrid TF-IDF generated
relatively more dialect-balanced summaries than other algorithms but did not gen-
erate dialect-balanced summaries for CrowdFlower evaluation. Similarly, TF-IDF
generated balanced summaries for CrowdFlower, but not for other evaluations. As
mentioned earlier, this performance discrepancy of the algorithms across datasets
is likely related to the design of the algorithms and the structural aspects of the
posts they use to generate summaries. There are often structural differences be-
tween sentences written in different dialects. For instance, an AAE post contains
around 8 words on average, while a WHE post contains around 11 words on av-
erage. The vocabulary size of all AAE posts in the TwitterAAE dataset is around
57k, while for WHE posts it is around 258k. We believe that these structural dif-
ferences lead to the algorithms treating the dialects differently, resulting in dialect-
imbalanced summaries. While we limit our analysis to empirical dialect diversity
evaluation, future work on this topic can explore the underlying causes for the
dialect bias and suggest possible improvements to the standard summarization
algorithms that directly address this bias.
Diversity control sets. While we provide an automated mechanism to construct
diversity control sets (Appendix A.3.2), there are limitations to using this construc-
tion method. It crucially uses the dialect partitions in the smaller labeled dataset
to construct the control set and, as discussed before, these partitions may not be
desirable or capture the evolving nature of dialects. To mitigate this, the diversity
control sets need to be regularly updated to include posts that better reflect the
dialects of the user base.
In general, the choice of diversity control set is context-dependent, and the so-
cietal and policy impact of the control set composition requires careful deliber-
ation. Dialects represent communities and the boundaries between dialects are
quite fluid [101]. Correspondingly, deciding whether a control set sufficiently rep-
resents any specific dialect or not can be better answered by a person who writes in
that dialect than by an automated classification/clustering model which constantly
needs a large number of diverse sentences for training. Hence, another way to en-
sure that the composition of the diversity control set has sufficient representation
from all user dialects is to get feedback from the communities representing the user
base of the application. This would involve regular public audits and mechanisms
to incorporate community assessment on the control set composition. Having a
small and interpretable control set (as in our case) makes this process less cumber-
some. Further, by incorporating community feedback into the design of control
sets, our framework lets users have a say in the representational diversity of the
summaries. Such participatory designs lead to more cooperative frameworks and
are encouraged in fairness literature [268,57].
Finally, note that using a misrepresentative control set can lead to less diverse
summaries; e.g., using sentences in the control set that represent a different set
of dialects than the dataset can lead to a worse summary. To prevent this, the
fairness-utility tradeoff should be taken into account while deciding the control
set composition.
Improved implementation. Depending on the application, the choice of pre-
trained embeddings and similarity functions can be varied. For example, instead
of using the cosine distance of aggregated features of all the words in a given post,
one could identify words that differ across dialects and measure similarity with
respect to these words only. It is also important to note that there are issues asso-
ciated with ROUGE evaluations of generated summaries, such as lack of empha-
sis on factual correctness [175]. Recent work has proposed summary generation
methods that are factually consistent [49] and extensions of our post-processing
framework for such methods can be explored as part of future work.
Other domains. Another important future direction is to inspect the diversity
of the algorithms for domains beyond Twitter, with sentences written in other lan-
guages, and methods to evaluate the diversity of summaries from abstractive sum-
marization algorithms.
Chapter 6
Towards Unbiased and Accurate
Deferral to Multiple Experts
Real-world applications of machine learning often involve decision-making
models working together with human experts [133,84]. For example, a model
that predicts the likelihood of a disease given patient information can choose to
defer the decision to a doctor who can make a relatively more accurate diagnosis
[171,253]. Similarly, risk assessment tools work together with judges and domain
experts to provide a baseline recidivism risk estimate [127,96]. Other examples
of such hybrid decision-making settings include financial analysis tools [315] and
content moderation tools for abusive speech detection [236] and fake news identi-
fication [282].
Human-in-the-loop frameworks are often employed in settings where auto-
mated models cannot be trusted to have high-quality inferences for all kinds of
inputs. Beyond the incentive of improved overall accuracy, having human experts
in the pipeline also ensures timely audits of the predictions [286] and helps fill gaps
This chapter is based on joint work with Matthew Lease and Krishnaram Kenthapadi and was
published in the proceedings of AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society [170].
in the training of the automated models [243,198]. A case in point is the study
done by Chouldechova et al. [65] which showed that erroneous risk assessments
by a child maltreatment hotline screening tool were frequently flagged as being
incorrect by the human reviewers, implying that automated tools may not always
cover the entire feature space that the domain experts use to make the decision.
However, the interaction between an ML model and a human expert is inher-
ently more complicated than an entirely-automated pipeline. Prior studies on set-
tings where human-in-the-loop frameworks have been implemented provide evi-
dence of such complexities [75,11,119,226]. One serious complication is the pos-
sibility of aggravated biases against protected groups, defined by attributes such
as gender and race. With the increasing utilization of ML in human classification
tasks, the problem of biases against protected groups in automated predictions
has received a lot of interest. This has led to a deep exploration of social biases
in popular models/datasets and ways to algorithmically mitigate them [22,208].
Nevertheless, a number of such biased models and datasets are still in use [232]. In
a pipeline that involves an interaction between a possibly-biased ML model and a
human, the biases of the human can aggravate the biases of the model [248]. For
example, in a study by Green and Chen [127], participants were given the demo-
graphic attributes and prior criminal record of various defendants, along with the
model-predicted risk of recidivism associated with each defendant, and asked to
predict the risk. They found that the participants associated a higher risk with
black defendants, compared to the model prediction. In this case, the possible
biases of the human in the pipeline seem to exacerbate the bias of the model pre-
diction. Similar ethical concerns regarding the interplay between the biases of the
model and humans have been highlighted in other papers [64,254].
Motivated by the challenges discussed above, this chapter focuses on mecha-
nisms for ensuring accuracy and fairness in hybrid machine-human pipelines. We
consider the setting where a classification model is trained to either make a deci-
sion or defer the decision to human experts. Most machine-human pipelines em-
ployed in real-world applications have multiple human experts available to share
the load and to cover different kinds of input samples [65,129]. Therefore, the
hybrid decision-making framework will have an additional task of appropriately
choosing one or more experts when deferring. Each expert may also have their
own area of expertise as well as possible biases against certain protected groups,
characterized by their prior predictions on some samples. Correspondingly, the
training of a machine learning model in such a composite pipeline has to take into
account the domain expertise of the humans and delegate the prediction task in an
input-specific manner. Hence, our goal is to train a classifier and a deferral system
such that the final predictions of the composite system are accurate and unbiased.
Summary of the contributions. We study the multiple-experts deferral setting
for classification problems and present a formal joint learning framework that aims
to simultaneously learn a classifier and a deferrer. The job of the deferrer is to
select one or more experts (including the classifier) to make the final decision
(Section 6.2.1). As part of the framework, we propose loss functions that capture
the costs associated with any given classifier and deferrer. We theoretically show
that, given prior predictions from the human experts and true class labels for the
training samples, the proposed loss functions can be optimized using a gradient-
descent algorithm to obtain an effective classifier and deferrer. Our framework fur-
ther supports the settings where (a) the number of experts that can be consulted
for each input is limited, (b) each expert has an individual cost of consultation,
and/or (c) expert predictions are available for only a subset of training samples
(Section 6.2.2). To ensure that the final predictions are unbiased with respect to
a given protected attribute, we propose two fair variants of the framework (joint
balanced and joint minimax-fair) that aim to improve error rates across all protected
groups. Our framework can handle both multi-class labels and non-binary pro-
tected attributes.
We empirically demonstrate the efficacy of our framework and its variants on
multiple datasets: a synthetic dataset constructed to highlight the importance of
simultaneously learning a classifier and a deferrer (Section 6.3.1), an offensive
language dataset [80] with synthetically-generated experts (Section 6.3.2), and a
real-world dataset constructed to specifically evaluate deferral frameworks with
multiple available experts (Section 6.4). The real-world dataset consists of a large
number of crowdsourced labels for the offensive language dataset, and is also a
contribution of this dissertation. Unlike most crowdsourced datasets where the
goal is simply to obtain accurate annotations, this dataset explicitly contains a
dictionary of crowdworker (anonymized) to predicted labels, ensuring that the
decision-making ability of each crowdworker can be inferred and consequently
used to evaluate the performance of a hybrid framework like ours. We make this
dataset publicly-available as this will provide a strong empirical benchmark to
foster future work. For all datasets, our framework significantly improves the ac-
curacy of the final predictions (compared to just using a classifier and other base-
lines, such as task allocation algorithms of Li and Liu [190] and Qiu et al. [249] from
crowdsourcing literature). For the offensive language datasets, the fair variants of
the framework also reduce disparity across the dialect groups.
6.1 Related Work
Given the difficulty of constructing and analyzing a human-in-the-loop frame-
work, prior work has looked at human-in-the-loop settings from various view-
points. One direction of research has explored the idea of the classifier having a
“reject”/“pass” option for contentious input samples [102,191,72,157,200,71,73].
While such an option is usually provided to ensure that low-confidence decisions
can be deferred to human experts, the penalty of abstaining from making a deci-
sion in these models is fixed, and therefore, they do not take into account whether
the expert at the end of the pipeline has the relevant knowledge to make the deci-
sion or not.
On the other hand, papers that take the biases and/or accuracies of the human
experts into consideration are inherently more robust, but also more difficult to
train and analyze. Prior theoretical models for learning to defer have constructed
explicit loss functions/optimization methods to model the combined inaccuracies
and biases of the classifier and the human expert [204,218,252,83,304]. Unlike the
classifiers with the reject option, they use a non-static loss function for the human
expert and ensure that the penalty of deferring to a human expert is input-specific.
However, most of these studies primarily assume the presence of a single human
expert, assuming that the expert in the pipeline will be fixed and remain the same
for future classification [204,218,83,304,19]. Such an assumption is inhibitory in
settings where multiple experts are available [65], as different human experts can
have different prediction behaviors [130]. Raghu et al. [252] model an optimization
problem for the hybrid setting as well, but they learn a classifier and a deferrer
separately, which (as shown by [218] and discussed in Section 6.3) cannot handle a
large variety of input settings since the classifier does not adapt to the experts. In
comparison, our method learns a classifier and a deferrer simultaneously and can
handle multiple experts.
Empirical studies in this direction often inherently use multiple experts since
the results are based on crowdsourced data, but do not aim to propose a learning
model for the pipeline [127,319,84,165,65,165]. They, however, do highlight the
importance of taking the domain knowledge of experts into account to improve
the accuracy and fairness of the entire pipeline.
Another field that studies the problem of task allocation among different hu-
mans is crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing for data collection is a popular approach to
label or curate different kinds of datasets [186]. Since crowdworkers employed for
such annotation tasks come from diverse backgrounds, prior work in crowdsourc-
ing has looked at the related issue of efficient distribution of input amongst the
available workers [228,309,243,298,159,234,190,249,295]. The main difference
between this line of work and our setting is the presence of the automated classi-
fier. In our setting, the classifier is expected to handle the primary load of predic-
tion tasks and the role of human experts is to provide assistance for input samples
where the classifier cannot achieve reasonable confidence. Crowdsourcing models,
however, do not usually involve the construction of any prediction model. One
can alternately pre-train the classifier and treat it as another crowdworker to use
task-allocation algorithms from crowdsourcing literature to distribute the samples
among the experts. The main issue with this approach is that training the classi-
fier and deferrer separately can lead to an ineffective prediction pipeline. In our
empirical analysis (Section 6.3), we assess the performance of two task-allocation
algorithms from crowdsourcing literature [190,249], and demonstrate the neces-
sity of simultaneous training. See Appendix A.4.1 for a detailed discussion on
these crowdsourcing methods.
6.2 Model and Algorithms
Each sample in the domain contains a class label, denoted by Y Y,n-dimensional
feature vector (default attributes) of the sample used to predict the class label, de-
noted by X X, and additional information about the sample that is available
only to the experts, denoted by W W.Wcan represent different human factors
that often assist in decision-making, such as the training or background of the ex-
pert for the given task. Let Ydenote the vertices of the simplex corresponding to
the unique class labels in Yand let conv(Y)denote the simplex and its interior.
Every sample also has a protected attribute Z Z associated with it (e.g., gender
or race); Zcan be part of default attributes Xor additional attributes W, depending
on the context.
Our framework consists of a classifier and a deferrer. The classifier F:X
conv(Y), given the default attributes of an input sample, returns a probability
distribution over the labels of Y. Let Lclf(F;X,Y)denote the convex loss associ-
ated with the prediction of classifier Fat point (X,Y). For > 0, we will call Lclf an
-Lipschitz smooth function if for all classifiers F,2
F(EX,YLclf(F;X,Y))·I. In-
tuitively, Lipschitz-smoothness characterizes how fast the gradient of Lclf changes
around any point in the parameter space of the classifier; this characterization cru-
cially helps determine the step size required for the gradient-descent optimization
of the loss function and will be useful for convergence rate bounds in our setting
as well.
The framework also has access to m1 human experts E1, . . . , Em1:X ×
W Ywho can assist with the decision-making. The output of the expert will
be a vector with 1 for the index of the predicted class and 0 for all other indices
(one-hot encoding). The experts are assumed to have access to the additional in-
formation (from domain W) that can be used to make the predictions more accu-
rately; however, deferring to an expert will come at an additional cost which we
will quantify later. We also assume that there is an identity expert which just re-
turns the decision made by the classifier F; therefore, in total, we have mexperts
(Em(X,W) = F(X)) (see Figure 6.1). For any given input X, the following notation
Figure 6.1: Overview of our model.
will denote all the decisions,
YE(X,W):= [E1(X,W), . . . , Em1(X,W),F(X)].
The goal of the deferral system D:X {0, 1}m, given the input, is to defer to
one or more experts (including the classifier) who are likely to make an accurate
decision for the given input. Given any input, Dwill choose a committee of experts
and the final output of the framework will be based on the entries of the following
matrix-vector product: YE(X,W)·D(X)(the specific aggregation method used is
specified in the Section 6.2.1). If the committee chosen contains only the identity
expert, then the output of the framework is the output of the classifier F; otherwise,
the output of the model is the aggregated decision of the chosen committee.
Remark 6.2.1. The difference between a human-in-the-loop setting and a setting with the
composition of multiple prediction models [97,36,59] is the access to additional infor-
mation W. W represents the decision-making assistance available to the experts that is
not available to the prediction model either due to computational limits on the prediction
model or due to lack of availability of this data for training. This assumption crucially
implies that, in most cases, we cannot construct a suitably-accurate model to simulate the
predictions of the experts since the importance assigned to the additional information W is
unknown. In the absence of W, one can only try to identify the input samples for which the
expert is expected to be more accurate than the trained classifier; identifying such samples
using X is exactly the job of the deferrer in our framework. This distinction separates our
problem setting from one where expert labels are used to bootstrap a classifier [243].
6.2.1 Simultaneously Learning Classifier & Deferrer
We first present our framework for the case of binary class label and later discuss
the extension to the multi-class setting.
Binary class label, i.e, Y={0, 1}.Suppose the classifier Fis fixed and, given
the mexperts, we need to provide a mechanism for training the deferral system
(we will generalize this notion for simultaneous training shortly). For any given
input X, the deferrer output D(X)is expected to be a vector in the discrete domain
{0, 1}m. For the sake of smooth optimization, we will relax the domain of the out-
put of Dto include the interior of the hypercube [0, 1]m, i.e., D(X)will quantify
the weight associated with each expert, for the given input X. Since we consider
the binary class label setting, we can simplify our notation further for this section.
Let YE,1(X,W)denote the second row of the 2 ×mmatrix YE(X,W); this simpli-
fication does not lead to any loss of representational power since the sum of the
first and second row is the vector 1. Along similar lines as logistic regression, us-
ing D(X)one can then directly calculate the output prediction (probabilistic) as
follows: ˆ
YD:=σ(D(X)YE,1(X,W)), where σ(x):=ex/(ex+e1x). We can then
train the deferrer to optimize the standard log-loss risk function:
YD+ (1Y)log1ˆ
The expectation is over the underlying distribution; the empirical risk can be com-
puted as the mean of losses over any given dataset samples (i.e., expectation over
empirical distribution). For any input sample, the output prediction of the frame-
work is 1 if σ(D(X)YE,1(X,W)) >0.5 else 0.
While the above methodology trained Fand Dseparately, we can combine the
training of the two components as well. To train Fand Dsimultaneously, we
introduce hyper-parameters α1,α2, and merge the loss functions for the classifier F
and deferrer Dlinearly using these hyperparameters.
L(F,D) = α1EX,Y[Lclf(F;X,Y)]α2EX,YYlogˆ
YD+ (1Y)log1ˆ
The choice of hyperparameters is context-dependent and is discussed later. The
goal of the framework is then to find the classifier and deferrer pair that optimizes
minF,DL(F,D). We will refer to this model as the joint framework. The joint learning
framework extends the standard logistic regression method, and hence, exhibits
some desirable properties.
First, we can show that the gradient of the loss function assigns a relatively
larger weight to more accurate experts.
Proposition 6.2.2 (Deferrer gradient updates).Suppose that α1,α2are independent of
the parameters of D. Let YE{0, 1}mdenote the decisions of the experts and classifier
for any given input, and let Y denote the class label for this input. Then, for any i
{1, . . . , m},
e1DYE,1 ,if Y =1, Y=Y(i)
eDYE,1 ,if Y =0, Y=Y(i)
0, otherwise.
Here u(i)denotes the i-th element of vector u.
Proof. The proof of this proposition is simple. Note that
σ(x) = 2exe1x
eDYE,1 +e1DYE,1 ·YE,1 + (1Y)·2eDYE,1
eDYE,1 +e1DYE,1 ·YE,1,
which leads to the statement of the proposition.
The above proposition states that gradient descent moves in a direction that re-
wards more accurate experts. Conditional on Y=1, the difference between the
weight updates of a correct and an incorrect expert is proportional to e1DYE,1 .
Similarly, conditional on Y=0, the difference between the weight updates of a
correct and an incorrect expert is proportional to eDYE,1 .
Proposition 6.2.3. L(F,D)is convex in F and D, given a convex Lclf.
Proof. Convexity with respect to Dcan be shown as an extension of the proof of
Proposition 6.2.2. Taking the second derivative with respect to Dalso shows that it
is always non-negative, implying that Lis convex with respect to D. Similarly, the
first part of Lis convex in F(since Lclf is convex) and the second part contains the
negative log-exponent of the product of Fand the last coordinate of D, and hence
is convex in Fas well.
The convexity of the function enables us to use standard gradient-descent opti-
mization approaches [37] to optimize the loss function. In particular, we will use
the projected-gradient descent algorithm, with updates of the following form:
,Dt+1=proj{0,1}m Dtη·L
where η>0 is the learning rate and proj{0,1}m(·)operator projects a point to
its closest point in the hypercube {0, 1}m. We next provide convergence bounds
for the projected gradient descent algorithm in our setting when Lclf is Lipschitz-
smooth and α1,α2are constants.
Theorem 6.2.4 (Convergence bound).Suppose Lclf is -Lipschitz smooth and α1,α2
are constants. Let (F,D):=arg minF,DL(F,D). Given starting point F0, such that
F0F δ, step size η=c(+m)1, for an appropriate constant c >0, and ε>0,
the projected-gradient descent algorithm, after T iterations, returns a point F,D, such
that L(F,D)L(F,D) + ε, where
Note that for m=1 (just the classifier), we recover the standard gradient descent
convergence bound for -Lipschitz smooth loss function Lclf, i.e., O(δ2/ε)iter-
ations [37]. For m>1, additionally finding the optimum deferrer results in an
extra (m(δ2+) + m2)/εadditive term. With standard classifiers and loss func-
tions, we can use the above theorem to get non-trivial convergence rate bounds.
For example, if Fis a logistic regression model and Lclf is the log-loss function,
Lipschitz-smoothness parameter is the maximum eigenvalue of the feature co-
variance matrix.
To prove Theorem 6.2.4, we use the standard projected gradient-descent con-
vergence bound stated below.
Theorem 6.2.5 ([37,146]).Given a convex, -Lipschitz smooth function f :RnR,
oracle access to its gradient, starting point x0Rnwith x0x δ(where xis an
optimal solution to minxf(x)) and ε>0, the projected gradient descent algorithm, with
starting point x0, step-size 1
2and after T =Oδ2
εiterations, returns a point x such
that f (x)f(x) + ε.
Proof of Theorem 6.2.4. We have the following loss function:
L(F,D) = α1EX,Y[Lclf(F;X,Y)]α2EX,YYlogˆ
YD+ (1Y)log1ˆ
The first step is to find the upper bound on the Lipschtiz-smoothness of the com-
bined loss function. To that end, we first calculate the Lipschtiz-smoothness con-
stants of Lwith respect to Fand Dindividually. By definition,
Let LD:=EX,YYlogˆ
YD+ (1Y)log1ˆ
YD. Then,
Using the above derivative, we get that
For the Lipschtiz-smoothness of Lwith respect to D, note that we can use results
on Lipschitz-smoothness of logistic regression (since LDcorresponds to log-loss
with logistic regression parameter D). In particular,
D22α2max eig(Y
where max eig(·)denotes the maximum eigenvalue of a matrix. The second in-
equality follows from the fact that matrix YEonly contains 0-1 entries. For the
cross second-derivative, from proof of Theorem 6.2.2 we have that
D=2α2Y·(1σ(DYE,1)) ·YE,1 +2α2(1Y)·σ(DYE,1)·YE,1.
DF=2α2σ(DYE,1)2e12DYE,1 ·YE,1Dm.
We simply need to bound the Frobenius norm of the above second derivative op-
erator for our setting.
Therefore, combining the above inequalities, we get that the joint Lipschtiz-smoothness
constant of Lwith respect to (F,D)(given constant α1,α2) is , where
where c>0 is a constant. Next, since we are using a projected gradient descent
algorithm, we know that the D2m. Therefore, applying Theorem 6.2.5, we
get that we can converge to ε-close to the optimal solution using step-size O((+
m)1)and Titerations, where
Our theoretical results show that, given prior predictions from the experts and true
class labels for a training set, loss function Lcan be used to train a classifier and an
effective deferrer using gradient descent.
Multi-class label. The above framework can be extended to multi-class settings
as well. In this case, the matrix-vector product YE(X,W)·D(X)is a |Y|-dimensional
vector. Similar to the binary case, we extract the probability of every class label and
represent it using ˆ
YD, where the j-th coordinate of ˆ
YDrepresents the probability of
class label being j,
The loss function L(F,D), in this case, can be written as
[Y=j]log ˆ
The final output of the framework, for any given input, is arg max ˆ
YD. The above
loss function retains the desired properties from the binary setting; it is convex
with respect to the classifier and deferrer, and the indicator formulation ensures
that each gradient step still rewards the experts that are correct for any given train-
ing input. Additional costs considered in cost-sensitive learning [325], e.g., dif-
ferent penalties for different incorrect predictions can also be incorporated in our
framework by simply replacing the indicator function
[Y=j]with the penalty
function [218]. For the sake of simplicity, we omit those details.
Choice of hyperparameters. α1and α2can either be kept constant or chosen in a
context-dependent manner. First, note that since ˆ
YDincludes the classifier decision
as well (scaled by the weight assigned to the classifier), keeping α1=0 would also
ensure that the classifier and deferrer are trained simultaneously. However, due
to the associated weight, classifier training with α1=0 can be slow and, since the
initial classifier parameters are untrained, the classifier predictions in the initial
training steps can be almost random. This will lead to the deferrer assigning a
low weight to the classifier. Correspondingly, depending on the complexity of the
prediction task, it may be necessary to give the classifier a head-start as well. One
way is to use time-dependent α1,α2. set α1=1 and α2=1tc, where tZ+is
the training iteration number and c>0 is a constant. This choice ensures that in
the initial iterations, Fis trained primarily, and in the later iterations Fand Dare
trained simultaneously.
There is a natural tradeoff associated with this head-start approach as well.
The simultaneous training of Fand Dis crucial because the goal is to defer to
experts for input where the classifier cannot make an accurate decision without
the additional information. Therefore, a large head-start for the classifier can lead
to a sub-optimal framework if the classifier tries to improve its accuracy over the
entire domain.1Another choice of hyperparameters that can address this domain-
partition setting is the following: set α1=1 and α2=
[arg max F(X)=Y]so that the
deferrer is trained on training samples for which the classifier is incorrect.
6.2.2 Variants of the Joint Framework
We propose several variants of the joint learning framework that are inspired by
the real-world problems that a human-in-the-loop model can encounter.
Fair learning. The above joint framework aims to use the ability of the experts
to ensure that the final predictions are more accurate than just the classifier. How-
ever, a possible pitfall of this approach can be that it can exacerbate the bias of
the classifier, with respect to the protected attribute Z. Prior work has shown that
misrepresentative training data [39,166] or inappropriate choice of model [232],
along with the biases of the human experts [127,267] can lead to disparate perfor-
mance across protected attribute types. An example of such disparity in our setting
would be when, in an attempt to decrease the error rate of the prediction, the joint
1The synthetic experiment in Section 6.3.1 and the examples in Mozannar and Sontag [218] (for a
single expert setting) highlight the necessity of simultaneously learning the classifier and deferrer.
framework assigns larger weights to the biased experts, leading to an increase in
the disparity of predictions with respect to the protected attribute. We provide two
approaches to handle the possible biases in our framework and ensure that the fi-
nal predictions are fair.
Balanced Error Rate. One way to address the bias in final predictions is to give equal
importance to all protected groups in our loss function. For protected attribute
type z, let
YD+ (1Y)log1ˆ
Then the goal of this fair framework is to find the optimal solution for the problem
minF,DzZ Lz(F,D). The above method is also equivalent to assigning group-
specific weights to the samples [160,113]. We will refer to this framework as the
joint balanced framework.
Minimax Pareto Fairness. Martinez et al. [205]’s proposed Pareto fairness aims to
reduce disparity by minimizing the worst error rate across all groups. In other
words, minimax Pareto fairness proposes solving the following optimization prob-
lem: minF,DmaxzZ Lz(F,D).
We will employ this fairness mechanism as well and refer to this framework
as the joint minimax-fair framework. To understand the intuition behind this frame-
work, we theoretically show that, in the case of a binary protected attribute, the
solution to the minimax Pareto fair program reduces the disparity between the
risks across the protected attribute types.
Theorem 6.2.6 (Disparity of minimax-fair solution).Suppose we have a binary pro-
tected attribute Z={0, 1}. Let F,D:=arg minF,DmaxzZ Lz(F,D)denote the joint
minimax-fair framework optimal solution and let F,D:=arg minF,DL(F,D)denote
the joint framework optimal solution. Then
Proof. We will first prove the theorem when
z:=arg maxz∈Z Lz(F,D) = 0, i.e.,
z∈Z Lz(F,D).
Let β=P[Z=ˆ
z]. Then for any F,D,
L(F,D) = β·L0(F,D) + (1β)·L1(F,D),
and by definition,
We will further divide the analysis into two cases. Case 1:
By definition of minimax-fair solution then,
Next, we use this inequality to look at L1(F,D).
β·L0(F,D) + (1β)·L1(F,D)β·L0(F,D) + (1β)·L1(F,D)
β·L0(F,D) + (1β)·L1(F,D)β·L0(F,D) + (1β)·L1(F,D)
Therefore, the risk disparity in this case
Hence the theorem is true in this case.
Case 2:
By definition of minimax-fair solution then,
Once again we use this inequality to look at L1(F,D).
β·L0(F,D) + (1β)·L1(F,D)β·L0(F,D) + (1β)·L1(F,D)
β·L0(F,D) + (1β)·L1(F,D)β·L0(F,D) + (1β)·L0(F,D)
(1β)·L1(F,D)β·L0(F,D) + (12β)·L0(F,D)
(1β)·L1(F,D)β·L0(F,D) + (12β)·L1(F,D)
Therefore, the risk disparity in this case
Hence the theorem is true in this case as well.
The proof for ˆ
z:=arg maxz∈Z Lz(F,D) = 1 follows by symmetry.
Note that minimax Pareto fairness is a generalization of fairness by balancing er-
ror rate across the protected groups, but is also more difficult and costly to achieve.
Furthermore, minimax Pareto fairness can handle non-binary protected attributes
as well; we refer the reader to Martinez et al. [205] for further discussion on the
properties of the minimax-fair solution. For our simulations, we will use the algo-
rithm proposed by Diana et al. [88] to achieve minimax Pareto fairness.
Depending on the application, other fairness methods can also be incorporated
into the framework. For example, if the fairness goal is to ensure demographic
parity or equalized odds, then fairness constraints [97,55], regularizers [162], or
post-processing methods [136,246] can alternately be employed.
Sparse committee selection. The joint framework could assign non-zero weight
to all experts. In a real-world application, requiring predictions from all of the
experts can be extremely costly. To address this, we propose a sparse variant to
choose a limited number of experts per input.
The number of experts consulted for any given input can be limited by using
the weights from D(X)to construct a small committee. Suppose we are given that
the committee size can be at most k. Then, for any input X, we construct a proba-
bility distribution over the experts with probability assigned to each expert being
proportional to its weight in D(X), and sample kexperts i.i.d. from this distri-
bution. The final output can be obtained by replacing DYEin ˆ
YDby the mean
prediction of the committee formed by this subset (scaled by the sum of weights
in D). We refer to this framework as the joint sparse framework when using the sim-
ple log-loss objective function, or joint balanced/minimax-fair sparse framework, when
using an either balanced or minimax-fair log-loss objective function. We can show
that the expected error disparity between joint normal and joint sparse solutions
indeed depends on the properties of the distribution induced by D(X).
Theorem 6.2.7 (Price of sparsity).Suppose Y={0, 1}and let D denote the deferrer
output and ˆ
YDdenote the prediction of the joint framework for a given input. Given k
[m], let random variable ˜
YD,kdenote the prediction of the joint sparse framework for this
input. The expected difference of loss across the two predictions can be bounded as follows:
Elog ˆ
YDlog ˜
YD,k<sDD1+max (2D1, 1),
where sDdenotes the mean absolute deviation [123] of the distribution induced by D.
sDcharacterizes the dispersion of the distribution induced by Dand if Dhas low
dispersion, then the expected difference of loss from choosing a committee from
distribution induced by Dis low. One could also, alternately, select the experts
with the k-largest weights for each input [156].
Proof of Theorem 6.2.7. Recall that in the binary class setting, given deferrer output
Dand expert predictions YEthe output probabilistic prediction is calculated as
For simplicity of presentation, since we are talking about a single input setting we
are removing the input X,Win the formulas, i.e., D(X)is represented as just D
and Ei(X,W)is just Ei. Let Er1, . . . , Erkdenote the kexperts sampled according to
the distribution induced by D(X). Then the output of the sparse framework is
YD,k:=σ m
First, we look at ˆ
log ˆ
log ˜
Let N(D):=logeDYE+e1DYEand let
Then, taking the absolute difference of log-losses, we get
Elog ˆ
YDlog ˜
We will analyze the two terms separately. Note that for an expert sampled from
distribution induced by D, we have that
where sDrepresents the mean absolute deviation with respect to distribution in-
duced by D. For the second absolute difference, note that both
When x>0,
log 2 +max(2x, 1).
Furthermore, logex+e1xis convex and achieves minimum value 0.5 +log 2.
Therefore, using the above upper and lower bounds, we get
EN(D)N(D,k)max 2
D(i), 1!0.5.
Elog ˆ
YDlog ˜
YD,k<sDD1+max (2D1, 1).
Dropout. Given the possible disparities in the accuracies of the experts at the end
of the pipeline, training a joint learning framework with diverse experts can suffer
from the generalization pitfalls seen commonly in optimization literature [216]. If
one expert is relatively more accurate than other experts the framework can learn
to assign a relatively larger weight to this expert for every input compared to other
experts. This is, however, quite undesirable as it assigns a disproportionate load
to just one (or a small subset) of experts.
To tackle this issue, we introduce a random dropout procedure during training:
an expert’s prediction is randomly dropped with a probability of pand the expert’s
weight is not trained on the input sample for which it is dropped. This simple
procedure helps reduce dependence on any single expert and ensures a relatively
balanced load distribution.
Additional regularization. As mentioned earlier, the experts can have individual
costs associated with their consultation. Let CE1,...,Em1:X Rm1refer to the
vector of input specific cost of each expert consultation. Assuming that the costs
of the experts are independent of one another, we can take these costs into account
in our framework by adding λ·CE1,...,Em1(X)D(X)1as a regularizer to the loss
function, where D(X)1denotes the first (m1)elements of the vector D(X)and
λ>0 is a hyperparameter.
Figure 6.2: (Section 6.3.1 simulations) The first plot shows the datapoints in the
synthetic dataset. The next three plots show the weights assigned to the classifier,
expert 1 and expert 2 respectively for different clusters by the joint learning frame-
6.3 Synthetic Simulations
We first test the efficacy of the joint learning framework and its variants in synthetic
settings. We use a synthetic and a real-world dataset for these simulations, and
synthetically generate expert predictions for each input sample. For all datasets,
Lclf will be the log-loss function and classifier Fwill be the standard logistic func-
6.3.1 Synthetic Dataset
Dataset and experts. Each sample in the dataset contains two features, sampled
from a two-dimensional normal distribution, and a binary class label (positive or
negative). There are two available experts; their behavior is described below.
Let µUnif(0, 1)2denote a randomly sampled mean vector and let ΣR2×2
denote a covariance matrix that is a diagonal matrix with diagonal entries sam-
pled from Unif(0, 1). The data has 3 clusters, represented by colors orange,blue,
and green. The orange cluster has two further sub-clusters: the first sub-cluster is
sampled from the distribution N(µ,Σ)and is assigned class label 1, while the sec-
ond sub-cluster is sampled from the distribution N(µ+3, Σ)and is assigned label
0. Since the sub-clusters are well-separated, this orange cluster can be accurately
classified using the two dimensions.
The blue cluster is sampled from the distribution N(µ+6, Σ), and each sample
is assigned a class label 1 with probability 0.5. Expert 1 is assumed to be accurate
over the blue cluster, i.e., if a sample belongs to the blue cluster, expert 1 returns the
correct label for that sample; otherwise, it returns a random label. Similarly, the
green cluster is sampled from the distribution N(µ+9, Σ), each sample is assigned
a class label 1 with probability 0.5, and Expert 2 is assumed to be accurate over the
green cluster and random for other clusters.
We construct a dataset with 1000 samples using the above process, with an
almost equal proportion of samples in each cluster; the samples are randomly di-
vided into train and test partitions (80-20 split). The distribution of the data-points
is graphically presented in Figure 6.2. Suppose the hypothesis class of classifiers is
limited to linear classifiers. The ideal solution (in the absence of any expert costs)
is for the classifier to accurately classify elements of the orange cluster, and defer
the samples from blue cluster to expert 1 and the samples from green cluster to ex-
pert 2. If the linear classifier is learned before training the deferrer, then it will try
to reduce error across all clusters, and the resulting framework will not be accu-
rate over any cluster, since clusters blue and green cannot be linearly separated. By
studying the performance for this synthetic dataset we can determine if the joint
learning framework accurately deciphers the underlying data structure.
We also report the performance of two crowdsourcing algorithms: (a) LL algo-
rithm [190] which tackles the worker selection problem, given the reliability and
Table 6.1: Overall and dialect-specific mean accuracies (standard error in brackets)
for simulations in Section 6.3.2.
Method Overall
Classifier only .89 (.00) .86 (.00) .96 (.00)
Randomly selected committee .84 (.07) .83 (.10) .85 (.01)
Randomly selected fair committee .88 (.06) .86 (.11) .93 (.03)
LL .96 (.03) .97 (.03) .95 (.04)
CrowdSelect .91 (.04) .89 (.06) .93 (.04)
Joint learning
frameworks &
fair variants
Joint framework .92 (.02) .89 (.03) .97 (.00)
Joint balanced framework .94 (.01) .92 (.02) .98 (.00)
Joint minimax-fair framework .98 (.01) .98 (.01) .97 (.01)
Sparse variants
of joint learning
Joint sparse framework .92 (.01) .90 (.02) .96 (.01)
Joint balanced and sparse framework .92 (.01) .89 (.01) .97 (.00)
Joint minimax-fair and sparse framework .98 (.01) .97 (.01) .98 (.00)
variance of all the workers, and (b) CrowdSelect [249], which aims to model the be-
havior of the workers to appropriately allocate a subset of workers to each task.
For both crowdsourcing algorithms, the classifier is pre-trained using the train
partition and treated as just another worker. The details of these algorithms are
provided in Appendix A.4.1.
Implementation details. We use projected gradient descent, with 3000 iterations,
learning rate η=0.05, and α1=0, α2=1. As discussed before, α1=0 can also
train the classifier and deferrer simultaneously.
Results. A baseline SVM classifier trained over the entire dataset has an accuracy
of around 0.67 (accurate for one cluster and random over the other two). In com-
parison, the joint learning framework has perfect (1.0) accuracy. If the sparse vari-
ant of the joint learning framework is used with k=1 (defer to a single expert), the
accuracy drops to 0.91. To better understand the performance of the framework,
Figure 6.2 presents the weights (normalized) assigned to the different experts (and
classifier) for the test partition (bottom three plots).
Starting with the green cluster, the lowest plot shows that expert 2 is assigned
the highest weight for samples in this cluster, implying that the prediction for this
cluster is always correctly deferred to expert 2. Similarly, the prediction for the
blue cluster is always correctly deferred to expert 1. For most of the samples in
the orange cluster, the weight assigned to the classifier is larger than the weights
assigned to the two experts. For some samples in this cluster, however, a non-
trivial weight is also assigned to expert 1, which is why the accuracy of the sparse
variant is lower than the accuracy of the non-sparse variant. This can be prevented
using non-zero expert costs, which we employ in the next simulation.
The baseline LL algorithm achieves an accuracy of 67% on this dataset; this is
because it associates a single measure of aggregated reliability with each worker,
which in this case is unsuitable since each worker has their specific domain of
expertise. The CrowdSelect algorithm achieves the best accuracy of around 83%;
in this case, the error models for each expert and the classifier are constructed
individually. Due to this, the algorithm is unable to perfectly stratify the input
space amongst the experts (and classifier).
Discussion. The purpose of this simulation was to show that the deferrer can
choose experts in an input-specific manner. The results show that the deferrer can
indeed decipher the underlying structure of the dataset, and accordingly choose
the expert(s) to defer to for each input (addressing the drawback of LL). The im-
portant aspect of the problem to notice here is that the cluster identity is the addi-
tional information available only to the experts. The cluster identity is crucial for
the experts as it reflects their domain of expertise and helps them make the correct
prediction if the sample lies in their domain. On the other hand, the cluster iden-
tity is useful to the deferrer only to defer correctly; even if the cluster is part of the
input, the framework cannot use it to make a correct prediction but can use it to
defer to the correct expert. In other words, the framework can use the available
information to identify samples that need to be deferred to an expert (addressing
the drawback of CrowdSelect). This sub-problem of directly identifying contentious
input samples is also related to prior work by Raghu et al. [253].
6.3.2 Offensive Language Dataset
Dataset. Our base dataset consists of around 25k Twitter posts curated by David-
son et al. [80]; all posts are annotated with a label that corresponds to whether
they contain hate speech, offensive language, or neither. We set the class label to
1 if the post contains hate speech or offensive language, and 0 otherwise. Using
the dialect identification model of Blodgett et al. [30], we also label the dialect of
the posts: African-American English (AAE) or not. Around 36% of the posts in the
dataset are labeled as AAE. We treat dialect as the protected attribute in this case.
Experts. The experts are constructed to be biased against one of the dialects.
We generate msynthetic experts, with 3m/4experts biased against AAE di-
alect and m/4experts biased against non-AAE dialect. To simulate the first
3m/4experts, for each expert i{1, . . . , 3m/4}, we sample two quantities:
piUnif(0.6, 1)and qiUnif(0.6, pi). For expert i,piwill be its accuracy for
the non-AAE group and qiwill be its accuracy for the AAE group. To make a
decision, if the input belongs to the non-AAE group then this expert outputs the
correct label with probability piand if the input belongs to the AAE group then this
expert outputs the correct label with probability qi. By design, the first 3m/4ex-
perts can have a certain level of bias against the AAE group since qi<pifor all
i{1, . . . , 3m/4}. The same process, with flipped piand qi, is repeated for the
remaining m/4experts so that they are biased against the non-AAE group.
Baselines. There are three simple baselines that can be easily implemented: (1)
using the classifier only, (2) randomly selected committee - a committee of size
m/4is randomly selected (in this case, the predictions are expected to be bi-
ased against the AAE dialect since most of the experts are biased against the AAE
dialect - see Section A.4.2), and (3) random fair committee - i.e., if the post is in
AAE dialect, the committee randomly selects from experts with higher accuracy
for AAE group, and if the post is in non-AAE dialect, the committee randomly
selects from experts with higher accuracy for the non-AAE group. This committee
selection should ensure relatively balanced accuracy across the dialects, and can
therefore be used to judge the fairness of the joint learning framework. We also
implement and report the performance of LL and CrowdSelect algorithms for this
Implementation details. The dataset is split into train and test partitions (80-
20 split). For both classifier and deferrer, we use a simple two-layer neural net-
work, that takes as input a 100-dimensional vector corresponding to a given Twit-
ter post (obtained using pre-trained GloVe embeddings [244]). The experts are
given a cost of 1 each, i.e., CE1,...,Em1=1and λ=0.05 (the regularizer used is
λ·E[CE1,...,Em1(X)D(X)1]). Inspired by prior work on adaptive learning rate
[95], exponent cof parameter αis set at 0.5 and dropout rate at 0.2. We present the
results for m=20 in this section and discuss the performance for different m,λ,
and dropout rates in Appendix A.4.2. We use stochastic gradient descent for train-
ing with learning rate η=0.1 and for 100 iterations with a batch size of 200 per
iteration. For the sparse variants with m=20, we sample k=5 experts from the
output distribution. The process is repeated 100 times, with a new set of experts
sampled every time, and we report the mean and standard error of the overall and
dialect-specific accuracies.
Results. The results for the joint learning framework and its variants, along with
the baselines are presented in Table 6.1. The joint learning framework has a larger
overall and group-specific average accuracy than the classifier. The best group-
specific and overall accuracy is achieved by the joint minimax-fair framework (and
its sparse variant), showing that it is indeed desirable to enforce minimax-fairness
in this setting as it leads to an overall improved performance across all groups.
The sparse variations of all joint frameworks, as expected, still have better perfor-
mance than the classifier and random-selection baselines, and are quite similar to
the non-sparse variants. Joint fair (balanced and minimax-fair) frameworks also
have similar or lower accuracy disparity across the groups than random fair com-
mittee baseline. This shows that the learned deferrer is also able to differentiate
between biased and unbiased experts to an extent. Due to the non-zero λparam-
eter used, on average, the classifier is assigned around 5% of the deferrer weight
per input sample. This implies that, when creating sparse committees with k=5,
the classifier is consulted for around 25% of the input samples. This fraction can
be further increased by appropriately increasing λ.
Further, due to our use of dropout, more accurate experts are not assigned dis-
proportionately high weights, exhibiting the effectiveness of load balancing using
dropout. This is demonstrated in Figure A.45 in the Appendix, which presents
variations of the weights assigned by the joint framework to the experts vs the
accuracies of the experts for a single repetition.
The LL algorithm is able to achieve very high overall accuracy (95% for both
groups) for this setting. However, our joint minimax-fair sparse framework has
two advantages over LL algorithm. First, it achieves relatively better accuracy for
both dialect groups. Second, LL pre-selects the most accurate experts to whom all
the inputs are deferred. This is problematic and inefficient since LL only uses kout
of mexperts; in comparison, our algorithm distributes the input samples amongst
all experts to reduce the load on the most accurate experts (see Figure A.45 in
Appendix). CrowdSelect, on the other hand, achieves lower overall and group-
specific accuracies than joint minimax-fair frameworks.
6.4 Simulations Using a Real-world Offensive Language
The simulations in the previous sections highlighted the effectiveness of the joint
learning framework in improving the accuracy and fairness of the final prediction.
In this section, we present the results on a similar real-world dataset of Twitter
posts, annotated using Mechanical Turk (MTurk).
Dataset. We use a dataset of 1471 Twitter posts for the MTurk survey. This is
a subset of the larger dataset by Davidson et al. [80]. Importantly, this dataset is
jointly balanced across the class categories used in Davidson et al. [80] and the two
dialect groups (as predicted using Blodgett et al. [30]). Once again, the labels from
Davidson et al. [80] are treated as the gold labels for this dataset.
MTurk experiment design. The MTurk survey presented to each participant started
with an optional demographic survey. This was followed by 50 questions; each
question contained a Twitter post from the dataset and asked the participant to
choose one of the following options: ‘Post contains threats or insults to a certain
group’, ‘Post contains threats or insults to an individual’, ‘Post contains other kinds
of threats or insults, such as to an organization or event’, ‘Post contains profanity’,
‘Post does not contain threats, insults, or profanity’. The options presented to the
user are along the lines of the taxonomy of offensive speech suggested by Zampieri
et al. [313]. The first four options correspond to offensive language in the Twitter
Table 6.2: Results of the joint learning framework and fair variants on the MTurk
Method Overall
Classifier only .78 (.02) .76 (.05) .80 (.04)
Joint framework .85 (.03) .87 (.04) .83 (.03)
Joint balanced framework .84 (.03) .87 (.03) .81 (.04)
Joint minimax framework .85 (.02) .87 (.02) .83 (.02)
post, while the last option corresponds to the post being non-offensive. As in the
synthetic simulations, the participants are also provided with the predicted dialect
label of the post. The participants were paid a sum of $4 for completing the survey
(at an hourly rate of $16).
MTurk experiment results. Overall, 170 MTurk workers participated in the sur-
vey and each post in the dataset was labeled by around 10 different annotators.
Since each participant only labels a fraction of the dataset, we will treat this setting
as one where there are missing expert predictions during the training of the joint
learning framework. The inter-rater agreement, as measured using Krippendorff’s
αmeasure, is 0.27. As per heuristic interpretation [131], this level of interrater
agreement is considered quite low for a standard dataset annotation task. How-
ever, it is suitable for our purpose since our framework aims to address situations
where there is considerable disparity in the performances of different humans in
the pipeline, and the goal of the joint learning framework is to choose the annota-
tors that are expected to be accurate for the given input.
The overall accuracy of the aggregated responses (i.e., taking a majority of all
responses for every post and comparing to the gold label) is around 87%, which
is close to the accuracy of the automated classifier in Section 6.3.2 (84% for AAE
posts and 91% for non-AAE posts). The high accuracy shows that using crowd-
sourced annotations in this setting is quite effective and the hypothetical aggregated
crowd annotator can indeed be considered an expert for this content moderation task.
However, the individual accuracies of the experts is arguably more interesting and
relevant to our setting.
The average individual accuracy of a participant is 77% (±13%). The minimum
individual accuracy is 38% while the maximum individual accuracy is 98%. The
wide range of accuracies evidences large variation in annotator expertise for this
task. The individual accuracies for posts from different dialects also present a sim-
ilar picture. The average individual accuracy of a participant for the AAE dialect
posts is 76% (±15%) and the average individual accuracy of a participant for the
non-AAE dialect posts is 78% (±14%).
While mean individual accuracies for the two dialects are quite similar, most
annotators do display a disparity in their accuracy across the two groups. 92 of
the 170 participants had a higher accuracy when labeling posts written in a non-
AAE dialect. The average difference between the accuracy for non-AAE dialect
posts and AAE dialect posts for this group of participants was 8.5% (±6.6%). 75
participants had a higher accuracy when labeling posts written in the AAE dialect.
The average difference between the accuracy for AAE dialect posts and non-AAE
dialect posts was 7.1% (±5.5%). The three remaining participants were equally
accurate for both groups. The disparate accuracies here are quite similar to those
in the early synthetic simulations. We next analyze the performance of the joint
learning framework on this dataset.
Joint learning framework results on MTurk dataset. We perform five-fold cross-
validation on the collected dataset. For each fold, we train our joint learning frame-
work (with η=0.3) on the train split and evaluate it on the test split. Since expert
decisions are available only for a subset of the dataset, we do not use dropout or
expert costs. Results are shown in Table 6.2. As before, the overall accuracy of
the joint learning frameworks is higher than the accuracy of the classifier alone.
Amongst the fair variants, even though the accuracy for both dialect groups is
larger when using the balanced or minimax loss function (compared to the classi-
fier alone), it does not lead to significantly different group-specific accuracies vs.
simple joint learning framework. The performance of sparse variants is presented
in Appendix A.4.3. Since a relatively small number of prior predictions is available
for each expert, the task of differentiating between experts here is tougher. Hence,
sparse variants perform similarly or better than the classifier when committee size
kis around 60 or greater.
6.5 Discussion, Limitations, and Future Work
Our proposed framework addresses settings that involve active human-machine
collaboration. Having shown its efficacy for synthetic and real-world datasets, we
next highlight certain limitations and fruitful directions for future work.
Fairness of the framework. It is crucial that the framework is fair with respect
to the protected attribute. We proposed two methods for ensuring that the pre-
dictions are unbiased: by trying to achieve a balanced error rate for all groups,
or by trying to minimize the maximum group-specific error rate (minimax Pareto
fairness). Both fairness mechanisms can handle multi-class protected attributes,
which helps generalize our framework to settings beyond simple binary protected
attributes (e.g., multiple racial categories). An additional advantage of using these
fairness definitions is that the protected group labels are not required for test or
future samples, addressing the issue of their possible unavailability due to policy
or privacy restrictions [99].
As mentioned in Section 6.2.2, other fairness mechanisms can also be incorpo-
rated into our framework. For most applications, the choice of fairness mechanism
and constraint is often a context-dependent question. An uninformed choice of
these variables can possibly lead to a degradation of both accuracy and fairness
[195] and, therefore, it is important to take the impact of any fairness constraint
on the user population into account before its implementation. Similarly, in our
setting, it is important to first decide whether the goal of fairness is minimizing
the worst group error or demographic parity and then choose the mechanism to
implement it.
Diversity of the expert pool. The wide range in accuracy observed across an-
notators in Section 6.4 confirms the expectation that different humans-in-the-loop
will naturally bring varying levels and domains of expertise. Their accuracy will
be affected by not only the training they receive but also by their background. For
example, native speakers of a given dialect are naturally expected to be better an-
notators of language examples from that dialect. However, despite the difficulty
of the task and the disparity in group accuracies, our joint learning framework is
still able to identify the combination of experts that are suitable for any given input
and, correspondingly, increase the accuracy and fairness of the final prediction.
Both synthetic and real-world simulations demonstrate the importance of di-
versity in the expert pool to achieve high predictive performance for all kinds of
inputs. Human prejudices can take different forms than the biases present in data
and choosing a biased human expert for any given input or certain input categories
can be actively harmful to the individuals corresponding to those inputs. As such,
it is important to ensure that a diverse pool of human experts is chosen to assist
with deferred decisions; diversity in the expert pool is desired with respect to both
their domains of expertise and their demographics or background. Employing fair-
ness mechanisms can further ensure that the learning algorithm penalizes experts
for input categories where they make incorrect decisions due to their biases.
Real-world benchmark dataset. We created an MTurk dataset for offensive lan-
guage detection to evaluate human-in-the-loop prediction frameworks with multi-
ple experts. The goal of constructing this dataset was to facilitate the learning and
evaluation of hybrid frameworks, since having a large number of annotations for
each input better enables a learning procedure to differentiate between annotators
with different abilities. Existing datasets have often released only aggregate labels,
such as by majority voting, which supports ML model training but does not allow
modeling individual annotators. To be able to release such data, we have replaced
annotator platform IDs with automatically generated pseudonyms.
Our new dataset has important limitations. First, in order to obtain a large
number of annotations for each Twitter post, we kept the dataset size relatively
small. Furthermore, since the dataset is a subset of the dataset constructed by
Davidson et al. [80], it cannot be considered representative of the larger popula-
tion of Twitter posts/users and the performance demonstrated in our simulations
may not translate to larger Twitter datasets. The number of human annotators
(170) in our survey is also larger than desired, even though each annotator labels
50-100 posts. Our framework aims to learn the domain of expertise of human ex-
perts using only the prior decisions of the experts. However, it is not completely
clear how many prior decisions are needed to accurately determine the domain of
expertise of every annotator. The gap between the performance using synthetic ex-
perts (Section 6.3) and real-world experts (Section 6.4) partially shows that it might
be necessary to get more predictions for each expert.
Poursabzi-Sangdeh et al. [248], in a position paper on human-in-the-loop frame-
works in facial recognition, argues the necessity of real-world empirical studies of
such frameworks to justify their widespread use. They also list the technical chal-
lenges associated with such empirical studies. The real-world dataset we provide
attempts to initiate a real-world empirical study of human-in-the-loop frameworks
for content moderation but, at the same time, faces similar challenges as high-
lighted by Poursabzi-Sangdeh et al. [248], i.e., issues with data availability and
generalizability of participants/context.
MTurk experiment generalizability. Similar to any other study done using MTurk
participants, questions can be raised about the generalizability of the results to a
larger population. While MTurk participants do seem suitable for detecting of-
fensive language in Twitter posts (as seen from the performance of the aggregated
crowdworker in Section 6.4), they may not accurately represent how a lay person
would respond to a similar survey or how a domain expert would judge the same
posts. The performance of domain experts (people with more experience in screen-
ing offensive language) will most likely be better than the accuracy of an aver-
age crowd annotator. Correspondingly, our framework with better-trained content
moderation experts can be expected to have similar or better performance. Never-
theless, as pointed out in prior work [248,10], experimental design and choice of
participants will play a much bigger role in simulating human-in-the-loop frame-
works in settings where human experts cannot be imitated by volunteers.
Addition/removal of experts. An extension of our model that can be further ex-
plored is the addition/removal of experts. If a new expert is added to the pipeline
and the domain of expertise of this expert is different than the domain of the re-
placed/existing experts, then the framework might need to be retrained to ap-
propriately include the new expert. This overhead of retraining can, however, be
avoided. For instance, one could train the framework using a basis of experts, i.e.,
divide the feature space into interpretable sub-domains and map the experts to
these sub-domains. Then if we train the framework using sample decisions of
experts with disjoint sub-domains of expertise, we can ensure that the entire fea-
ture space is covered either by the classifier or the deferrer (in a similar manner
as Section 6.3.1), and any new expert could be mapped to the corresponding sub-
domain. Approaches from prior work [283,201] can be potentially used to learn
these sub-domains and extend our joint learning framework for such settings.
Improved implementation. Like other complex frameworks involving many de-
cision making components, our framework can also suffer from issues that arise
from real-world implementations. For instance, dropout reduces overdependence
on any particular expert but does not consider the load on any small subset of
experts. Alternate load distribution techniques (e.g., Nguyen et al. [228]) can be
explored further, at the risk of inducing larger committee sizes. Another extension
that can be pursued is to keep the committee size small but variable; this can help
with load distribution as well as better committee selection.2
2The code and dataset for this chapter are available at https://github.com/vijaykeswani/
Chapter 7
The methods proposed in this dissertation provide interventions to incorporate di-
versity and domain expertise in the outputs of automated decision-making frame-
works. For all learning paradigms studied in this dissertation, stakeholder partic-
ipation consistently improves the performance of the decision-making framework
by enhancing the diversity of the output and by using human support in a careful
manner to assist automated decision-making.
Chapter 3 forwards an algorithm, DivScore, to audit the diversity of any given
collection using a small control set (i.e., user-defined representative examples).
Theoretical analysis shows that DivScore approximates the disparity of the collec-
tion, given appropriate control sets and similarity metrics. Empirical evaluations
demonstrate that DivScore can handle collections from both image and text do-
mains. Crucially, this method allows us to efficiently audit data streams for which
protected attribute labels are unavailable.
Chapters 4 and 5 extend the use of representative examples to debias image and
text summaries respectively. In both chapters, we first show that current summa-
rization approaches often do not generate summaries that appropriately represent
the underlying population distribution. For Google Image Search, we observe how
search results continue to over-represent stereotypical images associated with var-
ious occupations. For text summarization, we show that standard summarization
algorithms often return summaries that are dialect biased. The approaches pre-
sented in these chapters (QS-balanced and MMR-balanced) aim to ensure fairness
in summarization algorithms in the absence of labeled data. As a post-processing
approach, our algorithms are also flexible in that they can be applied post-hoc to
an existing system where the only additional input necessary is a small set of di-
verse domain-relevant images in the case of image summarization or a small set
of diverse domain-relevant sentences in the case of text summarization. Due to
the generality and simplicity of our approach, these algorithms are expected to
perform well for a variety of domains, and it would be interesting to see to what
extent they can be applied in areas beyond image and text summarization.
In Chapter 6, we proposed a human-in-the-loop learning model to simultane-
ously train a classifier and a deferrer in the multiple-experts setting. Theoreti-
cal analysis and empirical results for offensive language detection show that this
framework, and its fair variants, are able to choose input-specific experts to im-
prove the accuracy and fairness of the decision-making pipeline. This framework
can help increase the applicability of automated models in settings where human
experts are an indispensable part of the pipeline. Further, using a set of domain
experts that is diverse and representative of the underlying population along with
fairness mechanisms can ensure that the framework addresses the biases of the
model and the humans and that its utilization is thoughtful and context-aware.
The common theme across all chapters is the focus on stakeholder participa-
tion. For bias audit and fair summarization, our proposed algorithms utilize user
feedback to effectively measure representation disparity and reduce said disparity
in automatically-generated summaries. For human-in-the-loop deferral learning,
we demonstrate how the heterogeneity of domain experts can be exploited to im-
prove the accuracy and fairness of human-assisted decision-making systems. In
all settings, stakeholder involvement (either as users or domain experts) provides
additional information that improves the framework’s performance. Importantly,
this additional information is often unavailable to or under-utilized by the frame-
work through the data it is trained on. As such, stakeholder involvement in auto-
mated frameworks adds an additional dimension along which we can incorporate
human decision-making values that are absent from the available data.
At the beginning of Chapter 1, I talked about how the rationality of a decision-
making process is dependent upon the values of the decision-maker. In the case
of an automated decision-making framework, we cannot point to one person and
say that the decisions reflect their values. Instead, there are multiple human stake-
holders involved throughout the process of designing, developing, assisting, and
deploying an automated decision-making framework. The values reflected in such
frameworks are derived from all of these stakeholders as well as from the in-
stitutional values of the parent organization. As such, when we talk about the
problem of social biases in automated decisions, we are not just pointing to the
prejudices of certain human decision-makers, but also the structural prejudices of
the developing institution and those encoded within the data and model used by
the automated decision-making framework. The presence of such biases points
to a mismatch between the values of the framework developers/institutions and
the values of users of the framework, and, correspondingly, leads to reduced per-
formance (in the form of misrepresentation or disparate impact) for users from
systematically-disadvantaged demographic groups. Hence, it will always be ben-
eficial to encourage users to participate by providing feedback or assisting the
decision-making framework, in a manner that allows them to share their values
with the framework. Eliciting diverse voices during development and deploy-
ment can allow us to understand and incorporate common ethical principles in
automated decision-making frameworks and take steps toward building trust in
these frameworks. That is indeed the goal of the methods proposed in this disser-
As the final point, I believe it is important to mention that there are many other
dimensions of decision-making along which stakeholder participation can be use-
ful. Users can also be consulted during the design of decision-making frame-
works and using aggregation methods from social choice theory can allow the
identification of the framework components important to different groups of users
[273,110,300]. Participatory action research similarly emphasizes the collective
development of decision-making frameworks where the experience and knowl-
edge of diverse stakeholders are explicitly solicited during the design of socially-
relevant systems [114,137,184,176]. Abiding by the principles highlighted in
these fields of research can significantly improve the performance of automated
decision-making frameworks and potentially alleviate many concerns regarding
the impact of these frameworks.
Through this dissertation, I have highlighted crucial areas where algorithmic
development falls short of creating progressive frameworks and suggested mech-
anisms by which we can modify such frameworks to obtain unbiased and accurate
outcomes through stakeholder involvement. Implementing these frameworks in
real-world applications will face many more challenges; nevertheless, taking a par-
ticipatory approach to address these challenges can help ensure that the impact of
automation on our society is equitable.
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Appendix A
A.1 Appendix for Chapter 3
A.1.1 Implementation Details
Details of SS-ST baseline. The complete implementation of the semi-supervised
self-training baseline SS-ST is given in Algorithm 5. We use k=5 for PPB-2017
Algorithm 5 SS-ST baseline
Input: Dataset S, control set T:=T0T1, sim(·,·),kZ>0
1: n0,n10
2: while S=do
3: for xSdo
4: s(x)1
5: ˜
Ttop kelements in set {|s(x)|}xS
6: n0n0+|s(x)|x˜
7: n1n1+|s(x)|x˜
8: SS\˜
9: return (n0n1)/|S|
PPB-2017 and CelebA datasets. For both PPB-2017 and CelebA datasets, feature
extraction for images is done using the pre-trained VGG-16 deep network [276].
The network has been pre-trained on the Imagenet [85] dataset. To extract the
feature of any given image, we pass it as input to the network and extract the 4096-
dimensional weight vector of the last fully connected layer. We further reduce the
feature vector size to 300 by performing PCA on the set of features of all images in
the dataset.
TwitterAAE dataset. For the TwitterAAE dataset, the authors constructed a de-
mographic language identification model to report the probability of each post be-
ing written by a user of any of the following population categories: non-Hispanic
Whites, non-Hispanic Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians. We filter the dataset to con-
tain only posts for which the probability of belonging to the non-Hispanic African-
American English language model or non-Hispanic White English language model
is 0.99. This leads to a dataset of around 1.2 million tweets, with around 100k
posts belonging to the non-Hispanic African-American English language model
and 1.06 million posts belonging to the non-Hispanic White English language model;
we will refer to the two groups of posts as AAE and WHE posts.
To extract feature vectors corresponding to the Twitter posts, we use a Word2Vec
model [210] pre-trained on 400 million Twitter posts [121]. For any given post, we
first use the Word2Vec model to extract features for every word in the post. Then
we take the average of the word features to obtain the feature of the post.
(a) Gender protected attribute (b) Skin-tone protected attribute
Figure A.1: Results for PPB-2017 dataset using random and adaptive control sets.
The plots in this figure are the same as the plots in Figure 3.1, except that we don’t
put y-axis limitations here to present the complete errorbars for all methods.
(a) Gender protected attribute (b) Skin-tone protected attribute
Figure A.2: Results for PPB-2017 dataset using different sized random and adap-
tive control sets.
A.1.2 Other Empirical Results
Alternate Figure 3.1 plot. First, we present the plots from Figure 3.1 without y-
axis limitations. This is presented in Figure A.1.
Variation of performance with the control set size for PPB-dataset. Figure A.2
presents the variation of disparity measure with the control set size. The disparity
in the collection is fixed to be 0. The plots show that DivScore-Adaptive can achieve
low approximation error using smaller sized control sets than DivScore-Random-
Figure A.3: Performance of DivScore-Random-Proportional and IID-Measure on
CelebA dataset
Figure A.4: Results for TwitterAAE dataset using different sized random and adap-
tive control sets.
Performance of DivScore-Random-Proportional and IID-Measure on CelebA dataset.
Figure A.3 presents the performance of DivScore-Random-Proportional and IID-Measure
for different facial attributes of the CelebA dataset. As expected, IID-Measure has
a low approximation error, while DivScore-Random-Proportional has a low approx-
imation error for some attributes and a high error for others. Nevertheless, as
discussed in Section 3.4.2, both baselines need different control sets for collections
corresponding to different attributes, and hence, are costly when auditing multiple
collections from the same domain.
Variation of performance with the control set size for TwitterAAE-dataset. Fig-
ure A.4 presents the variation of disparity measure with the control set size. The
disparity in the collection is fixed to be -0.826 (which is the disparity of the over-
all dataset) The plots show that, once again, DivScore-Adaptive can achieve low
approximation error using much smaller sized control sets than DivScore-Random-
A.2 Appendix for Chapter 4
A.2.1 Details of baselines
In this section, we provide the details of the baselines against which compare our
algorithms. The first is determinant-based diversification [177,52], DET. This ap-
proach effectively diversifies the selected images across their feature space. Sup-
pose that we need to return Mimages corresponding to the query q. Given the
query similarity scores A(q,x), we can sort the list in ascending order and extract
the first c·Mimages from the list, where c>1 (we use c3 in our experiments),
denoted by Wc,q. We can then employ the following standard diversification tech-
nique to find the most diverse images in the set Wc,q. For any W Wc,q, such
that |W|=M, let VWdenote the matrix with the feature vectors of images in Was
rows. Then return the set
arg max
If the number of subsets Wis large (can be exponential), we use greedy approxi-
mate algorithms for this task [227].
Next, we compare with respect to another algorithm that aims to reduce redun-
dancy in the final set, MMR. The algorithm is an iterative algorithm that starts with
an empty set Rand adds one image to Rin each iteration. The chosen image is the
one that minimizes the score
The first part of the above expression captures query relevance while the second
part penalizes an image according to similarity to existing images in the summary
R. This algorithm (also referred to as maximum marginal relevance) is a popular
document summarization algorithm to reduce redundancy [46]. We will use α=
The baselines DET and MMR aim to show the importance of having a control
set. In the absence of any attribute information with respect to which the results are
expected to be diverse (for example, say gender), directly diversifying the output
images will result in images that are diverse in unimportant features like back-
ground. The control set Thelps us identify the features for which diversity should
be ensured.
For the third and fourth baseline, we will use automatic gender classification
tools. Using existing pre-trained gender classification models, in particular, [188]
1, we derive the gender labels for the images in the small dataset.
The third baseline, AUTOLABEL, is the following: we select M/2 images la-
beled male (by the classification tool) with the best query relevance score A(q,x)
and M/2 images labeled female with the best query relevance score A(q,x). For
evaluation, however, we use the true gender labels of the images. The purpose of
this baseline is to show that using existing imperfect auto-labeling tools to set con-
straints for diversification can lead to magnifying the biases already present in the
pre-trained classification model used.
For the fourth baseline AUTOLABEL-RWD, we use the monotone submodular
function proposed by [193]. They suggest that instead of penalizing a subset for
having redundant images, one should reward a subset for being diverse. The scor-
ing function to measure the quality of a set Ris then the following (adapted for
our domain):
A(q,x) +
where P1, . . . , PKare the partitions of the domain based on the protected attribute.
For the case of gender, we will have two partitions. The second part of the expres-
sion ensures that adding images from different partitions has a higher diversity
score than adding images from the same partition. Once again, we will create the
partitions according to the gender labels obtained using the classification tool. We
will use a greedy algorithm to obtain an approximately optimal subset for this
case, since finding the optimal solution directly has a large time complexity. The
greedy algorithm will simply add the image arg minxS\Rrwd(R{x})at every
step, where Ris the subset chosen so far.
A.2.2 Implementation details
In this section, we provide the complete implementation details, starting with the
query matching algorithm A(·,·)and the similarity function sim(·,·)used in our
empirical analysis.
Image similarity
To obtain the similarity score sim(x1,x2)for two given images, we can utilize a
pre-trained convolutional neural network. We use the VGG-16 network [276], a
16-layer CNN, pre-trained on Imagenet [85] dataset, for generating the feature vec-
tors2. We take the weights of the edges from the last fully-connected layer as the
feature vector for the image. The process can be summarized in the following
steps 3 4: (1) feed the image x1,x2into the VGG-16 network and obtain the feature
vectors vx1,vx2of dimension 4096, (2) perform Principal Component Analysis to
reduce the feature vector size, (3) return the cosine distance as similarity score, i.e.,
sim(I1,I2) = 1vI1·vI2
2other networks such as [270] could similarly be used instead.
3Similar to one-shot learning using Siamese Networks [174].
4Cosine distance has been used in document summarization literature to calculate similarity
[193] as well. The cosine distance metric also outperformed other norm-based metrics, such as
This method of using pre-trained models for other tasks is also called “transfer
learning”. This technique has been successfully employed in many other image-
related tasks [238].
Query matching
QS-balanced (Algorithm 4) and MMR-balanced use a black-box querying algorithm
Ato rank images according to similarity to a query. For evaluation purposes, we
describe an algorithm for query matching algorithm in the case of Occupations
and CelebA datasets.
Query matching algorithm Afor Occupations dataset. Suppose that for every
q, we are provided a small set of images Tq; for example, for query “doctor”,
10 images of doctors (that can be hand-verified). Then using function, for the
query set Tqand for each image xS, we can calculate the score avgSimTq(x):=
avgxTqsim(x,x). The score avgSimTq(x)gives us a quantification of how similar
the image xis to all other images in set Tq, and correspondingly how similar it is
to query q. Before using this score further, we can normalize it by subtracting the
mean and dividing by standard deviation. Therefore given a set Tq, for each xS,
the query similarity score can be defined as
avgSimTq(x) = avgSimTq(x)mean(avgSimTq)
We will use this score to compute DSq().
For each query occupation q, we use the top 10 images from Google results of
that occupation in the dataset as the similarity control set Tq. Note that we use this
query relevance algorithm for other baselines which employ A(q,·)score as well.
When we have to report accuracy for results over the Occupations dataset, we
will use the measure of query similarity. While the above score
avgSimTqis a mea-
sure of query similarity, it represents high similarity if the value is lower. To avoid
confusion, and maintain the convention that a high value is a high accuracy when
measuring accuracy we will use sim(x1,x2) = vx1·vx2
vx12vx22for this chapter and then
similarity calculate average similarity with respect to all query images.
Query matching algorithm Afor CelebA dataset For the CelebA dataset, recall
that we divide the dataset into train and test partitions. The train partition is used
to train a multi-class classification model, with the facial attributes as the labels.
The classification model, given an input image, returns a vector of length 37,
where each entry ([0, 1]) represents the probability that the input image satis-
fies the corresponding attribute; let f:S[0, 1]37 denote the classifier. We use
the MobileNetV2 architecture and a transfer learning approach suggested by An-
zalone et al. [14] for the classifier, which achieves a training accuracy of around
Since we follow the convention that the smaller the score the better the image
corresponds to the query, we will use the negative of the classifier output as the
query-similarity score, i.e., A(q,x) = f(q)(x), where f(x)denotes the output of
classifier for image xand f(q)denotes the entry corresponding to the attribute q.
For the image-similarity scoring function, we will use the pre-trained VGG-
16 network to extract the features of the images and return the cosine distance
between the features as the similarity score between the images.
Diversity Control Matrix
Finally, to efficiently implement QS-balanced, we can construct a diversity control
matrix of size |S|×|T|using the image-similarity scores between the images in
Sand images in T. Before using this matrix to compute the DSqscores, we will
normalize each column of this matrix, i.e., we compute
avgSim{xc}(x). Therefore
the final DSq(x,xc)score is evaluated as
DSq(x,xc) = α·
avgSim{xc}(x) + (1α)·
To implement this approach efficiently, we calculate the scores sim(x,xc)as a pre-
processing step and store them in the diversity control matrix. Then given a query,
we calculate the scores
avgSimTq(x)and combine the diversity control matrix and
query similarity score list to get a matrix of size |S|×|T|, where the element corre-
sponding to xSand xcThas the value DSq(x,xc).
For MMR-balanced, we use the greedy approach and add the diversity score of
an image to its relevance score at every step.
A.2.3 Model Properties
As mentioned earlier in the Related Work section, query-based diverse summa-
rization has been a major area of research in many sub-domains within informa-
tion retrieval. For diverse document and image summarization, multiple mod-
els have been considered and evaluated rigorously [46,193,294]. Some of the
models we consider as baselines are derived from models that are popular and
commonly used in diverse document summarization literature (MMR,DET and
AUTOLABEL-RWD). One of the properties that a lot of diversity-ensuring summa-
rization models share is the property of submodularity, defined formally below.
Definition A.2.1 (Submodular function).Given a set of elements ={x1, . . . , xn}
and a function f : 2R, the function f is called submodular if it satisfies the property
that for any R1R2and any element x ,
Submodular functions quantify the property of diminishing returns, and in many
settings, a simple greedy approach can return a good approximation of the op-
timal solution for maximizing a submodular function. In the case of maximiz-
ing monotone submodular functions subject to cardinality/matroid constraints, a
greedy algorithm returns a 0.632-factor approximation to the optimal subset in the
worst case [227,43], and in many cases, performs much better than the worst-case
Submodular functions occur naturally when the task is to ensure that the out-
put summary is representative of a particular subdomain of the population. For
example, in the case of image summarization tasks that aim to reduce redundancy
or ensure representativeness in the final set, Tschiatschek et al. [294] argued that
many models in existing literature are cases of submodular maximization. Even
algorithms based on determinantal point processes, such as [52,177] satisfy this
property since the determinant-based objective function is log-submodular.
In this section, we show that the scoring mechanisms considered in Chapter 4
satisfy the diminishing returns property and are in line with the submodularity
property common to the diverse summarization literature. The submodularity of
MMR,AUTOLABEL-RWD [193] and DET [177] has been already discussed and
proved in multiple prior works. We primarily focus on the QS-balanced and MMR-
balanced algorithms.
Reducing Redundancy. A simple algorithm to reduce redundancy in the output
summary is the following: let Rdenote summary; at each step add the image
xS\Rwhich minimizes the following score
xRsim(x,x), (3)
where α[0, 1]. We use this expression, called the maximum marginal relevance,
as a baseline in our experiments as well, and it is common in document summa-
rization algorithm [46,193].
While this expression ensures the images are visibly diverse, it cannot focus
on the features with respect to which diversity is desired by the user (as seen in
Section 4.4.3). For example, it may ensure that the images in the summary have
very different backgrounds but cannot ensure the gender proportion of the people
in the image summary is equal. This leads us to use a control set.
Diversity using a control set. To ensure visible diversity in the results we use a
control set T. Adding the control set similarity score to expression (3), we get the
following relevance score for adding an image xto a set R,
mmodR(x):= (1αβ)·A(q,x) + α·min
xRsim(x,x), (4)
where α,β[0, 1]. The second term in the above expression now also aims to find
the image in the control set Tmost similar to x. If an image corresponding to xchas
already been chosen, call it x, and xhas a large similarity with xcas well, then we
don’t want to choose x. In this case values sim(x,xc)and sim(x,x)will be close
and partially cancel each other, ensuring that the overall expression doesn’t have
the minimum value.
Recall that we use this scoring function as a baseline in our experiments as well.
Furthermore, the expression (4) satisfies the diminishing-returns property.
Lemma A.2.1 (Submodularity of (4)).Let f : 2SRbe a function such that f (R
{x})f(R) = mmodR(x).Then f is submodular.
Proof. For each x,(α·A(q,x) + β·minxcTsim(x,xc)) is constant and independent
of the set R. Consider two subsets R1R2. Then
since the chance of an image in R2being similar to xis larger than that for R1.
Correspondingly, this score satisfies the diminishing-returns property.
Alternate summarization relevance expression. Note that while the above algo-
rithm can ensure diversity and non-redundancy, it has two major problems.
The first problem is that in the presence of a control set, the primary aim is to en-
sure diversity in the output set of images with respect to the features in the control
set, and not the overall feature space. For such a task, the score minxRsim(x,x)
may not ensure complete diversity with respect to the features of the control set
due to the additional goal of reducing redundancy. This was also observed in the
empirical results presented in Section 4.4.3; the standard deviation of the fraction
of women in top results was higher for MMR-balanced results compared to QS-
balanced results. Hence we can try to slightly relax the goal of reducing redundancy
to ensure better diversity with respect to control set features.
The second problem is the time complexity. The iterative algorithm, based on
choosing the image with the lowest score according to (2), is very slow. This is due
to the fact that it has to evaluate the non-redundancy score minxRsim(x,x)at
each step of the algorithm. Once again, we can instead use Tdirectly to ensure
diversity and reduce the time complexity.
This leads us to our main algorithm, which addresses both of these issues.
Given the parameter α[0, 1]and a query q, for each xcT, our primary scoring
function DSq(·,·)is the following:
DSq(x,xc) = α·sim(x,xc) + (1α)·A(q,x).
We can show that this algorithm also corresponds to the diminishing returns prop-
erty. Furthermore, since it does not include any term to reduce redundancy by
checking already chosen elements, using appropriate pre-processing (as mentioned
in Section 4.4) it is much faster than MMR-balanced.
Diminishing-returns property of QS-balanced (Algorithm 4). To show that QS-
balanced also satisfies the diminishing returns property, we will present an alterna-
tive iterative algorithm that outputs the same set as QS-balanced (Algorithm 4). For
simplicity, assume that the size of the desired summary is a multiple of |T|. Let U:
T2S, be the following function U(xc):=xS|xc=arg minx
Consider an iterative algorithm that adds one image to the final subset Rin each
iteration. The image is chosen according to the following score function:
2n, if xc1,xc2T,
s.t., xc1=xc2,x=arg minxU(xc1)\RDSq(x,xc1),
|U(xc1)R|=n, and
2n, otherwise,
where U(xc)is as defined earlier and u,lRare numbers such that l<u2l.
Then we can prove the following theorems about this expression.
Theorem A.2.2. Given a dataset S, control set T, query q, query relevance algorithm A
and numbers u,l, such that l <u2l, the set returned by Algorithm 4 is the same as the
set returned by the iterative algorithm using the scoring function (5).
Proof. As mentioned earlier (Figure 6.1), Algorithm 4 is based on constructing a
|T| × |S|matrix using scores DSq(x,xc), and then sorting each row of the matrix.
The images are finally chosen by taking images first from the first column, then the
second column, and so on. DDS score creates a similar ordering.
The first image was chosen for any xcTsince for all of them |U(xc)R|=0.
The image chosen will be the image that will have the best score with respect to xc,
i.e., x=arg minxU(xc1)DSq(x,xc1). This corresponds to Step 9 of Algorithm 4.
Now |U(xc)R|=1 and for all other x
c=xc,|U(xc)R|=0, the iterative
algorithm will next choose an image corresponding to a different x
u>l), thus enforcing the loop in Step 8 of Algorithm 4.
Once one image is chosen for each xc, the counter nwill increase and the same
process will be repeated. Since we assumed that the size of the chosen subset is a
multiple of |T|, the ordering in which each xcis addressed does not matter.
Note that the above expression can be modified for the case when the size of the
desired summary is not a multiple of |T|. To do so, one just has to fix an ordering
for xc1,xc2according to the scores nminxU(xc)\RDSq(x,xc)oxc
Having established the above equivalence, we can also show that the expres-
sion satisfies the diminishing-returns property.
Lemma A.2.3 (Submodularity of (5)).Let f : 2SRbe a function such that f (R
{x})f(R) = DDSR(x).Then f is submodular.
The fact that the above function is submodular is in line with other functions
considered for diverse image summarization, for example [52,294].
Proof. Consider two subsets R1R2. Let n1:=|R1|/|T| and n2:=|R2|/|T|.
Assume that xU(xc). There are two cases that we need to address.
Case 1, n1=n2. In this case, if x=arg minxU(xc)\R2DSq(x,xc), then DDSR1(x) =
DDSR2(x) = u/2n1. If xdoes not satisfy this condition and is not the image with
the best score for xcin this iteration, then DDSR1(x) = DDSR2(x) = l/2n1. For both
cases, the score of xis equal for R1and R2.
Case 2, n1<n2. In this case, there are two sub-cases.
Either x=arg minxU(xc)\R1DSq(x,xc)and x=arg minxU(xc)\R2DSq(x,xc).
Then DDSR1(x) = l/2n1and DDSR2(x) = l/2n2. Since n1<n2, we have that
The other sub-case is that x=arg minxU(xc)\R1DSq(x,xc)and
x=arg minxU(xc)\R2DSq(x,xc). Then DDSR1(x) = l/2n1
and DDSR2(x) = u/2n2. Since n1n21 and u<2l, we have that
DDSR1(x) = l
Hence the score DDS follows the diminishing returns property for all cases.
A.2.4 Additional Empirical Results on Occupations Dataset
In this section, we present additional details and empirical results for the Occu-
pations dataset. While the results in the main body represent the best choice of
parameters for the algorithm, such as αvalue or the control set, we also present
here the empirical results corresponding to varying parameters so as to motivate
the choices made for the simulations in the main body.
Control sets
For the Occupations dataset, we evaluate our approach on four different small (10-
30 images) control sets in order to evaluate the effect of the control set on the end
result. Two sets (Control Set-1 and Control Set-2) are hand selected by the authors
using images from Google results and are intended to be diverse with respect to
presented gender and skin color. The other two sets (PPB Control Set-1 and PPB
Control Set-2) are generated by randomly sub-sampling from the Pilot Parliaments
Benchmark Dataset [39]. This dataset has gender and skin-tone labeled images,
and we select images uniformly at random conditioned on selecting an equal num-
ber of men and women and an equal number of people from all skin-tones. The
control sets are presented in Figure A.5.
Intersectionality results for all algorithms
We present the detailed intersectionality comparison with all baselines in the fol-
lowing table. This is an extension of Table 4.1. The performance of QS-balanced
algorithm can be observed to be better than other baselines in terms of intersec-
tional diversity.
(a) Control Set - 1
(b) Control Set - 2
(c) PPB Control Set - 1
(d) PPB Control Set - 2
Figure A.5: Occupations dataset: Control Sets used in the experiments. The first
two diversity controls (a) and (b) are hand-picked while the last two (c) and (d)
were randomly sampled from the PPB dataset.
Table A.1: Occupations dataset: Intersectionality comparison with all baselines.
% gender
with fair skin
% gender anti-
with fair skin
% gender
with dark skin
% gender anti-
with dark skin
QS-balanced .46 (.14) .37 (.14) .09 (.05) .08 (.05)
MMR-balanced .46 (.17) .39 (.18) .09 (.06) .06 (.04)
Google .60 (.20) .24 (.21) .11 (.08) .05 (.07)
MMR .57 (.21) .30 (.21) .07 (.06) .05 (.05)
DET .52 (.12) .33 (.12) .09 (.05) .06 (.05)
AUTOLABEL .54 (.16) .31 (.16) .09 (.06) .06 (.04)
AUTOLABEL-RWD .56 (.19) .30 (.19) .08 (.06) .05 (.05)
Results for different control sets
As noted earlier, we use 4 different control sets in our empirical evaluations. The
results presented in the main body correspond to the evaluation using PPB-control
set 1. We provide the diversity comparison for different control sets in Figure A.6.
(a) Gender diversity comparison (b) Skin-tone diversity comparison
Figure A.6: Occupations dataset: Gender and skin-tone diversity comparison of
results of QS-balanced algorithm on different control sets. For gender, using any
of the control sets results in a more gender-balanced output. For skintone, using
PPB Control Set-1 results in the best results among all control sets. For most oc-
cupations, the top Google images have a much larger or much smaller fraction of
images of dark-skinned people.
Results for different compositions of control sets
To explicitly see the impact of diversity control on the diversity of the output of
the algorithm, we can vary the content of the control set and observe the corre-
sponding changes in the results. We first vary the fraction of women in the control
set. The control sets are randomly chosen for the PPB-dataset, while maintaining
the desired gender ratio. The results for different control sets are presented in Fig-
ure A.7a. The figure shows that increasing the fraction of women in the control set
leads to an increase in the fraction of women in the output set.
Similarly, increasing the fraction of images of dark-skinned people in the con-
trol set leads to an increase in the fraction of images of dark-skinned people in the
output; this is shown in Figure A.7b. Finally, Figure A.7c shows the impact of vari-
ation of images of dark-skinned women in the control set on the output. While the
fraction of dark-skinned women still increases, it seems to be upper bounded by
the fraction of images of dark-skinned women in the dataset.
(a) Different fraction of women in Control Set (b) Different fraction of dark-skinned in Control Set
(c) Different fraction of dark-skinned women in Control Set
Figure A.7: Occupations dataset: Performance QS-balanced algorithm on control
sets with different compositions.
Results for different αvalues
We vary the quality-fairness parameter αand look at its impact on the performance
of our algorithms. The diversity results are presented in Figure A.8, while Fig-
ure A.9 expands on the accuracy for different alphas.
(a) QS-balanced (b) MMR-balanced
Figure A.8: Occupations dataset: Gender diversity and query similarity compari-
son of results of QS-balanced and MMR-balanced algorithms for different α-values.
(a) QS-balanced (b) MMR-balanced
Figure A.9: Occupations dataset: Accuracy of results of QS-balanced and MMR-
balanced algorithms for different α-values.
For both QS-balanced and MMR-balanced, the fraction of gender anti-stereotypical
images increases as the αvalue increases. With an increase in fairness, a loss in ac-
curacy is expected. While the figure shows a small change in average query scores,
the standard deviation of the scores seem to be decreasing as well, showing that
as αincreases, the dependence on the query decreases. Hence a balance between
query similarity and diversity score has to be maintained by choosing an appro-
priate value of α, such as 0.5.
Results for different summary sizes
While the results we have presented so have been with respect to a summary of
size 50. However, the size of the summary can depend on the application and the
results in the first page of any web-search application will depend on the size of
the screen or the device being used. Correspondingly, it is important to analyze
the results for different summary sizes as well.
For QS-balanced,MMR-balanced and the baselines, we look at the average frac-
tion of images of gender anti-stereotypical and dark-skinned people in the top k
results, where kranges from 2 to 50; the average is taken over all occupations. The
results are presented in Figure A.10. We also present the gender and skintone-
diversity comparison of our method vs baselines for summary sizes 10 and 20 in
Figure A.11 and Figure A.12.
The figures shows that QS-balanced and MMR-balanced return a larger fraction
of gender anti-stereotypical images for all summary sizes. With respect to skin-
type, Google results seem to have a larger value for average fraction of dark-
skinned people for smaller summary sizes; however, the performance of QS-balanced
in this respect is similar to better for larger summary sizes. Furthermore, Google
results also have a significantly larger standard deviation, implying that the frac-
tion of dark-skinned people is also much lower than average for some occupa-
(a) Fraction of images of gender anti-stereotypical people
vs summary size
(b) Fraction of images of dark-skinned people vs summary
Figure A.10: Occupations dataset: Variation of the fraction of anti-stereotypical
images vs size of summary for all algorithms.
(a) Fraction of images of gender anti-stereotypical people
vs ground truth
(b) Fraction of images of dark-skinned people vs ground
Figure A.11: Occupations dataset: Fraction of anti-stereotypical images for sum-
mary size 10.
(a) Fraction of images of gender anti-stereotypical people
vs ground truth
(b) Fraction of images of dark-skinned people vs ground
Figure A.12: Occupations dataset: Fraction of anti-stereotypical images for sum-
mary size 20.
Similarity and Non-redundancy comparison for Occupations dataset
As mentioned earlier, the accuracy for the Occupations dataset is measured using
average query similarity, i.e., similarity to the set of images corresponding to the
given query. We present the accuracy comparison for our methods and baselines
in Figure A.13. The accuracy score of the results of all algorithms is close to each
other, showing that using control set does not adversely impact the accuracy.
The second figure also presents the non-redundancy comparison of our meth-
ods and baselines. The non-redundancy measure used is the log of the determinant
of the feature kernel matrix, i.e., if for a summary S, if VSis the matrix with columns
representing the feature vectors of the images in S, then the non-redundancy is
measured as log detVSV
S(the determinant can be pretty large and computa-
tionally more difficult to calculate, hence the logarithm). As expected, the results
from DET have the largest non-redundancy score. The non-redundancy scores of
QS-balanced and MMR-balanced are the lowest, perhaps due to enforcing fairness
constraints using the control set. However, as we saw earlier, non-redundancy
does not imply diversity with respect to protected attributes.
(a) Avg. query scores comparison (b) Non-redundancy scores comparison
Figure A.13: Occupations dataset: (a) Comparison of accuracy, as measured using
mean query similarity scores, of top 50 results across all occupations. For each oc-
cupation, we also plot the mean similarity to the query control set and the standard
deviation using the dotted lines. The mean similarity score of the results of all al-
gorithms is close to each other, showing that using a control set does not adversely
impact the accuracy. (b) Comparison of non-redundancy scores. As expected, the
results from DET have the largest non-redundancy score, measured as the log of
the determinant of the product of the feature matrix the output images and its
transpose. The non-redundancy scores of QS-balanced and MMR-balanced are the
lowest, perhaps due to enforcing fairness constraints using the control set.
Occupation accuracy of QS-balanced algorithm
Finally, we also present the accuracy of the results of the QS-balanced algorithm.
The accuracy is measured as the number of images in the summary belonging to
the queried occupation. The results for this accuracy are presented in Figure A.14.
Note that accuracy is not a good measure of quality in this case; this is because a
lot of occupations have similar-looking images. For example, images of lawyers
and financial analysts are very similar, and images of doctors and pharmacists are
very similar. Hence when using image similarity as a method of query matching,
one cannot expect the matched images to always belong to the same query. This
problem is relatively less visible for the CelebA dataset since in that case, the query
similarity algorithm is more specialized to the dataset.
Figure A.14: Occupations dataset: Accuracy comparison of results of QS-balanced
algorithm for different occupations. For each occupation and its summary, we
present the number of images belonging to that occupation in the summary, as
well as the other occupation with the highest number of images in the summary.
We also present the bar graph for when 1-norm is used, instead of cosine dis-
tance for similarity in Figure A.15. In this case, the accuracy is much worse and this
is the reason for using cosine distance over 1-norm distance for all our simulations.
Figure A.15: Occupations dataset: Accuracy comparison of results of QS-balanced
algorithm for different occupations using 1-norm for similarity.
Table A.2: Fraction of images with given attributes in CelebA dataset.
Attribute Fraction of im-
ages of women
with given at-
Attribute Fraction of im-
ages of women
with given at-
Heavy Makeup 1.0 Wearing Lipstick 0.99
Rosy Cheeks 0.98 Wearing Earrings 0.96
Blond Hair 0.94 Wearing Necklace 0.94
Arched Eyebrows 0.92 Wavy Hair 0.82
Attractive 0.77 Bangs 0.77
Pale Skin 0.76 Pointy Nose 0.76
Big Lips 0.73 High Cheekbones 0.72
No Beard 0.7 Brown Hair 0.69
Oval Face 0.68 Smiling 0.65
Mouth Slightly Open 0.63 Narrow Eyes 0.56
Blurry 0.53 Straight Hair 0.52
Black Hair 0.48 Receding Hairline 0.39
Wearing Hat 0.3 Bags Under Eyes 0.29
Bushy Eyebrows 0.28 Big Nose 0.25
Eyeglasses 0.21 Gray Hair 0.15
Chubby 0.12 Double Chin 0.12
5 o Clock Shadow 0.0 Bald 0.0
Goatee 0.0 Male 0.0
Mustache 0.0 Sideburns 0.0
A.2.5 Additional Results on CelebA Dataset
In this section, we present additional details and empirical results for the CelebA
dataset. The additional results correspond to varying different parameters in the
algorithm, such as αvalue or the control set.
Attributes of the dataset
We first present the list of facial attributes in the dataset and the fraction of images
with a given attribute that are also labeled “Female” in Table A.2.
Control Sets
Once again, we will use four different control sets for our evaluation, two of them
have 8 images and the other two have 24 images; the exact images are provided
in Section A.2.5. The control sets are constructed by randomly sampling an equal
number of images with and without the “Male” attribute from the train set. The
control sets are presented in Figure A.16.
Results by features
We first present the exact gender and accuracy results by features in Figure A.17.
Results for different control sets
As noted earlier, we use 4 different control sets in our empirical evaluations. The
results presented correspond to the evaluation using Control Set-4. We provide the
accuracy and diversity comparison for different control sets in Figure A.22.
Results for different compositions of control sets
To explicitly see the impact of diversity control on the diversity of the output of
the algorithm, we once again vary the content of the control set and observe the
corresponding changes in the results. In this case, we only vary the fraction of
women in the control set. The control sets are randomly chosen from the training
dataset while maintaining the desired gender ratio. The results for different control
sets are presented in Figure A.18. The figure shows that increasing the fraction of
women in the control set leads to an increase in the fraction of women in the output
Non-redundancy comparison
Figure A.19 presents the non-redundancy comparison of our methods and base-
lines. Recall that the non-redundancy measure used is the log of the determinant of
the feature kernel matrix, i.e., if for a summary S, if VSis the matrix with columns
representing the feature vectors of the images in S, then the non-redundancy is
measured as log detVSV
S. As expected, the results from DET have the largest
non-redundancy score for most attributes. However, once again, non-redundancy
does not imply diversity with respect to protected attributes.
Results for different αvalues
We vary the quality-fairness parameter αand look at its impact on the performance
of our algorithms. The results are presented in Figure A.20. For both QS-balanced
and MMR-balanced, the fraction of gender anti-stereotypical images increases as
the αvalue increases. However, increasing the αvalue results in a corresponding
decrease in the accuracy, which is much more significant for MMR-balanced results.
Results for different summary sizes
Once again, we provide the performance of our algorithms and baselines for dif-
ferent summary sizes. For QS-balanced,MMR-balanced and the baselines, we look
at the average fraction of images of gender anti-stereotypical and dark-skinned
people in the top kresults, where kranges from 2 to 50; the average is taken over
all occupations. The results are presented in Figure A.21. The figures show that
QS-balanced returns a larger fraction of gender anti-stereotypical images for all
summary sizes, compared to all baselines, other than AUTOLABEL. While AU-
TOLABEL is able to achieve better gender diversity in this case, due to the good
performance of the auto-gender classifier, simply using the partitions has an im-
pact on the accuracy of the summaries generated by AUTOLABEL.
(a) Control Set - 1
(b) Control Set - 2
(c) Control Set - 3
(d) Control Set - 4
Figure A.16: CelebA dataset: Control Sets used in the for empirical evaluation on
CelebA dataset.
(a) Gender diversity comparison (b) Accuracy comparison
Figure A.17: CelebA dataset: Gender and accuracy comparison of results of QS-
balanced algorithm for all queries.
(a) Gender comparison (b) Accuracy comparison
Figure A.18: CelebA dataset: Performance of QS-balanced algorithm on control sets
with different compositions.
Figure A.19: CelebA dataset: Non-redundancy comparison of our methods vs
(a) QS-balanced (b) MMR-balanced
Figure A.20: CelebA dataset: Gender diversity and query similarity comparison of
results of QS-balanced and MMR-balanced algorithms for different α-values.
(a) Fraction of images of gender anti-stereotypical people
vs summary size
(b) Accuracy vs summary size
Figure A.21: CelebA dataset: Variation of the fraction of gender anti-stereotypical
images and accuracy vs size of summary for all algorithms.
(a) Gender diversity comparison (b) Accuracy comparison
Figure A.22: CelebA dataset: Gender diversity and accuracy comparison of results
of QS-balanced algorithm on different control sets. For all the control sets, the per-
formance with respect to gender diversity and accuracy seems to be similar.
A.3 Appendix for Chapter 5
A.3.1 Details of summarization algorithms
TF-IDF. This baseline [203] uses the frequency of the words in a sentence to quan-
tify their weight. However, if a word is very common and occurs in a lot of sen-
tences, then it is likely that the word is part of the grammar structure; hence inverse
of document frequency is also taken into account while calculating its score5. For
any sentence xin S, let W(x)denote the set of words in the sentence. Then the
weight assigned to xis 1
|W(x)|wW(x)t f (w,x)·log |S|
id f (w,S), where t f (w,x)is the
number of times woccurs in xand id f (w,S)is the number of sentences in which
Hybrid TF-IDF. The standard TF-IDF has been noted to have poor performance
for Twitter posts, primarily due to a lack of generalization of Twitter posts as doc-
uments [230]. Correspondingly, a Hybrid TF-IDF [150] approach is proposed that
calculates word frequency considering the entire collection as a single document.5
In other words, the t f (w,x)term in the weight assigned by TF-IDF is replaced by
t f (w,S)for Hybrid TF-IDF.
LexRank. This unsupervised summarizer constructs a graph over the dataset,
with the similarity between sentences quantifying the edge-weights [104], mea-
sured using cosine distance between their TF-IDF word vectors. Using the PageR-
ank algorithm, sentences are then ranked based on how “central” they are within
the graph 6.
5Internally implemented using the python sklearn and networkx libraries.
TextRank. This algorithm quantifies the similarity using a modified score of word
document frequency [209] and then uses PageRank to rank the sentences; however,
it has been shown to achieve better performance for some standard datasets [230]5.
Centroid-Word2Vec. This algorithm assigns importance scores to sentences based
on their distance from the centroid of the dataset [262] (related to [212]). For vec-
tor representation, we use Word2Vec embeddings, pre-trained on a large Twitter
dataset [120]. As mentioned in Section 1, it also has a non-redundancy component;
if the minimum distance between the feature of the candidate sentence and the
feature of a sentence already in the summary is higher than a threshold (0.95 in
our case), it is discarded7.
MMR. This is a post-processing re-ranking algorithm that, at every iteration,
greedily chooses the sentence which has the highest MMR score, calculated as
the combination of importance score and dissimilarity with the sentences already
present in the summary [122,193]. To get the base importance score, we use the
TF-IDF algorithm 5. Since MMR is a greedy post-processing approach itself, we do
not use it as a blackbox algorithm for our framework.
SummaRuNNer. Finally, we use a recent Recurrent Neural Network-based method,
SummaRuNNer [224], that treats summarization as a sequential classification prob-
lem over the dataset, and generates summaries comparable to the state-of-the-
art for the CNN/DailyMail dataset [145]. Since it is not possible to train this
model over the Twitter datasets we consider (due to the non-availability of dataset-
summary pairs for Twitter dataset), we use the model pre-trained on a standard
summarization evaluation dataset 8.
8Unofficial implementation: https://github.com/hpzhao/SummaRuNNer
(a) Maximum AUC score vs |T|(b) Mean AUC score score vs |T|(c) Maximum V-measure vs |T|
Figure A.23: The figure presents how effective different diversity control sets are in clus-
tering posts of the different dialects. Figure (a) presents the average maximum AUC
score achieved by a control set across folds for different control set sizes, while Figure
(b) presents the mean AUC score achieved by a control set across folds. As an alternative
measure, Figure (c) presents the mean V-measure across folds.
Inouye and Kalita [150] empirically analyze the performance of TF-IDF, Hy-
brid TF-IDF, LexRank, and TextRank on small Twitter datasets (containing only
around 1500 tweets for 50 trending topics, not sufficient for a diversity analysis).
Their findings suggest that Hybrid TF-IDF produces better summaries for Twitter
summarization than TF-IDF, LexRank, and TextRank (as evaluated using ROUGE
metrics and manually-generated summaries). For larger and more-recent Twitter
datasets, Nguyen et al. [230] found that TextRank and Hybrid TF-IDF have similar
performance. Rossiello et al. [262] showed that the centroid-based approach per-
forms better than LexRank, frequency, and RNN-based models on the DUC-2004
dataset. The original papers for most of these algorithms primarily focused on
the evaluation of these methods on DUC tasks or CNN/DailyMail datasets; how-
ever, the documents in these datasets correspond to news articles from a particular
agency and do not usually have significant dialect diversity within them.
Table A.3: Diversity control set for TwitterAAE evaluations
AAE tweets
“ATMENTION yea dats more like it b4 I make a trip up der
“these n***s talmbout money but . really ain’t getting no money .. I be laughing at these n***s cause
that shit funny ATMENTION”
“Me and Pay got matching coupes, me and kid f***ed ya boo”
“ATMENTION he bites his lips and manages to kick off his remaining clothes”
“Our Dog Is A Big Baby And A Wanna Be Thug EMOJI”
“Its a Damn Shame’ iont GangBang but i beat a N*** Blue Black”
“ATMENTION yes, my amazon . Lol Im good . Pop-a-lock came by . Thx!”
“ATMENTION: ATMENTION You talking now? RIGHT? im typing nd texting not talking”
“Soon as u think you gotcha 1 you find out she f***in erbody!!”
“ATMENTION lmaooooooooooooooooooooooo, that was the funniest shit ever to hit twitter dawg
:D swearrr .. But yall do yall thang”
“Yea Ill Be Good In Bed But Ill Be Bad To Ya!”
“ATMENTION nope tell her get dressed im bouta come get her lol”
“Now omw to get my hair done for coronation tomorrow”
“Ohhhh Hell Naw Dis B**** Shay Got My Last Name * Johnson *”
WHE tweets
“You don’t have to keep on smiling that smile that’s driving me wild”
“ATMENTION it’s probably dead because he hasn’t texted me back either
“ATMENTION amen . Honestly have trouble watching that movie . Just because of her.”
“I need to get on a laptop so I can change my tumblr bio”
“Shout out to the blue collar workers . Gotta love it”
“Jax keeps curling up on my bed and tossing and turning repeatedly . Like he cant get comfy .
#Soocute #Puppylove”
“ATMENTION you just can’t go wrong with Chili’s . They serve a mean chips and salsa”
“ATMENTION Tenuta hasn’t been good since he left GT and he hates recruiting”
“ATMENTION: Probably the coolest thing I can do ATMENTION yeah, pretty frickin’ sweet!
“ATMENTION you said we were hanging all day...Lol I don’t have a car alslo”
“I want a love like off The Vow .. #perfect #oneday”
“Philosophy is the worst thing to ever happen to the world”
“How come I can never get in a gunning fight with anyone? #Jealous”
“’Poor poor Merle, bravo for Michael Rooker and Norman Reedus’s performance on last night’s
A.3.2 Choice of diversity control set
In this section, we provide a method to construct a good diversity control set. For
this analysis, we limit ourselves to assessing diversity with respect to AAE and
WHE dialects. We employ a smaller processed version of the TwitterAAE dataset,
containing 250 AAE posts and 250 WHE (provided by [31]), to select diversity
control sets.
Evaluation details. The size of the diversity control set should ideally be much
smaller than the evaluation dataset; this will assist in better curation of the control
sets. Hence, we restrict the size of the control sets for our simulations to be at most
We perform a 5-fold cross-validation setup for this simulation. For each fold,
we have a validation partition Uof 400 posts and a train partition of 100 posts (both
containing an equal number of AAE and WHE posts); we use the train partition to
construct a diversity control set. We sample a set of posts from the train partition,
making sure that the set has an equal number of AAE and WHE posts, and use
it as a diversity control set; let Tdenote this set of posts. Then for each xcT
and xU, we calculate the score sim(xc,x), and to each xU, we assign the
dialect label of the post arg maxxcTsim(xc,x). Finally, for this prediction task, we
report the AUC score and V-measure between the assigned and true dialect labels
for posts in U. AUC refers to the area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic
(ROC) curve. It is a measure commonly used to evaluate how the performance
of a binary learning task. V-measure, on the other hand, is used to evaluate clus-
tering tasks [261]. This measure combines homogeneity (the extent to which AAE
clusters contain AAE posts) and completeness (all AAE posts are assigned to AAE
clusters). We repeat the sample-and-predict process 50 times for each fold, and
we record the max, mean, and standard error of AUC and V-measures across all
To calculate similarity sim(z,x)between two sentences, we will use the pre-
trained word and sentence embeddings to find the feature vectors for these sen-
tences, and then measure the similarity as 1 cosine-distance between the feature
vectors. We employ three popular and robust pre-trained embeddings for this
task: (a) Word2Vec [210], (b) FastText [34], and (c) BERT embeddings [87]. Using
Word2Vec and FastText model, we obtain word representations; to obtain sentence
embeddings from word representations, we use the aggregation method of Arora
et al. [15] which computes the weighted average of the embeddings of the words
in the sentence, where the weight assigned to a word is proportional to the smooth
inverse frequency of the word. For Word2Vec and FastText, we use the models pre-
trained on a corpus of 400 million posts [120]. Output from the second-last hidden
layer of the pre-trained BERT model can be used to directly obtain sentence em-
Results. Figure A.23 shows that diversity control sets constructed in this manner
are indeed suitable for differentiating between posts of different dialects. Plot A.23a
shows that good control sets are able to achieve AUC scores greater than 0.8 (includ-
ing the one presented in Table A.3). Furthermore, the average AUC score is also
greater than 0.65 for diversity control set sizes greater than 10, implying that di-
versity control sets of sizes between 10 and 50 are indeed suitable for this task.
Given that the diversity control sets do perform fairly well on this clustering task,
this provides further insight into the improved dialect diversity when using our
post-processing framework with standard summarization algorithms as blackbox.
Secondly, Word2Vec embeddings achieve better performance than FastText and
BERT embeddings and, hence, we use Word2vec representations for the empirical
analysis of our framework as well.
Using the above method, we construct a diversity control set of size 28 for Twit-
terAAE Evaluations (Table A.3), a control set of size 40 for Crowdflower Evaluations
(Table A.4), and control set of size 20 for Claritin Evaluations (Table A.5).
A.3.3 Other details and results for TwitterAAE dataset
The control set used for TwitterAAE simulations is provided in Table A.3.
Evaluation of our model on random collections of TwitterAAE datasets
For random collections of the TwitterAAE dataset, with different fractions of AAE
tweets in them, we use our model to generate summaries of different sizes. The
results for TF-IDF are given in Figure A.24 and A.25; for Hybrid-TF-IDF, see Fig-
ure A.26 and A.27; for LexRank, see Figure A.28 and A.29; for TextRank, see Fig-
ure A.30 and A.31; for SummaRuNNer, see Figure A.32 and A.33. α=0.5, unless
mentioned otherwise.
(a) AAE frac. vs summary size (b) AAE frac. in summary vs α(c) Rouge-1 F-score vs α
Figure A.24: Evaluation of our model on datasets containing 8.7% AAE tweets
using TF-IDF as algorithm A.
Evaluation of our model on keyword-specific collections of TwitterAAE
Next, we also present the results for our model on collections of TwitterAAE dataset
containing the keywords used in Section 5.2. The results for TF-IDF are given in
(a) AAE frac. vs summary size (b) AAE frac. in summary vs α(c) Rouge-1 F-score vs α
Figure A.25: Evaluation of our model on datasets containing 50% AAE tweets us-
ing TF-IDF as algorithm A.
(a) AAE frac. vs summary size (b) AAE frac. in summary vs α(c) Rouge-1 F-score vs α
Figure A.26: Evaluation of our model on datasets containing 8.7% AAE tweets
using Hybrid TF-IDF as algorithm A. Here α=0.7 for balanced algorithm
(a) AAE frac. vs summary size (b) AAE frac. in summary vs α(c) Rouge-1 F-score vs α
Figure A.27: Evaluation of our model on datasets containing 50% AAE tweets us-
ing Hybrid TF-IDF as algorithm A. Here α=0.7 for balanced algorithm.
(a) AAE frac. vs summary size (b) AAE frac. in summary vs α(c) Rouge-1 F-score vs α
Figure A.28: Evaluation of our model on datasets containing 8.7% AAE tweets
using LexRank as algorithm A. Here α=0.7 for balanced algorithm.
(a) AAE frac. vs summary size (b) AAE frac. in summary vs α(c) Rouge-1 F-score vs α
Figure A.29: Evaluation of our model on datasets containing 50% AAE tweets us-
ing LexRank as algorithm A. Here α=0.7 for balanced algorithm.
(a) AAE frac. vs summary size (b) AAE frac. in summary vs α(c) Rouge-1 F-score vs α
Figure A.30: Evaluation of our model on datasets containing 8.7% AAE tweets
using TextRank as algorithm A. Here α=0.7 for balanced algorithm.
(a) AAE frac. vs summary size (b) AAE frac. in summary vs α(c) Rouge-1 F-score vs α
Figure A.31: Evaluation of our model on datasets containing 50% AAE tweets us-
ing TextRank as algorithm A. Here α=0.7 for balanced algorithm.
(a) AAE frac. vs summary size (b) AAE frac. in summary vs α(c) Rouge-1 F-score vs α
Figure A.32: Evaluation of our model on datasets containing 8.7% AAE tweets
using SummaRuNNer as algorithm A.
(a) AAE frac. vs summary size (b) AAE frac. in summary vs α(c) Rouge-1 F-score vs α
Figure A.33: Evaluation of our model on datasets containing 50% AAE tweets us-
ing SummaRuNNer as algorithm A.
Figure A.35; for Hybrid-TF-IDF, see Figure A.36; for LexRank, see Figure A.37;
for TextRank, see Figure A.38; for Centroid-Word2Vec, see Figure A.34; for Sum-
maRuNNer, see Figure A.39.
(a) AAE frac. vs summary size (b) AAE frac. in summary vs α(c) Rouge-1 F-score vs α
(d) AAE fraction for different keywords and summary size = 50
Figure A.34: Evaluation of our model on keyword-specific datasets using
Centroid-Word2Vec as A.
Evaluation of our model using different diversity set compositions
We also present the evaluation for the setting where the diversity control set has
an unequal fraction of AAE and WHE posts. For random collections where the
fraction of AAE posts in the collection is 50%, Figure A.40. As expected, the frac-
tion of AAE posts in summary increases as the fraction of AAE posts in the control
set increases. This is another parameter that can be tuned to adjust and obtain the
(a) AAE frac. vs summary size (b) AAE frac. in summary vs α(c) Rouge-1 F-score vs α
(d) AAE fraction for different keywords and summary size = 50
Figure A.35: Evaluation of our model on keyword-specific datasets using TF-IDF
as A.
(a) AAE frac. vs summary size (b) AAE frac. in summary vs α(c) Rouge-1 F-score vs α
(d) AAE fraction for different keywords and summary size = 50
Figure A.36: Evaluation of our model on keyword-specific datasets using Hybrid
TF-IDF as algorithm A. Here α=0.7.
(a) AAE frac. vs summary size (b) AAE frac. in summary vs α(c) Rouge-1 F-score vs α
(d) AAE fraction for different keywords and summary size = 50
Figure A.37: Evaluation of our model on keyword-specific datasets using LexRank
as A.
(a) AAE frac. vs summary size (b) AAE frac. in summary vs α(c) Rouge-1 F-score vs α
(d) AAE fraction for different keywords and summary size = 50
Figure A.38: Evaluation of our model on keyword-specific datasets using TextRank
as algorithm A. Here α=0.7 for balanced algorithm.
(a) AAE frac. vs summary size (b) AAE frac. in summary vs α(c) Rouge-1 F-score vs α
(d) AAE fraction for different keywords and summary size = 50
Figure A.39: Evaluation on keyword-specific datasets using SummaRuNNer as A.
desired fraction of AAE posts in the summary.
(a) AAE fraction in summary vs control set (b) Rouge-1 F-score vs control set
Figure A.40: Evaluation of our model using different control set compositions.
A.3.4 Other details and results for Crowdflower Gender AI dataset
The diversity control set used for Crowdflower Gender evaluation is presented in
Table A.4.
Evaluation of our model with different blackbox algorithms
The performance of our model using different blackbox algorithms is presented
here. The results for Hybrid TF-IDF are given in Figure A.41; for LexRank, see Fig-
ure A.42; for TextRank, see Figure A.43; for Centroid-Word2Vec, see Figure A.44.
Table A.4: Diversity control set for simulations on Crowdflower Gender AI dataset
Tweets by female user-accounts
“jameslykins haha man! the struggle is reeeeeal!
“red lips and rosy cheeks”
“#mood spirit of jezebel control revelation 21820, 26 a war goes on in todays church, and the
“where the hell did october go? halloween is already this weekend.
“my lipstick looked like shit and my hair is usually a mess but im still cute tho so
“say she gon ride for me , ill buy the tires for you
“so excited to start the islam section in my religions class
“wow blessed my 200 kate spade bag is ripping and ive only used it twice a week since the end of september .”
“all ive done today is lie around and homework tbh”
“of course you want to blame me for not finishing college and thus bringing this debt to myself of course”
“misskchrista everyone was obsessed with rhys though, no one really knew the other two xxx”
“papisaysyes at first i thought this said, my d**k is on drugs and i still dont know which is worse lol”
“huge announcement and #career change for 2016. #goals #dreams #nymakeupartist
“practice random acts of kindness and make it a habit #aldubpredictions”
sammanthae glad i can make you laugh i miss you and love you too!!”
“nba i play basketball to escape reality. between the exercise and the diff personalities memories are made!”
“z100newyork please let me attend the future now vip party tonight i love demi and nick #z100futurenow
“#win 2 random jumbies stuffed animals #giveaway us only 1113 bassgiraffe
“daynachirps thats a great point. thanks for the reminder. #contentchat”
“ive told bri all this time it would happen and it finally did
Tweets by male user accounts
“warrenm ill be using my new mbp. i do see dells 5k line needs 2 thunderbolt connections to make it a true 5k display. not
the case here?”
“logic301 salute on the new visuals my g! dope as f**k”
“i liked a youtube video official somewhere over the rainbow 2011 israel iz kamakawiwoole”
“laughs and cries at the same time cause true
“akeboshi night and day”
“now you all know the monster mash, but now for something really scary, the climate mash
“i hate when u tell someone u love them and they ignore u
“the finger hahsah
“the corruption of the wash. d.c. crowd is now of epic proportions. enlist gt join us
“i wish i went to school closer to mark a schwab . beating up doors and walls looks like a lot of fun.”
“keepherwarm kobrakiddlng aimhbread now ill let you know that ive known a guy my whole life who dated several girls
and then later on”
“xavierleon fr like wtf are they taking that they just cant f***ing dye and busting through doors?!
“heh, i just remember people actually think that se and hp are intentionally sabotaging the football team.”
“we must lessen the auditory deprivation! i agree earlier the implantation, the better!
“#repost seekthetruth with repostapp. repost ugly by nature 85 of the #tampons, cotton and
“the #ceo needs to embrace and sell social to the team or else is goes nowhere. bernieborges #h2hchat #ibminsight
“if you scored a touchdown on sunday and didnt dab, hit them folks, or do that hotline bling dance, it shouldnt have
“zbierband yo zbb, played our last seasonal gig at st. jude. good times had by all. remember the more you drink, the better
we sound!”
“i hate writing on the first page of a notebook i feel like im ruining something so perfect”
“we schools should be given credit for growth in the apr, but growth is not the destination. michael jones moboe.
(a) Gender frac. v summary size (b) Gender fraction vs α(c) Rouge-1 F-score vs α
Figure A.41: Evaluation of our model on Crowdflower Gender AI dataset using
Hybrid TF-IDF as algorithm A.
(a) Gender frac. v summary size (b) Gender fraction vs α(c) Rouge-1 F-score vs α
Figure A.42: Evaluation of our model on Crowdflower Gender AI dataset using
LexRank as algorithm A.
(a) Gender frac. v summary size (b) Gender fraction vs α(c) Rouge-1 F-score vs α
Figure A.43: Evaluation of our model on Crowdflower Gender AI dataset using
TextRank as algorithm A.
(a) Gender frac. v summary size (b) Gender fraction vs α(c) Rouge-1 F-score vs α
Figure A.44: Evaluation of our model on Crowdflower Gender AI dataset using
Centroid-Word2Vec as algorithm A.
A.3.5 Diversity control set used for Claritin dataset
The diversity control set used for Claritin Gender evaluation is presented in Ta-
ble A.5.
Table A.5: Diversity control set for simulations on Claritin dataset
Tweets by female user-accounts
“claritin, why didnt you work? i was desperate thats why i took you. ang mahal mo pa
man din!
“ATMENTION been there. always. done that. youll be fine. claritin works for that.
“ATMENTION all allergy meds raise als blood pressure a lot. claritin isnt so bad but still
sucks. the kid stuff is half dose and works
“k time to bust out that claritin. siiigh
“ATMENTION if they are asking for allegra, mucinex, or claritin. they want the d. AT-
“if a girl sends you a text, heyy, im sick. . she probably wants the d claritin d #pervs
“ATMENTION yes, claritin, tylenol and ibuprofen.
“what ever happened to jeff corwin? supposedly he does claritin commercials now.
“deffo allergic to tingle creams now not on my legs back or belly though but on my arms
chest ampface need to buy claritin amp chamomile lotion
“ATMENTION awesome i never wear glasses so this has suckeddoc said taking one clar-
itin dried up my tears. just one??
Tweets by male user accounts
“ATMENTION i have one xd if she has allergies.. give here some claritind !
“if a girl tells you shes sick she wants the d, claritind ATMENTION
“ATMENTION givin complementary claritin d pills amp shit.
“claritin and food please #sniffle
“ok so 2 pills of allegra is not helping my allergies, anyone have another pill i should try?
claritin is out
“she feeling sick? she wants the d. claritind
“yeah my allergies are acting up , i didnt take any claritin today ATMENTION
“ATMENTION if a girl sends you hey, im sick. she probably wants the claritind. haha.
“clearly. claritin clear
“her allergies were acting up, so i gave her the d.... claritin d.
A.4 Appendix for Chapter 6
A.4.1 Details of baselines
LL Algorithm [190]
This algorithm, proposed by Li and Liu [190], takes as input a single measure of
reliability for each expert and returns kexperts using a formula that takes into
account the reliability, the number of classes, and size of desired committee size k
(see Algorithm 1 in [190]). To calculate the measure of reliability for each expert
using the training set, we simply calculate the accuracy of each expert over the
training set.
Note that the main drawbacks of this approach are that it simply returns a
single committee, i.e. does not choose the experts in an input-specific manner and
that it treats the pre-trained classifier as yet another learner.
CrowdSelect Algorithm [249]
CrowdSelect is a more advanced task-allocation algorithm that takes into account
the error models of different experts, as well as, their task-specific reliabilities and
the individual costs associated with each expert consultation. However, the pro-
posed algorithm assumes that error rate of workers for any given task is provided as
input or can be estimated using autoregressive methods that use the task identi-
ties. In our setting, the specific task classification (for example, cluster identity in
case of Section 6.3.1)) may not be available; hence, these error models need to be
separately constructed.
To construct the error models for the experts, for each expert i, we simply train
a two-layer neural network hion the train feature vectors using binary class labels
that correspond to whether the expert’s prediction for the given train feature was
correct or not. Then, for any test/future sample, hiwill return the probability
Figure A.45: Weights assigned by the joint learning model and the accuracies of
the 20 experts (one iteration shown). Accuracies and weights are seen to follow a
similar pattern.
Figure A.46: Performance of all methods for different number of available experts.
that the expert ireturns a correct prediction. Using these error models, we then
implement Algorithm 1 in [249] to get input-specific committees.
There are three drawbacks to this approach: (1) the pre-trained classifier is once
again treated as yet another learner, (2) it is only applicable for binary classification
([249] propose studying extensions to non-binary as future work), and (3) the error
models of all experts are learned independently - this is inhibitory since it does
not allow the perfect stratification of input domain into the domains of different
Our method addresses all three drawbacks by learning a single deferrer and
learning it simultaneously with a classifier.
Figure A.47: Performance of all methods for different values of regularization pa-
rameter λ.
Figure A.48: Performance of all methods for different dropout rates.
A.4.2 Other empirical results for offensive language dataset with
synthetic experts
In this section, we present additional empirical results for the offensive language
dataset with multiple synthetic experts.
Variation with number of experts
We vary the number of experts mfrom 10 to 35, while keeping λfixed at 0 and the
dropout rate fixed at 0.2, and present the variation of overall and dialect-specific
accuracies when using a different number of experts. The other parameters are
kept to be the same as Section 6.3. The results are presented in Figure A.46. As
expected, the performance of all joint frameworks increases with an increasing
number of experts, and the performance of the minimax-fair framework is better
Figure A.49: Performance of sparse variants of the joint frameworks on the MTurk
dataset for different committee sizes k.
than other methods in most cases.
Performance of random committee baselines
Figure A.46 also provides further insight into the random committee baselines.
Since 75% of the experts are biased against the AAE dialect, simply choosing the
committee randomly leads to reduced accuracy for the AAE dialect. When the
committee is selected in a dialect-specific manner (random fair committee base-
line), the disparity across dialects reduce but the accuracies of the experts are not
taken into account. The performance of these two baselines highlights the impor-
tance of selecting the experts in an input-specific manner and taking the accura-
cies/biases of experts while deferring.
Impact of λ
We next vary the parameter λfrom 0.01 to 0.1, while keeping the number of ex-
perts at m=20 and the dropout rate at 0.2, and present the variation of overall and
dialect-specific accuracies for different λvalues. The results are presented in Fig-
ure A.47. The variation with respect to λshows that setting its value close to 0.05
leads to the best performance for most methods. Smaller values of λwill lead to
low dependence on the classifier, while higher values of λimply associating larger
regularization costs with the experts, and the figure shows that the performance
for large λhas larger variance and/or is closer to the performance of the classifier.
Impact of dropout rate
Finally, we vary the dropout rate from 0.1 to 0.9, while keeping the number of
experts at m=20 and λ=0.05, and present the variation of overall and dialect-
specific accuracies for different dropout rates. As expected, larger values of dropout
can imply that the framework is unable to decipher the accuracies of the experts
and, hence, leads to a drop in accuracy. Reasonable levels of dropout rate (around
0.2), on the other hand, do not impact accuracy but significantly reduce the load
on the more accurate experts.
A.4.3 Other empirical results for MTurk dataset
As mentioned in Section 6.4, the task of differentiating between the experts is more
challenging for the MTurk dataset since relatively fewer prior predictions are avail-
able for each expert. Correspondingly, the sparse variants do not perform so well
when the chosen committee size kis small.
The performance of the sparse variants, as a function of k, is presented in Fig-
ure A.49. From the figure, one can see that to achieve performance similar to or
better than the classifier, kneeds to be around 60 or larger.